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Hatred burns in my gut at the awful sight of my tiny mate strapped down, trembling. She can hardly breathe from her fear. I can hardly breathe as well, but it has nothing to do with being afraid.

The human males back away when they hear my entrance. I should've been more quiet with my appearance, by the looks on their faces they know death is coming. And though they are useless creatures, they are correct in this.

No one hurts my mate and gets away with it.

The first one goes down without any issue, I stay in the shadows when I rip his head clean off of his skinny shoulders. The amount of maroon blood pouring out of him is like a river as it spills freely. His body falls with a heavy thump. A collective sound of revolution and horror echoes around the room as I stalk out of the shadows like a predator.

I grab another, throwing the little male on the ground and stomping on him. I knew humans were fragile, but never truly experienced just how fragile until now.

I've always been so careful with my Posy. I am afraid I have not been gentle enough with her, because disposing of these humans has been too easy. I barely touched the second one and he is already dead.

A shout of terror rings out as I make my way forward. Another human male has entered. He is older, his white hairs should show his wisdom, but he too is in on the snatching of my mate. There is no wisdom in such an act, The older one shakes in fear, while the other stares down at the dead bodies of his comrades. I recognize his scent. He was in my mate's den. I will kill him last.

"No! No! Please, you need to understand that there aren't many of us left! The few men left need to be preserved, or we're done for. That's why we need her. Don't you get it? We need to survive. No matter what it takes." The elderly human pleads, his hands held up high as he backs away.

A few papers drop to the floor along with a dark case that clatters open when it hits the floor. The instruments that clank out across the floor have me seething. They are torture devices.

What were they planning on doing with my female?

As I near the side of the metal bed Posy is strapped to, I look down at her as tears fill her beautiful eyes. I brush them away before I look back up at the males with a glare.

When I begin striding towards them, they back away slowly and cautiously as if I am the most dangerous creature they have ever encountered. And I probably am just that. Puny males. They have never had to face anything stronger than them. They think they can prey on those weaker than them, but they are wrong. And I will deal out the justice that is due to them.

The old human tries to make a break for it, but I am faster, much faster, and I am being fueled by a burning rage that can only be quenched with blood and death. Their pain is the only thing that will suffice my appetite.

After I grab the squirming nuisance by the neck, he gags as he pleads his case in a whiny tone that annoys me to no end.

"Please. The woman are expendable, if the men die out there is no hope. We need to harvest them. What if we need a blood transfusion? Or someone needs an organ? Preparing for the future is vital! The females mean nothing!" He begs, his wrinkle covered face scrunching in obvious pain as I tighten my grip.

I know he cannot understand me, but I speak to him nevertheless.

"Each female is worth more than a million of you useless males. You have no honor. Haven't your fathers taught you the duty of a male to protect and care for your females? Your mothers? Your mates? Your daughters? They are sacred. They must be kept happy and safe at all costs." I glance to my mate with purpose as she shakes in fear and innocence before I look back down at the horrible creature in my grip.

"You have not done this." I inform him, and they are the last words he hears, whether he knew what they mean or not. I crush his throat between my fingers. The skin, muscle, and bones snap and pop in a delightful sound that will stay with me.

There is only one left, and when I get to him he does not put up a fight, not that it would make a difference.

"Please, just kill me. I know what we did was wrong. I never wanted to kill those girls. They didn't deserve what they got. I can't live with myself." He sniffles, wiping at his nose and collapsing on his knees.

I give him what he desires. A quick death is rewarded to him. But I do not spend much time idling, I need my female.

After giving the room a once over to confirm the threat is gone, if that's what could be considered a threat, I make my way to Posy and wrap the straps off of her. She is free now. I tear her off the table and into my lap on the floor in moments.

She collapses against me, but she does not sob or scream. My mate is silent. Tears of sorrow run down her pink cheeks from her unseeing eyes. Posy is in shock. My hand goes to her back to rub circles into her muscles.

Having her in my arms is a huge comfort. I could've lost her, it was too close. If I got here any later she could be dead, lost to me by my own insolence. I cannot afford it.

"Hey." I say , gripping her chin and pointing her face to mine, she looks at me with a trembling lip. She must've been so afraid. It is all my fault. "You are safe now. I am here. I should never have left you, or gotten angry at you in the first place. You are the most important thing to me, and I will never forget that again. I vow this to you."

"I love you Torint." She informs me, releasing a tiny hiccup, and I smile at such a miracle, taking in a rattling breath.

"You are my world, Posy."

Sorry this took a little longer than expected, but it's here now haha

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Sorry this took a little longer than expected, but it's here now haha. Only a few more chapters left people! Predictions? Thoughts? Lay them on me.

Until next time! See you soon

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