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Chapter Seventeen:

"Hazel. Hazel?" A voice said, "Hazel. Come on, you gotta wake up."

Her eyes flew open, and the girl coughed wildly. She flopped over onto her side, coughing up a ridiculous amount of water. She was soaked, and she could feel something hot trickle down her forehead. She didn't need to check to know it was blood. Hazel scrambled to her feet, body burning.

Nobody was around as she spun in circles, looking for a face to match the voice. Then, the voice seemed to be coming from the hood of her suit. She flipped it on over her head, the voice becoming more clear.

"You up?" It was Tony's voice.


"Good." He grunted, and metal on metal echoed in her ears.

Hazel had no idea where he was, or how any of that technology worked. But when she saw lighting crackle and strike from afar, she knew to follow it. Hazel stumbled her way down rubble, falling a few times before making it onto solid ground. A lump formed in her throat as she turned back to see Headquarters, or what it used to be. Her home, what it had been, was gone. Reduced to rubble and dust.

Hazel shook her head, her feet carrying her towards the thunder clouds. She didn't know how long she had been out, or how she made it outside in the first place, but she wasn't going to waste the opportunity. She crossed over a hill of rubble and the scene stretched out, one of Thor, Steve and Tony fighting one very alive Thanos.

"No." She whispered watching as Thanos picked Tony up and it looked like he was going to rip the man in half if it wasn't for Thor. Though, Tony still flew threw the air and landed on the ground, not getting up.

Hazel continued running, seeing Steve get thrown aside as if he was nothing. He crashed into a rock, laying still. Hazel screamed sliding next to him, "Steve! Steve."

He grumbled something, a curse word she figured.

"How is Thanos here?"

"Don't know." Steve spat rolling onto his back.

Hazel pushed herself onto her feet, ducking as Thor's axe came flying threw the air, nearly taking her out in the process. Thanos grabbed it out of the air and pressed it against Thor's chest and Hazel went running towards them. But, something else came flying past her head, pushing Thanos to the side.

Thor's hammer went back and landed in Steve's hand, and Hazel beamed, even if it wasn't an appropriate time.

"I knew it." Thor whispered, only for him to be met with Thanos's foot.

The large Demi god wasted no time, as he threw himself towards Steve. Hazel watched, afraid to move. Steve, wielding the hammer, thrusted the object out. Lightning hit the metal, directing it at Thanos who went flying. Hazel rushed over, creating her own, watching as it mixed with the ones from the hammer, hit home into Thanos' chest.

Hazel went in behind, but was only grabbed ahold of and thrown to the side. She yelped landing on the ground, her head throbbing. By the time she managed to get herself up, Thanos had Steve pinned on his knees with an overly large double bladed sword. Hazel cursed, balling her hands into fists.

"That's enough." She bellowed stomping towards him, just as he hurled Steve to the side where he stayed. Thanos turned and grinned at her.

"First you took everything" She felt her fingertips burn as a flame ignited, and she could feel the power of lighting in the sky, just waiting to be called upon. "You hurt my family. People I love."

Thanos only continued to grin, watching her as if he recognized her. "Child." He said.

Hazel wasn't having any of it as she closed the distance. Flames raised up her arms, and wind picked up all around her.

"Hazel." Steve's voice pleaded, "No."

"Listen to your elders, child."

Hazel's lips trembled, the ground beneath the giants feet caved in, causing him to stumble backwards. The wind propelled her upwards, and lighting came down and struck him in the chest. His double sided blade flew up into the air, the wind directing it into her hands.

"Damn, grape." She mumbled, letting the wind go as she plummeted towards him, blade drawn and slashing. Thanos ducked out of the way, grabbing the blade and Hazel rolled away. "You're like pest." She called out.

Water rose from the inside of the headquarters rubble, she willed it to wash up and spin, forming a funnel as it raced towards Thanos. She ducked as he swung out, "Who do you think you are?" She screamed.

He growled. Using her other hand she called up all living plant life from the earth and watched as vines sprung from the ground, wrapping themselves around the giants feet. He fell to the ground, "Knocking out Iron Man." She spat.

The funnel of water formed as cube as it settled over his head, floating. If she could get him disoriented enough, being attacked from all angles, she figured someone would get up and finish the job.

"Trying to kill the God of Thunder." Her arms where still on fire, but the flames danced their way down her body and made their way across the distance and burned up Thanos. Hazel hadn't expected this to work, but she was pleased to see it was. "Taking out Captain America. Breaking his shield."

Thanos reached for his double bladed sword, but Hazel shook her head. "I am no child." She growled, lighting from the sky hit the sword dead centre, splitting it in half, the two pieces flying in different directions.

She raised her hand and closed it into a fist, the water crashed onto the ground and the Demi god took a deep breath, only for her to snuff the air from his lungs.

"You—" he chocked, "Are connected— to the— stones."

Hazel shook her head, "You're losing. How does it feel?" She could hardly hear herself over the howling wind and the thunder.

"I know— who you are." He got out, her powers faltered. "Hazel Rose— Barnes."

"You know nothing." She yelled, but the plants holding him down were seeping back down into the earth.

"I don't need the stones to control you." Thanos breathed, "Because I have the ability to possess them, and you are apart of them."

"Hazel!" She looked to see Steve, "Hazel, come here. We'll do this together."

"You have always been the key."

Her powers seemed to vanish, but she didn't care. If she was going to die, she'd go down swinging. Hazel lunged at Thanos, slipping two blades from her suit. She kicked up, using his kneeled knee to push herself up, avoiding his large hands and jabbing one of the blades into his eyes. He hollered, and then growled as he picked her off of him as if she was nothing, sucking the life from her body as he tossed her in the air. She could hear Steve yelling, calling her name, and for some odd reason, apologizing to her before she even hit the ground. When she finally did, she hit the hard earth unmoving, and not breathing.

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