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I wake up chilly. I shiver, wondering dimly in the back of my head why the sheets are wet. Did I pee myself? That would be embarrassing.

It takes me a moment to figure out that it's sweat that licks the bedding. I'm all sweaty. Which is a complete contradiction to the goosebumps that plague me.

Well, this sucks. I have a fever.

Trying to swallow, I realize my throat is sore and way too dry. I squirm, hating the overarching feeling of grossness. I hate being sick. But then again, who doesn't?

I try to think what made me get sick so suddenly. I remember last night feeling weird and coming downstairs to get a glass of water. The last thing I remember is collapsing on the couch as a wave of tiredness hit me, and the idea of climbing the stairs was out of the question.

I wonder how I ended up in bed?

I should've seen it coming after that. I'm always tired before I get sick. I sigh, turning over in bed and sniffling. It's not a big deal. I do get sick every now and again. A simple fever and sore throat won't hurt, it'll pass in a few days time with the right rest and hydration.

Speaking of hydration, I need another glass of water. I squint at the ceiling, mad that I have to get out of the comfort of my bed to walk downstairs. My limbs ache at the mere idea of it. Man, I'm feeling lazy.

It's only now that I remember Torint. How could I forget him? My brain must be fuzzy with the sickness. That's the only explanation.

"Torint?" I call as loud as I can, my voice hoarse and crackly. I cringe. I'm not sounding good, I bet I look even worse. When I hear footsteps thunder outside my door, I get nervous.

Why did I call him? Now he's going to see me all sweaty and sick and he'll be so grossed out. This is a terrible idea. I try to shimmy under the covers to hide myself when the door swings open, it slams against the wall behind it and bangs off of it. Talk about an entrance.

My massive alien man stands in the doorway for a moment before rushing to my side. A tiny crease forms between his dark eyebrows as he looks my face over. I feel self conscious with his minty gaze glued to me, but I shove it away and tell him what's happening before he has a heart attack.

"I'm sick. It's nothing, really. Just a sore throat and chills, honest." Torint's eyes grow big, he collapses on his knees at my bedside and I wince. That had to hurt.

He doesn't act like it though, he's unfazed by the contact to the hardwood floor.

"Mashta paroov talika manin." He murmurs. The strong emotion dripping from his nonsensical words has me trembling. I wonder what he's said, but somehow I already know.

He's worried. Like... really worried. Poor Torint.

"Really sweetie. I'm okay." I pat his hand as he presses it to my cheek, cupping my face in the palm of his hand. The gesture is so kind that I nearly choke. "But... some water would make me feel better. Could you get me a glass?" I ask.

Thankful he understands, I watch him nod in agreement and stand swiftly. He presses a quick kiss to my hand before taking off down the stairs. For how large that alien is, he can sure move fast, that's for sure.

I let my eyes flutter shut, trying to relax despite the ickiness assaulting me. It's like I've been hit by a truck. My whole body just hurts, and I pray for sleep to find me. I need rest and rejuvenation.

I'm thankful when Torint comes back, a glass of water in hand. I sink down in relief when I see the drink. I was a little bit worried he hadn't understood what I asked. I know he can somehow translate my words, but there's also the issue of us being from completely different worlds.

Culture differences are bound to pose an issue, but we've made it work so far somehow. In fact.. we work great together. I smile at the thought.

I guess my smile calms Torint down a little, the tension in his shoulders eases just the slightest bit, but not a lot. I can see the fear on his face and it kills me to know it's my fault.

After taking a few sips of water, I weakly take his hand in mine.

"It'll be alright, Tor. I'm fine. Just a little sick, that's all. Don't get all worked up or worried. I just need some sleep, okay?" I ask. The massive creature before me just stands there staring down at me. With how tall he is, it's like he's miles up while I lay trapped in my bed.

Finally he gives a short, reluctant nod. I sigh in relief. My eyes close, and I snuggle deeper into bed. I'm shocked when the side of the bed dips with weight. When I look over, I see Torint sitting anxiously beside me.

I almost laugh, but I can't when I catch a glimpse of his expression. My little speech has done nothing to relieve his worry over me. How cute.

Closing my eyes, again, I let his close proximity lull me into a peaceful sleep.

     Closing my eyes, again, I let his close proximity lull me into a peaceful sleep

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     Another chapter because I love my readers🤷🏻‍♂️

     Hope you enjoyed!

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