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"HE'S resting, Dr. Northwood." A nurse informed Eugene and his friends as they rushed into the emergency room, asking on the whereabouts of Francis Eastridge.

"What happened to him?" Eugene asked.

"His wife called, telling us that her husband was working at home when he suddenly collapsed." She explained, flipping her notebook. "Gastric problems. Drinking booze on an empty stomach."

"That old man." Eugene shakes his head. Nonetheless he was still worried for the man who became their father figure - even if he wasn't a good one. "Where is he?"

"Room 485, floor three."

Eugene thanks the nurse as he rushes to the elevator, giving quick three jabs on the button. He taps his feet impatiently, immediately slipping inside as he presses number four, running a hand in his hair.

As the elevator dinged open, Eugene scanned the corridor for a door with 485 on it, before stopping at the end of the hall. The room's window was closed, and Eugene could hear his mother's soft sobbing through the door.

He freezes. He hasn't seen his father in ten years since he ran away. Eugene wonders if this was a good time to visit his father. Francis might give him a long lecture or the cold shoulder. Was it worth it?

Throw away your ego a bit.

"Yeah, whatever." Eugene mumbles to himself, turning the door handle. "We all gotta start somewhere, I suppose."

The room turns silent as Eugene steps in. He sees his mother - with her long brown hair and calming eyes as always, his sister Miranda and her fianceé (Miranda has grown a lot, he remarks), and his step father lying on the bed. They all had a shocked expression on their faces.

"What? I work here." Eugene simply says, stepping closer. "I didn't have time to buy you flowers or anything."

"Eugene," his mother said, disbelief and relief present in her tone. "You..came."

"You called, I came." He stuck his hands inside his pocket. He turns to Francis, who still looked like as if he'd seen a ghost. "The nurse told me you got gastric problems after drinking booze on an empty stomach. Are you trying to give mum a heart attack or something?"

"Where..where have you been?" Francis managed to croak out.

"Here, working. Making something out of myself, obviously." Eugene replied shortly, his lips forming a sour smile.

"How are you?"

"I'm good."


"Look, father, if you're gonna apologise for everything, save it." Eugene knew where this was going, so he stopped it before it could happen. "I don't care anymore. Whatever your reason was, I'll ta-"

"I'm sorry." Francis hung his head low, guilt dropping in his voice. "I'm sorry I wasn't a good father to you. It might be too late to apologise but, we have to start somewhere, right?"

Maybe it is time to start over, Eugene thought as he gave his father a crooked smile. "Yeah. I guess my ego was too big to apologise. I'm sorry."

"You guys made up after ten years! Wonderful!" His mother claps her hands. "Now will you come to your sister's wedding? Come on, son."

"I told you, I'm busy." Eugene chuckled. "I can't ditch work like Miranda. I don't procrastinate; I get my job done."

"Is that seriously how you're gonna play it?" She frowns. "Man, you haven't changed. At all."

"Hey, uh, I don't mean to bring back old memories but," Miranda tilts her head, "how did you learn to forgive father so easily?"

"I'm a grown man. Keeping grudges is childish." Eugene was reminded of the cold morning, the hot coffee, and a certain lady on a certain day. "Let's say I got a few advices."

"From a woman?"

"Tyrone, for God's sake, stop."

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