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     It's been over a week since I've gotten over my cold. The sickness passed quickly, and I'm thankful for it. I'm also quite thankful that I didn't pass it off to Torint, especially with all the kissing we've been doing.

     After the first kiss we shared, my alien man wants nothing more than to kiss me every 5 minutes. The guy's always looking for an excuse to lay one on me. And as soon as he pulls away, a gleam of joy is in his electric mint colored eyes. I can tell he cares about me, and I'm sure his look mirrors my own.

     I can't help it. I'm falling in love with the guy. Okay, maybe I'm already in love with him. It's hard not to be.

     He's everything I've ever wanted in a man. Sweet, thoughtful, smart. I can't understand what he says, but I know he's smart. He has to be smart with the way he's able to adjust so easily to earth life. And then there's his handsomeness. I sigh in admiration sometimes when I just look at him.

     The other day he helped me cut some firewood in preparation for winter. After a few hot hours he peeled his sweaty shirt off to keep working. I haven't forgotten the glorious view of his bare chest. It's burned into my memory, and it pops up every time I see him, especially when he kisses me.

     I blush at the reminder as I cook dinner. All I can focus on is that image while I keep busy over the stove. Our meal wafts around the kitchen with a murky scent.

     Taking a deep whiff, I can't help but wonder what Torint is doing. He rarely leaves, but when he does he wanders into the woods towards his crashed ship and stays there for an hour or two. The first thing he does when he comes back into the house is immediately find me wherever I am. I can't help but feeling like he does it to make sure that I'm okay.

     I don't know what he does at his ship, but sometimes I worry. What if he's repairing it? What if he succeeds? Would he leave me? Would he even say goodbye?

     Tears spring to my eyes and I sniffle. I hate that thought.

      It's plausible. Torint came from somewhere where I'm sure there are many more of his kind. He has advanced technology. A spaceship, something in his ear to translate my language, I wouldn't be surprised if he just took off. Earth is nothing compared to that.

     But what about me?

     I fan at my eyes as they water more and more. I don't want Torint to leave me. I'll be all alone again. Who knows, maybe he has someone at home waiting for him and I'm just here to keep him comfortable.

     Choking out a sob, I bite my fist to try and hold back.

     I guess I do love him after all. But, I can't say the same about him. I can't understand a single word out of his mouth.

     "Sabinid virtillis mantra teal?" I jump when Torint comes right up behind me with a gentle tone, but a firm one nonetheless. I look up at him, and I still can't seem to stop crying.

     Worry crosses his face at the sight of my tears. He brushes them away and murmurs sweet words to me in that language that drives me crazy.

     Before I can blink, Torint has scooped me up into his arms. I whimper when he pushes me against his body and hauls me out of the kitchen and into the living room.

     He slowly settles onto the couch with me in his lap, those strong arms never letting go of me as I nestle into him.

     "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be such a baby, I just can't help it." I sob unabashedly, clutching at him like he's my life preserver as I'm tucked under his chin. Torint runs a calming hand up and down my back as I let it all out.

     He shushes me softly, and I try to take some deep breaths. Once I'm a little more calm, I try to explain.

     "I.. I'm just so scared to lose you. I'm afraid you'll just be gone one day and I'll be alone all over again, just like when my mom died." I choke out, fiddling with the fabric of his shirt, embarrassed while he cradles me like a baby. I can't see his face since I'm plastered to his body with my forhead against his neck.

     "Posy." His deep voice murmurs, when I look up he tips my head up to his with the tips of his fingers. That beautiful face peers down at mine for a few fleeting seconds before Torint moves in.

     His lips are warm when they meet mine, and I completely melt against them as we battle it out. I'm helpless to his charms. Once he's kissing me I have no will anymore.

     My tears and sadness evaporate, right along with my self control. There is no self control anymore as I throw myself at Torint.

     As our moment of passion turns more intense, my alien turns me slowly until I'm laying on my back staring up. He looms above me in the dim light, pinning me to the couch with a dangerous expression on his rugged, perfect face. His glowling gaze fixes on my neck before he leans down to attack me.

    When his teeth sink into my skin, I gasp, but not from pain. The bite doesn't last a long time, and yet the after shock of it stays with me as we continue to kiss. We slowly become more comfortable as we become one in the most beautiful moment of passion that can be shared between two people.

    The whole while I can't help but wonder why I feel like something between us has changed forever, something that can't be undone. And somehow, I know that Torint isn't going anywhere unless I'm right by his side.

 And somehow, I know that Torint isn't going anywhere unless I'm right by his side

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I know, I know! I've been horrible about updating this story and I'm very sorry. My life has been nothing but pure chaos recently. I'll be better, I promise!

And to all you thirsty readers, NO, I do not write erotica. I just cannot. Y'all can figure out what happens at the end, okay? Don't hate me please!

Until next time! I'll try to have another chapter out as soon as I can!

Love you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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