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     The stench of the air around me is enough to rouse my senses as my consciousness comes back to me slowly. I squint, trying my hardest to see anything. It's dark. Where am I?

     Suddenly, the memories come back at the reminder set off by my headache and my broken wrist that throbs beside me. I was attacked!

     I'm fully awake now, realizing slowly that I'm strapped down tightly. The bonds imprisoning me cut into my arms and legs when I start to resist them. I'm laying down on a cold table in a small smock gown that is too thin for my comfort.

     Where am I? Where did they take me?

     "I see you're finally awake. Did you have a good nap?" The deep voice croaks front he shadows, I strain to make out the figure through the dim lights.

     "Who are you? What... what do you want with me?" The question is terrifying. Anything could happen to me when I'm this defenseless. I have nothing going for me. I can only assume the worst will happen. They can do anything they want to me.

     "So many questions, huh? You must be terrified." The voice is amused. My body vibrates against the metal table as every part of me shakes in fear.

     "How many times do I have to tell you, Doc. Don't torture the patients." Another voice calls out from the other side. My head whips to the side to stare up at one of the men that barged into my house. His arms are crossed over his chest as he glares at the other guy.

     "I think you have the wrong person." I murmur, trying to raise the volume of my voice and failing miserably. The tremble in my tone is easy enough to spot.

     The man standing above me shakes his head, narrowing his eyes at me.

     "Oh, we have the right person alright. Anyone will do, it's just that today it happens to be you little lady." He informs me. I want to ask what he means, but I'm too afraid.

     It slowly dawns on me that this is probably my last day alive. Tears fill my eyes again, and I can't help but feel pathetic for how much crying I've been doing.

    Someone wearing a white lab coat appears beside me with a syringe in hand, I haven't seen one of those in a long time. The last time I had a shot was when I was a little kid, before the earth went to crap.

     "Just a little pinch, pumpkin." He says, and inserts it into my wrist, the one that's not broken, and fills it with my blood. When he's finished, he holds the thing up to his face to inspect the red liquid.

     The doctor is older than the other men I've seen, the ones that kidnapped me, he has a white goatee and wrinkles covering his face and neck.

     "Why not just cut her open already?" Calls someone from the back, my heart gallops a mile a minute in my chest at the words.

     Cut me open? He can't be serious.

     "How many times do I need to tell you?" The doctor scoffs, shaking his head in disapproval as he fiddles with his shiny equipment. "We have to test the blood before we harvest or bleed them, we cannot risk the consequences otherwise."

     "Somehow I doubt she has an STD, doc." Two sets of laughs ring out, and I jump in horror. My eyes are beginning to adjust and I can make out the four figures standing aimlessly around me.

     When I suddenly spot the man who tackled me and broke my wrist, I pale. The guy is leering at me. My heart rate triples in my chest.

     "I doubt that as well, in fact I'm certain she doesn't, but that's not all I look for, you know. She could have rabies or worse." The doctor packs up a few of his things in to a bag before clicking it shut and turning to leave. "I'll have the results ready in an hour."

     "Wait, doc! Is it okay if we can play with her for awhile? Maybe she could be one of our whores on the side, she is a pretty one after all." The guy who tackled me asks, his thick eyebrows scrunching up in a pleading look.

     Panic shoots through me and I struggle against the restraints even more.

     "It depends on her blood type, Jones. You can do what you want with her. For now." The doctor replies in a bored tone before leaving.

     I lay completely still as the man nears me with long, drawn out footfalls that echo through the dim basement. I squirm frantically, knowing full well that I can't get away and it's useless to even try at this point. It's obvious I'm not going anywhere.

     "You... you don't want to do this."  I tell him I'm a pleading whisper. The man, Jones, shakes his head in amusement.

     "Oh, you bet I want this. Better act before it's too late, you'll be in pieces before the end of the night."

     My eyes bulge out of my head at the information.

     Jones laughs at me with a glint in his dark, evil eyes.

     "I can see you're confused, scared. You don't even know, do you?" I shake my head slowly, barely able to control my muscles as I tremble. "Better if you don't find out. Don't want you passing out on me."

     The booming echoes of laughing taunt me from the evil men, but I can barley even hear them over the ringing in my ears that won't subside. I feel like I've been pushed under water, and I can't muster up any emotion or sensation. I'm numb now. Nothing can hurt me.

     It's only then that a loud roar breaks through the walls.

I'm trying to update this as often as I can while continuing to write chapters that aren't rushed haha

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I'm trying to update this as often as I can while continuing to write chapters that aren't rushed haha. I just hate putting people through cliffhangers! Sorry for the torture lol

Next update will be as soon as I can write the next chapter or two. I might just do double chapters every time I update from here on out.

See you soon!!!

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