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Like last time, this chapter is a (pretty obvious since its the seventh encounter smh Paris) continuation of the last one

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Like last time, this chapter is a (pretty obvious since its the seventh encounter smh Paris) continuation of the last one. Enjoy!

"SORRY, you must be uncomfortable with it." Eugene had apologised for the third time as they both got into his car to the reception, which was a fifteen minute drive from the chapel.

"Oh Eugene, stop apologising." Freya chuckled lightly, giving him a reassuring smile. "Like I said, I don't mind being your date."

"You..don't?" He asks, slightly taken aback. It was a good thing to him, but it could be different with Freya. Maybe she said it out of pity. Oh God, Eugene needs another cup of coffee. Maybe some wine.

"Nope, don't sweat it." She smiles again, and his day was made. "This is cute - it's like a romance novel, isn't it? Under weird circumstances the guy and the girl meet, and they fall in love."

And they fall in love.

Eugene felt himself smiling a little. He wasn't seeing this coming, for sure. Nah man, never in a life time would he see himself going to his sister's wedding with a date in his arms (a jackpot, too; a pretty head accountant at a reputable bank).

Eugene recalls the times they had met. Including today, he had only met Freya seven times, but look at them now. She was happily texting ("I'm gonna tell Griffin I got myself a date!" She said), and dear Lord she was singing to his radio.

They finally arrived at the reception area. After filling the attendance list and getting a small souvenir, Eugene and Freya entered the large ballroom decorated with lavenders by the entrance and silk fabric hanging from the ceiling. It was quite simple, but it was surely sweet.

"Eugene! Freya! Hey!" They both heard a familiar voice calling. Emilee, to their surprise, approached them with a glass of wine on her left and Paul, a fellow coworker, on her right.

"Em? What are you doing here?" Freya asked, giving Emilee a light hug.

"Of course I'd be here. I'm Ty's cousin." Emilee grins. "Besides, I need to drag Paul away from the x-ray machine. He's going bonkers soon!"

Paul chuckled. "I see you brought a date, Eugene. Finally, eh?"

"Ha, yeah." Eugene rubs the nape of his neck. "Frey, this is my friend Paul. Paul, this is my date, Freya."

"Nice to meet you." Paul and Freya shook hands, before Emilee pulled her away for a round of chocolate delights, showing off a new jewelry she got.

Paul offered Eugene a glass of wine (and he accepted) as he pats his back. "How long have you guys been dating?"

"Not long." Eugene shakes his glass a bit. "Actually, a few minutes ago."

"No way!" Paul's eyes widened as he takes a sip from his glass. "Baby steps, huh? How did you two meet?"

"I tended to her little brother at the emergency room. I actually talked to her on her second visit, and things kinda hit off from there, I suppose?" Eugene found himself slightly smiling at the past memory.

"Ah, it's like they say, then." Paul said, before noticing Eugene's confused expression, and added, "you know, it takes seven seconds for a man to fall in love."

"Someome said that?"

"It's actually a research."

"Someone researched that? Wow, okay." Eugene shook his head, chuckling. "But I didn't fall in love in seven seconds."

"Ah, but you did after seven encounters, falling in love on the seventh!" Paul exclaimed, taking another sip. "It has the 'seven' in it for all I care."

"Okay, Paul, point taken." Eugene also takes another sip, as Emilee and Freya return with plates of dessert. The four of them lightly talked about their jobs and current conditions, before Freya told them she had to go home, because Griffin had a 'parent-teacher' conference the next day.

"I'll go home with you." Eugene said, placing his glass down. "Come on, we'll call a taxi. Em, send my regards to the newlyweds, okay?"

"Sure. Be careful!"

"Eugene! Where are you going?"

He turns around, expecting it to be Miranda or at least his mother, only to grit his teeth as Tessa approached him with two wine glasses. "Why leave so soon? Let's have a drink."

"Where's Cameron?" Eugene asked.

"Oh, gone." She shook her head. "Here, have some wine."

"No thank you." He shook his head, more than eager to leave. "I have a date to take home."

"A date?" Tessa's expression turns sour as she sees Freya behind him, who smiles. "Oh. Okay. Best be on your way, then."

Eugene scurries out of the venue, dragging Freya behind him. He opens the driver seat, followed by Freya getting in beside him. He hits the gas pedal hard, and she was left to wonder as to why he was suddenly so displeased.

"Eugene, are you okay?" She asked. "Did that lady piss you off somehow?"

"Clingy ex."

"Oh, I see." Freya nods, and just like that, she drops the topic. "Hey, can you drop me by Full Moon? You know, that 24-hour café? I'm gonna pick Griffin up from work."

"Yeah, sure, no problem." Eugene made a sharp turn as he sighed. "Geez, Tessa's such an ass..can't keep a guy for more than a week."

"I think I've seen her on a magazine before. Is she a model?" Freya asked, quite innocently.

"Yeah, she is. I don't know what she works as now." He shrugs, taking off his tie. "Nor do I care, really."

She hums as she takes her phone out, probably informing Griffin that she'd be there to pick him up in five minutes or so. Eugene rubs his eyes, tired and slightly dizzy from the wine.

"You know, it takes seven seconds for a man to fall in love."

Eugene's mind flew to Paul's statement. His encounter with Freya wasn't..well it wasn't exactly seven seconds, but it was seven encounters, he supposes. And just like what Paul said, he fell at the seventh.

He definitely didn't see it coming, though. Maybe this is what Miranda felt when she met Tyrone. Eugene doesn't remember when he decides he's taken a liking to the accountant beside him. He just did.

It was weird. Maybe-

"Eugene, hey! Eugene! Watch out!"

Eugene snapped back just in time to see the headlights of a speeding truck heading their way. Both of the them braced the impact, closing their eyes and chanting a prayer.

There was a loud screech.

Followed by darkness.

ey, ey, ey, what do you think? owo

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