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     Torint carries me close to his chest through the chilly morning air. His body is warm and comforting, I snuggle closer and try to forget the horrible night I've been put through. Despite how warm my man is, I'm still shivering.

     If not for him I would've died there in that stinky, dark warehouse with no one at my side. I was terrified to die alone. No last meal, no last kisses from Torint. It put everything into perspective.

     I can't live without him, and I most certainly cannot die without him.

     The walk back to the house feels all too quick. We're at the front door in no time, and somehow Torint manages to open the door while still holding me tightly.

     He hasn't said a word since we left. He's been silent, as have I. I can't feel my limbs. I'm so numb and cold, as if I'll never know warmth or happiness again. It's a gruesome thought that has me shutting my eyes. I sit in silence with my arms around Torint's neck as he carries me over the threshold and into the house. I hear the door shut carefully and then I'm being carried some more.

     I keep my eyes closed until the swaying movement of his body has stopped. I peek open one eye and see Torint's worried face above mine. He looks deeply into my pupils, and I stare in awe at his.

     "Hatchi obtoo lac, Posy." He says gently, brushing my cheek with his knuckles. His handsome face is all that I see. I stare blankly at Torint. I can't seem to move or say anything. How odd.

     "Posy." He insists louder, jostling me a little bit on his lap. I still don't respond. Even if I did, I don't know what he would want me to say. I can't even understand him.

     He has a panicked look, and instead of scolding me, he pulls me under his chin and lifts the covers up over me. I let the toasty feeling take over, listening to Torint's strong heartbeat and his calm breathing. I try to sync my breath with his, closing my eyes for a little while. Sitting in my alien's lap is more than comforting, it's healing. It's exactly what I need.

     As usual, he rubs a hand up and down my back. Even though I can't ever understand a word he's saying, I know he wants me happy. I know how hard it must've been for him to come and save me. Maybe he's still mad at me, but I doubt it. I can only think that those hushed words he whispered to me when he found me were an apology. At least, it sounded like one.

     I accepted his apology happily, I only hope he accepted mine. I didn't mean to scare him witless. I just don't like dead deer showing up on my back doorstep.

     Remembering the terror of my situation, I shiver. I wrap my arms and legs around his torso and lock myself in place. I want to be as close as possible to him. I press my ear to his chest and sigh in contentment.

     I don't know how much time has passed when I wake up slowly. I'm warm and cozy. I feel safe, a stark contrast to how I felt a few hours ago.

     Squirming around, I crane my neck to take a look at Torint. He's awake, smiling gently down at me and pushing my messy hair out of my face. The room is dim, the sky filled with rainy clouds. I usually love overcast days, they're always more cozy, but I'm still a bit shaken up.

     I realize that I'm already feeling a bit better. Torint's presence calms me.

     "Thanks for saving me." I mumble, rubbing at my eyes and trying to summon my best smile after my cat nap. I know I need to reassure my man, I did give him a good scare, not only once but twice.

     He nods before murmuring to me again.

     "Hati meneas." Torint assures me, and one side of my mouth turns up in a grin. I still can't understand what he said.

     I remain curled up on him, but I rest my head against his shoulder. I close my eyes as I talk to him.

     "You really beat those guys, huh?" I ask. He chuckles, which shakes me around a little bit. I noticed when I woke up that his hands are clean, he must've washed the blood off when I was asleep, which is good since he plays with my hair and I don't have to worry about what's on his fingers.

     I'm amazed that I wasn't completely horrified by the displays of violence Torint showed when he came to my rescue. Deep down I know I was just so relieved to see him, and that the men that he killed deserved what happened to them.

     "I think there's more of them, Torint. The guys that took me. And one of them, one of them said they keep... whores. I don't think they're willing. They probably stole those girls too. We have to find them." I explain, a shiver running up my spine at the lustful looks that man gave me before Torint put a violent end to him.

     Those poor women. They're probably terrified, and they don't have anyone to come and give them justice. Well, now they do. I doubt Torint will have any problem getting to them judging by the way he literally ripped those guys apart.

     Before I can say anything else, a loud booming rocks the house. The sound of the window panes rattling together has me sitting up. What on earth could that be? It didn't sound good.

    I try to get out of his lap and off the bed, but Torint holds me tightly. I glance at him, ready to demand for him to let me go. Instead I freeze, because the guy I love wears the most excited smile.

     Well, this should be interesting.

     Well, this should be interesting

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Double chapters! Love you❤️❤️

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