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     Water falls from the darkening sky, the drops of it wet my clothes and hair, dripping from my face as I stomp through the plants and branches.

     I am furious. Beyond furious even. My mate, my love, she terrified me to my very core in her sheer ignorance.

     The sound of her scream sent panic through me, and I believed the worst had happened. Before I'd heard the terrible sound, I was daydreaming of my mate, as I often do. My Posy is officially mine. She hears my mark, bears my scent after our mating every single night. And se could hold my kit in her womb even now.

     The thought is too good to be true, but I do not think it has crossed Posy's mind. Something else that did not cross her mind was how I would react to hearing her scream of terror. The little fool.

     I suppose it could be a human thing to scream out for no reason, like seeing a dead animal, but where I come from it is a sign of imminent danger. Life or death. That is what I assumed when she let that sound free. I thought my mate was about to die. That I might be too late. It still hurts even thinking about it. I shiver, but not from the cold.

     If I lost Posy, I would be nothing, I would have nothing. I would be empty.

     She is foolish. Inconsiderate. Silly. Infuriating!

     I have never been this upset. There are so many emotions inside of me that I do not know what to do with them all.

     When I finally find my ship, I climb into the wreckage with loud stomps. The sound of the rain hitting the metal is everywhere as it echoes through the pod. I shake my hair out and head for the control panel with a glare plastered to my face.

     Slouching into my chair, I shake my head in renewed anger as I think of it all over again.

     I said harsh words to the little human. I refuse to let myself feel guilt right now for the way I spoke to Posy. The way I see it, she deserved it. She needs a lesson. She can not think screaming like that is done over nothing! Otherwise, I will be running around in panic every day when she decides to react in such a way.

     Rubbing my temples, I wince. Such a small moment has already left me tense and with a headache that will likely last through the night.

     I lay still for a few moments. I listen to the rain and relax my muscles, allowing myself a few seconds of calm in the dark before I speak.

     "Computer," The lights on the center console light up in response. "are there any new messages?"

     Even asking the question makes my head throb. I already know what the answer will be, what the answer always is.

     "No new messages" it replies in that horrible, robotic female voice that I despise. I slam a fist down on the computer and groan.

     Is there no hope of getting off of this planet? How can I survive here? There are too many things that are different, too many situations I do not understand. As soon as Posy gets a translating chip, the sooner we can communicate and she can come to know things that she does not already.

     Communication will make her safer. It is the best thing I can do for her.

     It will also make things far less frustrating. There have never been times that I have been driven to the brink of insanity, other than today. If there are repeats of that, I don't know what I would do, how I would react. Without translation, we will have more misunderstandings eventually. I cannot fathom those situations being any worse than the one today.

     I rub at my forehead and pray to anyone who will hear that my team comes soon.

     In the far distance I hear another scream, it comes from Posy, I am sure of it. I blow out a breath of fury. Does she think she can lure me back to her den with that sound? It will not work, I am no fool. She is the fool. Or maybe the little thing saw the food I killed for her again and had another overreaction.

     At the moment, I really do not care since I am still trying to cool off.

     When I am done resting from my burst of anger I will return to her and give her another firm talking to. Yes, that will work. It has to work, because I don't know what I'll do if it does not.

Yay for double updates! And a new cover! I've been wanting to make a new cover for awhile, so I finally just did it

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Yay for double updates! And a new cover! I've been wanting to make a new cover for awhile, so I finally just did it. I think it looks pretty nice, let me know what you think.

And yeah, Posy and Torint had their first fight. Crazy, I know lol. It was bound to happen eventually.

I'll update as soon as I can! Love y'all!❤️

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