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"Who's the cute lady?"

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"Who's the cute lady?"

Eugene, who had just finished on checking a patient and is currently chugging down coffee in the cafeteria, turns to his colleague. "What cute lady?"

"You know, the cute lady who's singing a song to her brother." Richie nudged him. "Who's she?"

"Oh." The image of Freya appeared in Eugene's mind. "Griffin's sister, Freya."

"Is she single?" Stephen, his other colleague, slid next to him. He had a cheesy grin on his face. Judging from his neatly slicked hair, he must've just gotten here.

"I don't know." Eugene took a long sip. "God, it's too early for this. I haven't had enough coffee to deal with your nonsense, Stephen. Shut up."

"Poor homeboy hasn't slept yet?" Richie snickered, patting his back. "You should head back and get some rest, unless you're gonna 'check on Griffin' so that you can check on that pretty sister."

"It is, and I can not stress this enough, too early for your bullshit." Eugene yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Damn, she must be available." Stephen pulls out his phone. "Maybe my chance has arrived after all."

"Your chance of not being single? I don't think so." Emilee Kim takes a seat beside Stephen. "What are we talking about here, boys?"


"That." Richie points to a familiar figure walking into the cafeteria, probably buying a cup of coffee or soft meals. "That one over there."

Emilee pushed her glasses as she takes a closer look. "Huh, I know her. Yeah..I know her. Freya Wang, Rockefeller Banks accountant."

"Sexy." Stephen simply said. "Accountant lady? Hell yeah."

"You're talking like a fifteen year old who had his first dirty dream." Richie rolled his eyes. "Disgusting."

"Is she your friend, Em?" Eugene found himself asking.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. We live in the same apartment. She has a room next to mine." Emilee said. "She likes to bake, and gives me freshly baked goods everytime she tries a new recipe."

"Score!" Stephen snickered happily. "I call dibs on Freya Wang."

"You can't just call dibs on someone you don't know." Eugene sighs, taking the last sip of his cold coffee. The sun has already risen by now, and Eugene was tired.

Emilee chuckled, pulling her phone out. "Well, I'm gonna burst your bubbles, Stephen. I'm sending her number to Eugene."

"Why?" Stephen's face showed utter betrayal.

"Why? Because Eugene is almost thirty and he doesn't have a bae yet." Emilee answered.

"I'm twenty eight too!"

"Eugene's a nice, well-mannered guy."

"Oh, damn you." Stephen folds his arms. "Fine, I'll go ask her myself."

"Don't make a scene, please." Eugene sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Oho, a jealous Eugene Northwood I see?" Richie nudged him, winking horribly. "Better watch your back, Stephen."

"You're talking like middle school teenagers." Eugene stood up, taking his bag. "I'm heading home, might take the night shift."

He ditches his three friends, heading to the parking lot. The sky was already bright and shining by now; not a perfect time to sleep, but it'll do. Eugene gets into his car and drives home, the thought of a certain accountant in mind.

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