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SEVEN TIMES | ENCOUNTER SIX(warning : cliche up ahead

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(warning : cliche up ahead. sorry man, can't think of anything else)

[Hey Eugene, did you hear about the winter festival that's being held?]

Eugene doesn't looks up from his book as he talks to his sister. "no."

[Come with us! It's fun.]

[And third-wheeling? No thanks, I'll pass.]

[Dude, come on! Let loose on life. Take your friends with you!]


[Expenses are on us.]

[I'll take two friends.]

[Bitch. I'll send the festival's location. Be here in fifteen, or deal is cancelled.]


Eugene ends the call, placing his book down. As he stands up to get ready, he calls Emilee and Stephen, informing the two of them to come to his apartment in five. They both responded with a, "what are you gonna do, cook us dinner?"

They did arrive, roughly ten minutes later. By then, Eugene was ready with his slightly formal attire and extra cash (because he knew Emilee will squeeze his wallet dry, that ass). Both Stephen and Emilee wore similar dark green coats and white scarves, sending Eugene thin smiles.

"What's the occasion?" Stephen asked.

"Miranda asked me to come to the winter festival. She told me she'd pay for me, so I decide to torture her by asking you guys to come with me." Eugene replied as he locked his door.

"Oh hell yeah." Emilee and Stephen high-fived each other as Eugene takes the stairs down. He unchains his bike, while Stephen unchained his.

"Where is this festival?" Stephen asked as they started pedaling out of the apartment complex, slowly so that Emilee could catch up.

"Google says it's a fifteen minute walk from here. It's near that fancy Italian restaurant." Emilee glanced at her phone.

"Is Paul okay with you going with us, Em?" Eugene asked, glancing at her direction.

"Yeah, besides, he's busy." Emilee said lightly, sending her gaze up to the skies. "Paul rarely cares about where I go, anyways."

Eugene and Stephen sent each other glares, before sighing. Em and Paul can be a little unaffectionate sometimes..but they suppose its of reasons. They were arranged, after all. But Emilee seems fine with it.

Twenty minutes later, Emilee's feet were freezing, Stephen can barely feel his fingers, Eugene's nose was practically frozen, but they arrived at the festival. There were a lot of people there, enjoying the abundance of food stalls, the live music, and the pretty light decorations.

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