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It's early morning. The sun is barely just rising as I wipe the sweat and dirt from my brow. My hair and appearance are most likely messy and gross. I've been weeding the flower bed for nearly an hour. The rich soil is dark and clear now.

I sigh in satisfaction at the work. It's nice to start the day off with some good, old fashioned productivity.

Pulling myself to my feet, I stretch my arms over my body. I'm the slightest bit sore, but it's nothing a good breakfast can't fix.

I let myself grin as I gather my things and head back to the house. I get to make a big meal now that I have someone to actually share it with. I can't help but be excited to have Torint around.

Last I saw him he was off to bed. I was thinking he was still asleep until I hear him shouting.

"POSY!" I still at the deep, booming voice. "POSY!!!!!!"

I rush to the house, and thankfully it's not far. The rational side of me knows that whatever it is he's worried about isn't a big deal. He's an alien after all, and this is only his second day on earth. There are bound to be things that frighten or alarm him.

But the other side of me is terrified. What if something bad did happen to him? Would I be left all alone without the big lug I'm already warming up to?

When I do find Torint, he's rushing down the porch steps and straight for me.

"Palishiniik desartrint? Dilt erva fraleesh min!?" He demands, worry lines covering his face. Before I can get a word out he pulls my sweaty body to him. His chest is rock solid underneath my cheek. He's so dang tall I feel like a little kid in his arms.

He's strong, too strong. I can feel the rippling muscles as he holds me a little too tightly.

"Jatrickra polishmalee frola poisale, Posy." He murmurs into my hair. His voice is desperate and relieved all at the same time.

It's funny how I can detect the tone in his voice despite his language being complete jibberish to me.

"I'm fine. It's okay. I was just gardening, tending to the plants, see?" I try to pull away and gesture to the little garden in the field, but I can't get out of the hold he has on me. He doesn't even act like he felt my attempt to get away. Who knows, maybe he didn't.

His breath under my ear is shuddery as it races in and out of his lungs. I have the sinking feeling that he had been worried. Guilt bubbles up in me then.

The big guy probably woke up to see me missing and had a full blown panic attack. He apparently needs me just as much as I need him since he's on an alien planet, surrounded by a world of unfamiliar things and all that. I'm like his safety blanket.

I'm such an idiot! Poor Torint.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be up this early. I won't leave you again, ok?" He is probably terrified at being alone. He can't possibly know anything about earth. I'm his only comfort. He needs someone at his side.

The alien in question pulls back to stare down at me. His big hands come up to palm my face as he watches me with kind eyes. He's looking at me like I'm so important, like a magical unicorn or something.

I would say it's unsettling it weren't so dang flattering.

I guess he really likes me. I blush, the pink heat flushing into my face.

Torint's eyebrows furrow and his long thumbs brush against my cheeks in wonder. The confused look remains in place as he murmurs deep words to himself.

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