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The fourth time Eugene met Freya was when she went on a walk with Griffin and his friends. Griffin insisted that she go check on it, but Freya insisted that she didn't need to, and she could tend to her wounds alone.

I guess you can see who won the debate.

Today, Eugene noticed that Freya wore a simple maroon overall skirt with a thick (dirty) white sweater. It was nice seeing her in simple clothes, rather than her work ones.

"Hello, Freya. Hey, Griffin." Freya seemed surprised that Eugene remembered his name, because the last time he came here was around two months ago. "What seems to be the problem?"

"We went ice skating and I fell down." Freya said. "No big deal."

"Lies, Eugene, lies. She slipped on melted ice while dancing to that old Cha-Cha Slide song. She kissed the pavement hard." Griffin said beside her. "She insisted on not coming, but you can never be too sorry."

"Oh my God, Griffin. Don't humiliate me."

"Lie down, Freya." Eugene picked up a clean cloth, hiding a smile. "Stay still. It's gonna hurt."

Griffin left the room as the young doctor started to examine Freya's wounds. As he sterilized the wound and started to wrap it, he asks, "did you hit your head?"


"Where does it hurt?"

"My dignity."

He had to chuckle at that.

Soon Eugene was done stitching his wound, and after he bandaged it (very gently, to her surprise), he moved to her face. He had noticed something missing, so Eugene asked her where her glasses are.

"I switched them for a pair of contact lenses..or something like that." She replied.

Eugene took a cotton ball dipped in antiseptic and gently pats it on each and every scar on Freya's face. That's when he realised they were, like, dead close.

Freya Wang's eyelashes were to die for.

After bandaging the last wounds on her face, he took care of her arms. "Amuse me. Tell me what happened, Freya."

"Well, if I had to be honest, I was walking with Griffin and his friends when that song came on. Long story short, I fell down." Freya says, an innocent smile on her face. "I can't believe I fell in front of three middle schoolers."

Eugene wanted to laugh, but he might mess up, so he suppressed a chuckle, which sounded like a bad sore throat. "It can't be that bad."

There was a moment of silence, when Freya suddenly asked, "have you made up with your father yet, Eugene?"

"Huh? Oh yeah." Eugene started bandaging her arm. "It was all just some misunderstanding."

"I called it. So are you coming to your sister's wedding?"

"Yeah, but it's a surprise. She still thinks I won't be there." Eugene bent down and rolled the edges of his sleeve. "Stay still, Freya."

"I feel like a five year old." She mumbled.

"Your legs don't look bad, just a few scratches, but there's a big wound on your shin." He made another remark as he started applying antiseptic. "This one looks terrible, though. You tore your pants and your skin's epidermis, but we can fix that."

There was a moment of silence, before Freya started chuckling. She started suppressing it, but soon grew into a chuckle, and now a laugh. Eugene sent her a confused look.

"You could say my wound is," Freya smiled, "tear-ible."

"Dude, that was horrible."

Eugene found himself laughing at Freya's horrible joke, which was a peculiar thing, because Miranda told him equally bad jokes and he never laughed. Maybe something was off. Maybe he had too much coffee. Yeah, that must be it.

"Sorry man. Can't help it." Freya was still laughing. "But, my jokes are usually high koala - tea. Dunno what happened."

"Oh God, stop." Eugene chuckled, shaking his head. "Come on Frey, I need to fix up your leg. I can't concentrate with your horrid jokes."

"It's funny, though!" Freya laughed along with him, trying not to move too much. "But I trust your skills. This might sound cheesy, but i think you're grate at what you do."

"Freya!" Eugene ended up laughing really loudly - to his dismay, up to the point that her face turns a cute shade of red. "Your puns are horrible!"

"Okay, okay, but one more joke. This is one I learnt from my friend Emilee." Freya grinned. "Why is dark spelled with 'k' and not 'c'?"


"Because you can't see in the dark."

Outside, Griffin, the nurses and fellow doctors smiled. The laughs were definitely heard well, and Griffin was glad that Freya could let life loose just a bit. It was adorable.

"Your jokes are horrible." Eugene said after laughing. "Now look, I'm not done with your leg!"

"It was worth it, come on!" Freya still had a grin on her face. "It was a nice one. You should try making one."

"Make what?"

"A joke. A bad one." She said. "The more worse it is, the funnier it usually is."

"Fine, let me think." Eugene stands up straight and taps his chin, an idea popping up. "Okay. Do you have any raisins?"

Freya sent him a confused look. "No?"

"How about a date?"

i make shitty pickup line / puns and my friends have to deal with them (especially proud of the last one hehe)

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