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(PSA : This chapter is a continuation of the previous one and will not be included as the sixth encounter! Thank you!)

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(PSA : This chapter is a continuation of the previous one and will not be included as the sixth encounter! Thank you!)

"I can't believe you used a pun to ask me out on a date."

"It worked, though."

As a result to Eugene's horrible pun/date offer (credits to Miranda for telling him that once), and with Freya agreeing, the two decided to have tea time at a local café, which belonged to his friend.

They both decided to ditch transportation and walk by foot, since Eugene told her it was only a five minute walk from the hospital. The sky was clear, the snow was falling, and the two were walking side by side in a slightly comfortable silence.

To their luck, the café was still quiet since it was past lunch time, with only a few customers occupating the seats. The two took a lovely position by the window, admiring the gently falling snow outside. The warm air and the smell of Arabica coffee beans tickled Freya's nose.

After making their orders, Freya placed a chin on her hand. "Thanks for the offer, Eugene. I appreciate it."

"No problem." He said. "They have the best coffees, plus, I have a gift card. The owner of this café lost a bet to me and had to give me one for a month."

"That's actually pretty smart."

Soon a waitress delivers them their meal, and while Eugene tells her about his life (started by the line, "so, tell me about yourself"), Freya sips on her green tea latte. She really likes how the sun makes this man's brown eyes somewhat shine more.

"Basically, like that." Eugene sighs. "Your turn. Tell me about yourself, Freya."

She places her cup down, a small, sad smile on her face. "It's not a very entertaining one, really. Our parents left us at a very young age - Griffin was still learning how to walk and I was in middle school. We had to survive by ourselves, since our parents are both only childs."

"It was hard, but we managed. Had three side jobs, but that was okay." Freya paused for a while, before chuckling. "I became a mom for, like, five years."

"Frey," Eugene's eyes widened as he sat straight up. "I...I'm sorry I asked."

"It's okay!" Freya almost jumped out of her seat. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I mean, we're here. I have a reputable job, Griffin's a healthy middle schooler. All's good."

Soon the sun faded and it gave way to a sky full of stars. It was a peaceful and chilly night, with the sound of people nearby chatting and ranting about their day, to the faint smell of smoke upstairs, to the sound of a guitar playing. Smooth jazz was playing, accompanying Eugene and Freya's light chat.

After a while, they both decided to call it a day. The two decided to walk back to the hospital, side by side along the peaceful sideway. Freya rubbed her hands together as they came into an intersection. The walk was quiet, but both Eugene and Freya felt more comfortable with each other. She felt safe.

They arrived in front of the hospital five minutes later. Eugene had offered to take her home, but Freya said, "don't you still have work to do?"

"Oh..oh yeah." Eugene sheepishly rubbed the crook of his neck. "Well, I'll see you next time, Frey. Stay safe."

"You too." She replied, before pulling her phone out. "Do you mind switching numbers?"

"I'd say yes, but I already have it." Eugene mentally thanked Emilee for her deeds. "Emilee gave it to me."

"Oh, I see. I'll text you, then." Freya nods and shoves her phone back into her bag. "Well, I'll be going. See you later, Eugene."

"Bye." Eugene raised his hand, giving a small wave. He walks back into the emergency room, before feeling a buzz in his jacket pocket. Eugene pulls out his phone, a smile spreading across his face.

[from : freya wang]
Hey, thanks for today. I had so much fun :)

smh author can't relate to any of this :/

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