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TODAY was a special day. Not only because it was a Sunday and Eugene's day off, but also because it was Miranda's wedding. It was the day Eugene gets to see his little sister walk off with another man. He was secretly glad that he was invited, or else he'd miss this crucial moment.

Currently, he's in the groom's room with Tyrone, who was nervously checking his tie. The other groomsmen were already outside, making final checks and directing guests to their assigned seats.

"I'm nervous." Tyrone said. "I'm really nervous. What if I screw up?"

"You can do it. You'll be a good husband." Eugene pats his back. "You got this."

"You're not giving me the overprotective brother speech." The groom chuckled, fixing his hair. "Not even a 'take care of my sister' or something like that."

"I've been distant towards them. I believe you can take better care of her than me." Eugene places a rose in Tyrone's pocket. "Besides, Miranda can kick your ass if you misbehave."

"Well, that's true."

Soon the procession had started. Tyrone's parents were first - dressed in a lovely soft lilac color. Joanne came next, with an elegant dark purple dress and her hair up in a neat bun. Then came Tyrone, the bridesmaids and the groomsmen, and finally, it was Eugene's turn. He walked down the aisle hand in hand with Miranda's friend Ericca, who was a tall, quiet woman whose gaze always went down.

Finally, Miranda walked in, hand in hand with Francis. She was beautiful, with a silky off shoulder dress, and a short veil resting on top of her permed hair. Miranda had a wide smile on her face, but her smile grew wider - and even a little gasp - as she saw Eugene standing behind Tyrone with a suit.

"You came." Miranda smiled widely as she stood beside Tyrone, in front of the priest. "Thank you."

Eugene only smiled.

The ceremony was executed absolutely perfectly. The bride and the groom exchanged their traditional vows, their rings, before the priest proclaims them as husband and wife. The audience clapped and cheered as the newly weds shared a kiss. Eugene found himself smiling, glad that he was there to watch.

"Everyone, don't forget to come to the reception!" Miranda happily announced. "Thank you for coming!"

"I can't believe you came!" Miranda literally pounces on her brother. "Thank you so, so much for coming! I didn't know you'd actually show up."

"Well, here I am." Eugene pats her shoulder. "Congratulations on your wedding, Miranda. Better lay off the wine and clubs, yeah?"

"No promises." Miranda replied, before looking around at the chapel, which was still pretty occupied. "So, where's your date? Oh right, you don't have one."

"But I heard he's seeing someone." Tyrone smiled, linking arms with his new wife. "Maybe she's around here..?"

"Ah..I don't think so-"

"Hey Ty!"

"Miss Wang!" Tyrone releases Miranda's arm, shocked to see the figure in front of him. "I didn't know you'd be here!"

"How can I miss your wedding, Tyrone?" Freya Wang chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She looked elegant with her attire; a yellow knee lenght skirt and an off shoulder top with a pair of black heels. It must've been a while since he saw her, because her once brown hair is now blond, and was simply decorated with a small butterfly pin.

"Oh, hello Eugene! Fancy seeing you here." Freya had a polite smile on her face. "I didn't know Miranda's your sister."

"Eh? You two know each other?" Miranda asks innocently, but Eugene had known better. He sees the mischevious glint in her eyes.

"Yeah. Miss Wang's my boss." Tyrone answered. "I delivered the wedding invitation as a joke. I didn't know she'd come."

"Boss?" Eugene and Miranda echoed, both curious (though, Eugene had echoed quieter).

Tyrone nods. "Miss Wang here is the head accountant at my office. I thought she told you, Eugene?"

"Wait a minute," Miranda raises her hands, "Eugene, this is the woman you're seeing right now?"

It was a trick question, he knew. But seeing Miranda's hopeful eyes, it wouldn't hurt to please her a bit on her wedding, right? I mean, how bad can it be?


"Oh my God!" She squeals, grabbing Freya's shoulders. "Why would you date this egg? He's horrible!"


"I think he's nice." Freya replied calmly, to Eugene's surprise. She was playing along very well. "Nobody's perfect, but he's enough."

Even Tyrone gasped. "How long, Miss Wang?"

"Just recently." She replied.

"I'd like to talk more but we gotta get ready for the reception!" Miranda winked, grabbing Tyrone's arm. "Bye! Congrats on being not-single, you egg!"

As they watched the newlyweds leave, Freya turned to Eugene, an amused expression on her face. "So, I'm your date now?"

oh lala mamamia hey :D
wow. right after encounter six.
wow author paris, wow :)

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