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The fifth time Eugene met Freya was at midnight, in a grocery store, two weeks later.

As per usual, Eugene had just came home from a shift. He still reeked of rubbing alcohol and blood, but after three years, he was used to it.

Eugene says goodbye to his friends as he walks outside to his bike, placing his bag in the basket in front of him before mounting on and pedaling away. It was a peaceful night, accompanied by the soft sounds of nature and snow flakes.

Mid way, he remembers his empty fridge. Eugene wasn't going to deteriorate his health by eating takeouts (he'd love to, but he's a doctor. He has a reputation to keep), so he decides to go to the nearest mini market. Buy some pancake batter, eggs, and cups for his Keurig, just to survive until he goes on a proper grocery shopping spree.

Alas, Eugene comes across a 24-hour mini market. He chains his bike, and goes inside with his backpack slinged on. He grabs a basket and quickly throws in whatever he needs - including three boxes of Keurig cups. A quick transaction and a tired smile later, Eugene exits the mini market. He puts his things inside the basket, before taking the chain off.

"Eugene? Hey!"

He turns his head, smiling at the familiar figure approaching him. "Hey Frey. What are you doing at this hour?"

"Oh, Griffin's sick. I'd take him to the hospital, but it's just a mild cold." Freya said, holding up a plastic bag, before shoving it inside her bag. "You? Just finished a shift and realised your fridge is empty?"

"Yeah." He chuckles, rubbing his hands together. "Want me to take you home? I don't mind."

"Really? Geez..thank - wait, you're not bringing your car." Freya eyes his gray bike.

"There's a seat at the back. Hop on. Put your bag in the basket." Eugene pats the vacant seat. "You know how to ride a bike, right?"

"Well, duh." She says, placing her bag inside the basket, before mounting on the seat behind him. "So I live at-"

"I know where you live, Freya." Eugene starts pedaling. "You live in the same apartment as Emilee. I know where Emilee lives. Don't worry."

"Oh, okay." Freya nods a little. Slowly, she places her arms around Eugene's waist. "Do you mind? I-I mean I can just hold on to your jacke-"

"No, it's fine." Eugene smiled to himself, feeling her arms wrapped securely around him. He pedals slowly, letting the falling snowflakes kiss their faces gently. It was a moment that he will remember, for sure.

Eventually, they arrived at Freya's apartment. Most of the lights were off, excluding the big sign. He can imagine Freya and Griffin sharing a room together, having to survive parent-less. Maybe the reason why Freya gave such a good advice for his problem with his dad was because of this. He imagines Freya waking up in the middle of the night, her mother instincts telling her that something was off with Griffin.

"Frey? We're here."

Eugene notices that she still has her arms around him, so he slowly turns around. He finds Freya looking down, slightly sniffling. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Freya nods. "It's just been a bit hard recently, since Griff's school fees are doubling and I still have to pay for the apartment and my car and our basic necessities - yeah. But I'm fine."

He gets off his bike, Freya following suit. She pulls her arms away, taking her bag. "Thank you for dropping me home, Eugene. I appreciate it a lot."

"You got this, Freya."

"Of course I do. I have to." She smiled, chuckling.

There was a hanging silence, before Eugene pulled her into a light hug. "You got this, okay? I'll be here if you need me."

No words were exchanged, but Freya hugs him back.

d'aww. when will i ever.
sorry if it was disappointing ;-; i tried ;-;

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