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TODAY, after lots of thinking, Eugene finally decided to come to the wedding - without telling Miranda. He was sure Miranda would save him a VIP seat anyway. She always does. Even if she doesn't, at least he'll surprise her, and everyone there.

It means he has to go suit shopping.

It was a sunny Saturday, and Eugene decided to go suit shopping with his friends Stephen (who, despite being a hoe, has a good fashion taste) and Emilee (she has an eye for fancy suits). They decided to go grab lunch at a local diner before heading towards Thomas & Co., a boutique of Stephen's friend.

"Welcome to Thomas & Co., how may I help you?" A friendly woman asked as the three entered, a small bell ringing on top of their heads.

"Hi, we're looking for a suit." Stephen said, and pats Eugene's shoulder. "This man here is going to his sister's wedding, and he needs to look dashing because his ex might be there."


"I'd be happy to help!" She smiled. "Would you like to make a new one or would you like to buy one that's already in the store?"

"Tailored, please." Emilee said, nudging Eugene who was about to say "buy the one in the store".

"Sure. I'll go call the tailor."

"Guys, are you crazy?" Eugene turned to his friends, who were admiring a white tuxedo displayed by the window. "A tailored suit is expensive!"

"It's in the price range of your salary, shut up." Stephen folded his arms. "Treat yourself for once, Eugene."

The woman came out of the back with a tall man with fading black hair. "Ah, hello! Stephen! Long time no see."

"Hello Mr. Johnson." Stephen smiled. "I hope you can help my friend here. He's hopeless."

"Of course." He said. "Come, young man. I'll make you look dashing."

Eugene did as he was told and stood in front of a mirror. He told Mr. Johnson about his sister's wedding as he did measurements all over his body, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. It was his first time, after all.

"What kind of suit would you like?" Mr. Johnson asked as he measured Eugene's arm lenght.

"Something simple. My sister told me the dresscode is black, white, and purple." Eugene replied, imagining himself in said colors. God, help.

"Okay, how about a shiny black suit? It will look good on you." He said. "All you'll need to do is put on a purple tie, and maybe some gold cuffs. We have those here. You'll look amazing."

"That sounds lovely." Emilee nods. "You'll make your ex regret treating you like shit, Eugene!"

"We have a special discount if you make your spouse's attire here too." The woman said as Mr. Johnson finishes his measuring. "It's a pretty good offer, you know."

"He doesn't have one." Stephen was quick to say. "But he'll keep that in mind, won't you, Eugene?"

"Yeah, whatever."

As they were discussing the model and price, the shop's bell rang, and the door let a cool gush of air in as a click of heels could be heard.

"Hey Sandra, I'm here to pick up Cameron's suit."

Instinctively, everyone turned around. Eugene's stomach churned as he saw a familiar pair of emerald green eyes gazing deeply into his. She too, seems surprised at his presence, because she cleared her throat and gave a thin smile.



"Fancy seeing you here." Tessa Oliver fixes her lush brown hair. "You're not the suit type of guy."

"Can't a man get himself a suit?" Eugene tried his best to not spit venom in his sentence. Instead, he smiled and said, "fancy seeing you here, actually."

"I'm here to pick up Cameron's suit." Tessa walked over towards the counter, while Sandra went to the back, probably to get the suit she requested.

Eugene remembers Cameron Coulson. He was the man Tessa slept with when Eugene accidentally caught them canoodling in a bar. He's surprised Tessa was still with him, but he was glad. It means Tessa won't bother him anymore.

"How are you, Eugene?"

Not so much.

"I'm good." He says as he hands Mr. Johnson his credit card. "You?"

"Things have been pretty stressful lately. Cameron's coming home late all the time, and I always feel lonely." Tessa frowns. "It sucks."

"I can tell." Eugene can see Emilee's murderous aura coming out. He gave Emilee a tight smile, mentally telling her that he has this under control.

"Anyways," Tessa takes the suit from Sandra's hands, "are you free this afternoon? Maybe we can grab a coffee?"

Eugene can feel Stephen and Emilee shouting "NO" to him through telepathy, but before he could say it himself, his phone rang. A familiar name appeared on his caller ID.


He excused himself and went to pick it up outside, having a strange gut feeling. His mum never calls him on work days. He was worried.


[Eugene, are you at work?]

His mother's voice was shaking, and it only made his feeling worse.


[Your father, he got into an accident.]


oh my, what do we have here? hoho

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