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My eyes are still stinging when I continue to sob uncontrollably. As soon as Torint disappeared I threw myself in bed and let everything out. The nonstop crying is muffled by my pillow.

I want him to come back. I feel so awful. What if he hates me now? What if he found a way to leave and he's not coming back?

Gasping in air, I let out another sob of sorrow again and then again and again. I sniffle and continue to cry to my heart's content. The man I love hates me. Doesn't he? He certainly looked like he hated me.

It hurts. It hurts so bad.

Weasley jumps on the bed with a rumbling purr. He tries his very best to try and cheer me up, but it won't work. I'm too distraught, and there's only one person who could make it better and he just left.

I regret not running after him. I should have. Maybe I could've made this whole thing better.

I take a gasping breath, clutching the covers in my hands and entangling my legs in the sheets as I pull my knees up to my chest in a fetal position. My eyes are so swollen from all the crying that they ache.

Truth is that I'm an emotional wreck. I don't know why, it's not like I'm on my period or anything.

My body goes deathly still when I hear a sound coming from downstairs. Every muscle in my body arrests as I strain to listen. Quickly sitting up, I glance down at the end of the bed to spot Weasley curled up at the edge of the mattress, his little paws kneading the quilt.

So that sound can only be one thing, right?


My prediction is proved correct when I hear the front door of the house open.

I jump out of bed with a sniffle and a few ounces of hope. He came back! He really came back!

Rushing out of my room, I try not to trip over anything in my haste to get to Torint as soon as possible. I need to apologize. I need to talk to him. This thing needs to be solved sooner rather than later. I can't waste another minute of precious time.

"Torint!" I call out, racing down the stairs with tears in my eyes and a hopeful smile on my face. "I'm so sorry, big guy. I'm happy you came back. You have no idea how worried I've been."

Rounding the corner to the front door, I expect to see my broad shouldered alien man standing there, but I'm greeted instead with a wide open door. The front door is left gaping with the wind and rain rushing into the house. I raise an eyebrow before closing the door and glancing around in the now colder house.

He must have came inside and gone somewhere. He has to be in here somewhere.

"Torint?" I ask the empty room, walking to the living room and becoming straight as a board when I do. The intruders stop to stare at me with wide eyes, I gasp.

There are 3 men in my house. Human men. They turn to look at me up and down and I start to back away. The oldest of the group crosses his arms over his chest with a sly grin.

"It seems we've found another one, boys." He chuckles a dark laugh that sends a shiver through me. "You know what to do."

When he inclines his head, and the other 2 men start to come at me, I start to back away slowly. I don't think or try to figure out what to do, I just run for my life.

This is what I've been afraid of for so long, being found, being taken. They want to hurt me. If they catch me, they will hurt me. I don't know how I know, but I do. I have a very bad feeling about this.

I sprint for the backdoor. I can hear them running behind me, their foot steps thumping methodically like a death omen. The back door is in my sight, and I almost make it, but I'm whiplashed when someone grabs my arm in their fist.

When my body goes crashing down to the ground, I know there's no way I'm getting out of this alive on my own. It's 3 against 1, the odds are against me. I let out a scream, a gut wrenching, horrifying scream. I hope to high heaven that Torint hears it. He has to.

And I hope he has the same reaction he did before, sprinting into the room guns blazing. If he comes now, I'll be saved. Surely he could beat them, couldn't he? There are a lot of them. But he's huge!

Hope seems lost when I struggle against my captor and I find it's useless. He pins me to the ground with a grunt, clasping my wrist so hard that when I try to escape him I feel it give way at the same time it makes a sickening snapping sound.

He broke my wrist! I cry out at the stinging pain that shoots up my whole right arm, and tears overflow from my eyes once again. I'm crying way too much today, but this time it's warranted.

"Got you, little girl." His wretched breath fans across my face, and I choke. Air won't seem to come as the pain in my wrist is completely unbearable. The pressure of the man's weight on top of me only adds to my hurt.

I can hardly think straight. My legs won't work, they're pinned to the cold, hard ground by the monster.

This is going to end very, very badly. Torint isn't coming. He left. What's going to happen to me now? There's no telling what these guys want with me.

I sob when the other two men come to stand over me with malevolent grins as they look down with approving gazes. They're mocking me while I panic. They know I have no hope of getting away.

Suddenly a fist hits my face and the blackness starts to take over, and only one thing is on my mind.

Torint, where did you go?

Hello again! Yes, another chapter

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Hello again! Yes, another chapter. I feel bad about the cliffhanger and want to get over this part soon! I know I would hate this many cliffhangers lol. So I'm trying to write and edit my heart out.

Next chapter will be up by the end of the week!

Happy reading❤️

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