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    The back door creaked as I pushed it open, staring curiously across the bright green field and into the woods. The large trees looked high in the sky, their dark branches suddenly intimidating. I gulp down the lump in my throat.

     Smoke rises into the otherwise clear sky in big, gray puffs.

     Curiosity sparks, and I begin walking without much thought. I didn't know what I was going towards or what was about to happen, but I was going to explore.

     It was clearly some sort of plane or jet that had fallen from the sky out of nowhere, crashing into the woods with a bang and sending a jolt through the Earth, rattling the whole house where it stood.

     As soon as it happened, Weasley meowed and ran under the dining table, tucking his tail in fear.

     I should be afraid too, shouldn't I?

     That's what I told myself as I made my way to the the forest's edge, but for some unknown reason, I couldn't stop myself from walking. My legs had a mind of their own it seemed and I hope I wouldn't pay the price.

     Something suspicious, and most likely dangerous, falls from the sky. You should probably run away right?

     Not me apparently.

     But honestly, what did I have to lose?

     My life was drudgery. I hated every minute spent alone in my old house, like I'm waiting for something, or someone, to save me from monotony.

     Even if it was risky, I didn't care.

     Someone could be out there in that fiery ball, and maybe they could change my life from boring to something worth living.

     Or they could kill me, that was also a likely possible.

     I step over a fallen tree, batting away the branches as the scrape at my ankles. Damn, I wish I brought my knife with me.

     My whole life my parents told me people are dangerous in this world, that I could never trust anyone no matter what, because the cost would end up being detrimental.

     But I didn't believe that, I couldn't believe that or accept that without experience.

     I had hope that there was still some goodness left on this planet, or that there was goodness to come in any way it could.

     Society could be rebuilt, governments formed, families made. We had to try to make the world a better place eventually instead of just giving up and accepting this fallen world.

     I wanted a life of love and relationships, and if I couldn't have that I didn't know what I would do, or what would become of me. I need purpose,

     An owl hoots somewhere in the distance, and I jump, stopping where I stood and looking around. My eyes flickered up to the sky, spotting the gray smoke and following it once again.

     I trudged through the thickets and thorns, avoiding the poison ivy at all costs since my legs were exposed. I wasn't looking to get a rash.

     The stench of fumes hit me quick, and I coughed, trying fan away the smog with my hands as I press on. I was this far in, might as well find what I came here to find. I couldn't turn back now, I just couldn't.

     I stumble out until I see that I'm at the top of a little hill and at the bottom I catch sight of the object that crashed, it's a ship. But not a normal ship, a spaceship.

     That's the only decently rational explanation in my mind that comes up as I stare down the hill in wonder.

     I'm crazy, this is crazy. What am I doing?

     There was no way this came from earth, right? We didn't have that kind of fancy technology. At least I didn't think so. Last time I checked spaceships were scarce and owned by governments. And none of them looked like this.

     I slowly made my way down the hill, approaching the object with a heavy dose of suspicion.

     "Hello?" I say, but not very loud. I begin shaking a bit with the anxiety of the situation as it starts to catch up with me.

     "Anybody there?" I call out loud again, slowly walking closer to the ship.

     A sound echoes in the air as the door slides open. The noise startles me, but I hold my ground and watch everything unfolding in front of me.

     A 7ft figure stumbles out of the ship, a low growl rumbling from the person. I hold my hands up as they come at me quickly.

     Before I can take my next breath, a gun is pointed directly at my face.

     Before I can take my next breath, a gun is pointed directly at my face

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