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The second time Eugene met the lady - who, to his knowldege, is called Freya - was three days later, when she decided to visit Griffin at six in the morning.

Eugene had just finished his last pile papers and was doing his final checks on Griffin when Freya had came to the hospital with her work attire and a bouquet of red flowers. From the large mug in her hands (smells like coffee) and the messy hair, she looks very tired.

"Good morning, doctor." She managed to give him a smile. "I hope you don't mind me visiting."

"Hello, Miss." Eugene returns her smile. "Come on in."

Freya sets the bouquet down on a night stand beside his bed and sat down, sighing. "I should've visited Griffin days ago. My boss was so demanding. Did he ask where I was?"

"He did, but I told him you were busy. Your brother Griffin is very understanding." Eugene pulls a chair and sat beside her. "Where are your parents? Are they working abroad?"

There was a good moment of silence, before Freya sighed. "Our parents split up when I was in middle school. Mum is with her boyfriend. Mum and her boyfriend..they're not around anymore. Dad doesn't care about us. It's just me and this little kid."

"I'm sorry I asked." A slight pang of guilt hit him.

"Don't be. There's nothing to be sorry about." Freya gave him a tired chuckle. "It's fine, really."

"Griffin told me you worked at a bank. He was really proud of you."

A smile crept up her face. "That's nice to know."

Griffin shifted in his position, before slowly opening his eyes. He looked around, before grinning widely. "Freya! You came."

"Hey kid. Sorry I couldn't visit earlier..boss held me back a lot." Freya ruffles his hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." Griffin replied. "Oh, Eugene, this is my sister Freya. She's an accountant."

"I met her earlier today." Eugene said. "I can see why you're really proud of her. She's an amazing sister."

"Thank you." Freya smiled a little, the tips of her ears turning red.

Eugene opened his mouth to speak, but a door knock interrupted him. A blond nurse opened the door. "Hey Griff - Doctor Northwood? You're not home yet?"

"Hey Richie." Eugene waved a little. "Just checking on this little champ."

Griffin smiled at that.

"Well..sorry to interrupt, but since you're still here, patient seven woke up, he needs attention. he's screaming like crazy." The nurse gave him an apologetic smile.

"Okay, no problem." He stands up and turns to go, before turning around and saying, "take care, Freya."

As he left, Griffin smiled. "He's really kind, huh? He's really cheerful and thoughtful. He kept telling me that what I did was really kind."

"That's because it was, kid." Freya replied, a small smile on her face. "Now, do you mind if I snooze a bit?"

i apologize for the short chapters!

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