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The stars are bright tonight, shining on everything on this strange planet like a beacon of hope. Hope is the only thing I can have when gazing up at the endless depths of space.

I stand on the front porch of Posy's den with a bit of anxiety and anger.

I've just come back from my ship, the pod still destroyed but partly functioning. Functional enough to tell me that there are no new messages from home planet, or my team. It aggravates me, but also makes me feel something I haven't felt in a very long time.


My Posy is all that matters now. She has become my whole life, and being on this strange planet makes me nervous and afraid. I can only protect her with my strength, but my knowledge does nothing for me here. I have no information about the dangers on Earth. That leaves her vulnerable.

My mate hasn't told me much about her home world, but she does not seem worried about anything. Her carefree attitude comforts me little. My human can very well be too naive and innocent about life. What if something came and took her away? Hurt her?

I rein in my anger. I cannot get mad at situations in my head, but it does help me put things into perspective.

The sooner my team gets here, the better. I need to get Posy off of this planet, and somewhere safe where I know how to take care of her. Our only option is to exit this world. If I lost her, I would not be the same. No human, no female, could replace her.

What kind of coincidence is that? The first female I stumble upon on Earth is my mate, and she's perfect. Fate has blessed me beyond anything I could have asked. I will not take her for granted. Ever.

I turn to look over my shoulder at the den. Ever since I got back from visiting the pod I've been standing on this porch, staring out into the vast sky with dreams running rampant in my head.

Mostly dreams of what Posy and I will have when we start a life together away from here. Kits. We will have loads of kits and a large piece of land for them to roam and play. I picture that carefree, perfect life and close my eyes at the joy it brings me. It also makes me anxious to get out of here so we can start that life as soon as we can.

I can only hope Posy wishes the same. I don't know what I'd do without her. A life with her is a life worth waiting for, a life I want. I've never considered what it would be like to have a female, and now that I have one I don't want to let her go.

But if she chooses to leave me, chooses to be with someone else I will be okay, as long as she is happy and safe.

I unclench my jaw, not relaxing it was tensed it in the first place. I don't want to think about that. There are much more important things to focus on. The here and the now should be my biggest priorities. Yes. I will focus on the present and hope that the future will be kind to my mate and I.

When I go back into Posy's den, I open and close the door very quietly. It is late. My small human went to sleep a time ago and should be resting still. I cannot risk waking her up.

Ever since meeting my human female I have had the stark desire to protect her. It is my duty to her, as well as my race and our future. But I feel differently when I have the need to watch over her. Of course the future of my race is important, but Posy has grown so important that she is all that I see.

When I walk through the living space to get to my room, I find something astounding.

My mate. Curled up on the couch. Fast asleep.

I sigh. She must have heard me leave and come down here. It's clear to me that she is tired and needs her rest, but I refuse to allow her to spend the whole night on this seat. She needs the warmth and comfort of her nest, not this foolishness.

As I near her, I can't help smiling as she breathes slowly. She is so adorable. So beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful in the galaxy, I am sure of it.

Bending down, I snatch her up carefully. My arms secure her to my chest. Posy nestles closer to me with a slight smile as she slumbers. A lump forms in my throat at the vision of her in my embrace. What have I done to deserve this gift? The mere presence of her is a gift.

Holding tightly to her, I walk up the wooden stairs. They creak under my weight. I go slow, taking my time and savoring the moment. Before I know it, I'm by her nest. It's a large array of blankets and pillows arranged the way she likes it. I smile as I lay her down, grabbing for the nearest blanket and pulling it over her body.

She murmurs something in her sleep. Her eyebrows scrunch together in unhappiness. My Posy appears almost grumpy. I chuckle quietly at the thought. It's a contradiction to have something so sweet try to look intimidating.

I plant a small kiss on her forehead. Her skin is strange, not normal. I frown at the realization that it's too warm and a little clammy and wet. Worry fills me, but I quickly bury it down.

Maybe this is normal for humans. Yes, that is all it is. Nothing bad can happen. Not to Posy. She is too perfect and innocent, I decide.

Backing out of the room, I carefully close the door and leave my female to slumber in peace.

    Backing out of the room, I carefully close the door and leave my female to slumber in peace

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     Yay! Another chapter!

     This is so full of fluff, and sometimes when I'm writing it I'm just like "aww", and other times I'm cringing so bad lol. Just part of being a writer I guess. I'm very critical of my own work, but I try to enjoy it regardless.

     Hopefully I'll have some more time to write this week. See you next time!

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