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"YOU have a patient, Dr

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"YOU have a patient, Dr. Northwood."

Eugene, after drowning himself in coffee and paperwork for the past hour, looks up. "I do?"

"Yep. In room number five. You know, the usual." Richie said, his head peeking into Eugene's office. "Tripped while playing skateboard. Hit the pavement hard."

"Oh, okay." Eugene sighs as he places his coffee cup down and stands up, taking the clip board full of reports in Richie's hand. He slips on his coat and takes the stairs to the emergency room. The sun was beginning to set, shining into the hospital's open windows.

Its been a month, if you were wondering. A month after Eugene recovered from the crash. A month after he found out that his Freya was non-existent. It was hard to deal with, but whether he liked it or not, he had to move on.

What was he gonna do, anyway?

He enters room six, meeting a brown haired woman sitting on the examination bed. Her white shirt was dirty, and her jeans were torn due to the impact. After taking a closer look, Eugene notices that her legs were bleeding.

"Hello, Miss." Eugene says in a monotone voice, not taking his eyes off the clip board. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, they looked like they were having so much fun. I had to try." She says. "I can't believe I fell in front of three middle schoolers."

Eugene stops. That sentence sounded familair, but he shook his head. "Alright. I'll get it checked. Its likely that you tore your skin. I'll stitch it in no time."

There was a moment of silence, before she started chuckling. She started suppressing it, but soon grew into a chuckle, and now a laugh. Eugene sent her a confused look.

And that's when he saw her face.


"You could say my wound is," she smiled, "tear-ible."

Eugene couldn't help but chuckle, remembering the first pun that Freya had told him. He felt a pang of sadness, but continues his job. He was cheered up a bit, though.

"I'm Eugene Northwood, if the nurses haven't told you yet. You can call me Eugene if you'd like." He says, placing a band-aid on her scraped knee. "You?"

"Freya Wang."

Eugene stops. He glances up, blinking slowly. The woman had an innocent smile on her face, slightly tilting her head, as if asking, "what's wrong?". She's awfully familiar..


"Freya Wang." She says again, that innocent smile still on her face. "F-r-e-y-a. Nice to meet you, Eugene."

He tried his best to cage in his excitement and racing heart as he finishes the last of her wounds. Look, she might not be the Freya Wang in his dreams but...

"All done." Eugene says, standing up. "Be careful next time, okay?"

"Okay." She nods. "Thank you, Eugene."

"Before you leave, I have a question."


"Do you have any raisins?"

Freya was confused,. "No, I'm sorry."

Eugene felt a smile creeping up his lips.

"How about a date?"

for real

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