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EUGENE sighs as he flips the wedding invitation in his hands

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EUGENE sighs as he flips the wedding invitation in his hands. After a long tumor removing operation for three consecutive nights, he felt that he didn't deserve this mockery. He knew Miranda probably did this just to torture his poor soul.

"I don't want to come." Eugene said aloud to himself, patting his husky's head. "I don't want to come, Archie. Miranda will mock me for coming alone. I don't even know who Tyrone is. I thought she's with that model Damien."

Archie whimpers.

He sighs. Being Miranda's brother, it was more than obligatory for Eugene to be there at that damn party. It'll probably be filled with Miranda and her soon to be husband looking at each other lovingly, dancing under the stars (they will certainly have a garden reception - Miranda loves that), booze, and people he doesn't want to meet anymore (like his snobby, controling uncle and ex fiancè).

Eugene picks up his phone and calls Miranda, thinking of an excuse to use to get out of the party. As soon as he hears Miranda's high pitched voice, he got one.

[Hey Eugene, what's up?]

[I can't come to your party.]

[Eugene, you ass! You have to come. This is my special day!]

[I have a special appointment to do on that day.]

[Eugene..it's my wedding. It's a milestone in my life. I want you to be there. You're my brother.]

[Look, Miranda-]

[Are you salty over the fact that I'm eight years younger and getting married before you? Or..are you still mad at dad for making me heir to his company?]

Eugene stopped. That was years ago, when poor Eugene didn't know where he went wrong, when his step-father made Miranda Northwood heir to his company, and not him. When Eugene's mother begged him to stay and not leave them. When Eugene decided that attatchment wasn't very good after all.


[Look, I'm not coming.]

[Do you hate me? Or my husband?]

[I don't.]


He frowns.

[I'm sorry, Miranda.]


Eugene sighs, throwing his phone onto the couch. Archie senses his distraught and climbs beside him, placing his nose on his lap. The soft jazz music was the only thing in the atmosphere.

As much as Eugene wants to, he still can't get over the fact that his family loves Miranda more than him. What did he do? He became a sucessful doctor. He pays for himself. What, were they pissed because he broke up with that rich model? She was abusive!

He glances at the clock, which read 3 a.m. in the morning. He wasn't going to work until eight o'clock at night. He might need to clear his mind.

Eugene might need some coffee and fresh air.

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