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     The past week has been the best one of my life. Torint and I work together, and it's like magic. He shares my bed every night. He's there when I wake up, and he holds me when I fall asleep and helps me enjoy every moment in between.

     I've never known the intimate relationship two people can have until I fell in love with him.

     It's been pure bliss. I never want it to end.

     My life has taken a dramatic turn with Torint arriving here. I never want to think about what I would do if he hadn't shown up when he did. He came just in the nick of time.

     My alien man is out doing heaven knows what, and I do my daily tasks while I hum a happy tune. I don't remember the name of the song, or the words, but the melody makes me happy. It's been so long since I've listened to music, let alone thought of it.

     The day passes quickly, and the sun starts to set. The sky has turned a brilliant shade of pink, touching everything on the surrounding landscape. A light drizzle of rain is in the air. The humidity carries the wonderful smell of it. I love overcast days.

     Unfortunately, Weasley does not agree. He meows angrily before rubbing against my legs in agitation. I glance down at him with a raised eyebrow.

     "Hungry, are we?" I ask. He meows again in agreement, running across the porch and into the house begging for me to follow.

     I roll my eyes.

     "Alright grumpy, I'm coming. Hold on a sec." I leave the door open behind me, strolling through the house to the kitchen where I fill his food bowl with fresh trout.

     The bright orange feline eagerly licks at the fish with gross smacking sounds. Weasley purrs in happiness, his tail curling around his body. I pet him a little bit. I enjoy quiet times like these, but I wonder absently where Torint has gone off to.

     He seemed to be in a hurry when he left into the woods a few hours ago.

     I wander to the back door to check if he's out chopping wood. Sometimes he does that in his free time. I can't say it bothers me, the big lug is great with chores and it's a huge help to me. I wish I had his work ethic and strength sometimes, I would get a lot done.

     But then again, I wouldn't need him around. I smile and shake my head at the thought. As if I could ever let him go now.

     When I swing open the screen door to the back yard, horror shudders through my spine, and I can't help it. I scream bloody murder. The sight of the dead deer on the ground makes a gag run up my throat, the taste of vomit is on my tongue and I try hard not to throw up.

     The smell of the thing is awful. Gross and coppery. I hate dead things, I hate gore. This is too much. A two inch long wound on the side of the doe's rib cage leaks blood in a river down to the grass.

     Suddenly it gets worse when Torint sprints around the corner in a panic. Oh crap. He heard me scream, this can't be good.

     Wide, minty eyes look me over as two huge hands run over my arms and legs in a hurry to see what's wrong with me. Torint is on his knees as he checks me over with demanding questions filled with fear.

     "Virtillis mantra teal?!" He lifts my shirt to check my pale stomach and then grabs my face by the cheeks with one hand. "Paroov des mantra teal, Posy? Tarnasda meni inu achar." He drops a bloody knife in his haste. So, that answers the question of where he's been. The guy was hunting.

     I look at him sheepishly. He's so worried about me, and it's all over nothing.

     "I just got scared by the dead deer. It was just my natural reaction." I admit, and the darkness that comes over his eyes when he stands up straight has me a bit startled.

     I've never seen that look before. It's kind of terrifying.

     "Achand menea tarnasda! Shaba tin valca tominchoe?!" He shouts at me, actually shouts at me. He's furious as he rakes a hand through his disheveled hair and takes a deep breath.

     "I said I was sor..."

     "Rankarn ask bi trishkamen!! Ubni plankit womasned fil maska, Posy!" His yelling hurts. I've never seen him so mad, especially not at me. Torint's shoulders are taught, his hands fist after he gestures at the deer in fury.

     Tears spring to my eyes. What did I do wrong?

     "It's fine, Torint. You can kill deer and cut them up if you want. I have no problem with it. I'm just... squeamish is all. I'm really sorry, big guy, I don't know why you're so upset." I say in a quiet voice, trying to reach out to him as the tears blur my vision. They don't disrupt my sight enough to prevent me from seeing the anger on his features as he shakes his head.

     Torint pushes me back. Not hard, not enough to make me fall. But I do stumble back as if he's slapped me. It's clear he doesn't want me touching him.

     My alien's nostrils flare. His jaw clenches as he spits out venom filled words.

     "Ragchi fenes ti manco mantra teal! Posy. Agh!!" He yells, clearly frustrated he can't communicate, and still very upset with me.

     I watch with tears streaming down my face as he turns around and storms off to the woods. He's quick on his long legs. When he disappears through the tree line, I fall to my knees and drop my face into my hands as a sob rips free of my chest.

     Only moments ago everything was perfect, and now it's been destroyed, and I don't even know what happened to make everything come crumbling down.... or if the person I love more than anything is ever going to come back.

 or if the person I love more than anything is ever going to come back

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