Part. 1 The meeting -Jessica's POV-

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"Hey I'm Jessica May, I'm 17 and... I think I'm gonna puke!" I say to my dad.

"Calm down Jess, your going to be fine! And besides, its just a meeting to see what band you'll be opening up for." My dad said gripping my shoulders.

Yes my dad did just say that I'm going to be opening up for a band. We just dont know who yet. But I think you guys should get to know me a bit better.

My name is Jessica May, I'm 17, and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I moved to Seattle in year 8, after my mom died. So its just me, my dad, my dog Karma, and my little sister Hannah. And right now, I'm waiting for the tour manager, to tell me who I'll be opening up for, and I'm so nervous!

"Jessica May." A sweet female voice called.

"Thats me." I smiled.

"Follow me!" The lady said.

So I did. She walked me down this hallway to a door that said 'Kit Jones'.

"Just take a seat, and Ms. Jones will be with you in a moment." The lady said sweetly.

So I did, I took a seat in a black leather chair, that was suprisingly comffy. And I sat waiting for about 1 minute, when a tall tan lady with bright green eyes, long black hair, and a kind smile, walked in the room and sat down behind her desk.

"Hello! You must be... Jessica May. Is that right?" She said sweetly looking at a peice of paper on the desk.

"Hi. And yes I'm Jessica May. But please call me Jess!" I said, hoping my voice wasnt shakey.

"Alright then, Jess. I'm Kit Jones. And I'm the tour manager, for the band you will be opening for." Kit said with a kind smile.

Ok. Now's the time, I'm about to find out who I'm opening for!

"Jess, you will be the opening act for, 5 Seconds Of Summer! Do you know who they are?" Kit asked with a smile.

'OH MY GOD!!! Did she just say 5 Seconds Of Summer?! No. Its not possible!!' I thought to myself.

"Jessica? Are you alright?" Kit asked looking conserned.

"What? Sorry. Yes I'm fine. Uh what are their names?" I asked, afraid to hear her answer.

'Oh god. Please dont say, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, and Ashton Irwin!' I said to my self.

"Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, and Ashton Irwin." Kit said.

"Oh my god!" I said out loud. Crap! I wasnt suposed to say that out loud.

"Pardon me?" Kit asked.

"Nothing. Sorry." I said looking down at my feet.

Dammit! Im such an idot! Why did I go and open my mouth?

"Would you like to meet the boys?" Kit asked, stopping my inner babble.

"Uh, yeah sure!" I said with a fake smile.

"Alright I'll page Pat, and tell her to call the boys." She said grabbing her pager.

"May I run to washroon real quick?" I asked.

Kit motioned her hand, telling me I can. So, I walked down the hall into the girls room. If I'm going to face my ex-bestfriend, and his best friends, I have to look perfect. So I walked over to the full sized mirror, to check my outfit. I was wearing a mint green button up mid-rise sleeve top, tucked into black high-waisted short-shorts, with black combat boots. I looked pretty hot.

I walked back into Kit's office to find the backs of four super tall guys.

"Ahh, Jessica! Meet the 5 Seconds Of Summer boys!" Kit said with a big smile.

Ah crap!

"Hi! We're 5 Seconds Of Su- holy crap!" I heard a fimiler male voice say... Luke! My ex-bestfriend.

"Jessica? Jessica May?" Calum said.

"Hey Calum!" I said with a fake happy smile.

"Oh my god! Its so great to see you again!! Its been so long!" Calum said wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Its amazing to see you guys too!" I said hugging him back.

And it was great to see them again. I mean Calum, Ash, and Mikey. But Luke, not so much. He broke my heart. And I wasnt ready to face him.

"Oh. So you all know eachother then?" Kit chimmed in sounding a bit lost.

"Uh, yeah we do. We all used to be bestfriends when we were little. Well since we were 5 up till the end of year 7. Thats when Jess moved to Seattle." Luke said looking directly into my eyes.

Ugh! This is going to be one long tour.

So this is my first time publishing, but yeah, if ya like it comment! Thanks for reading!! --Hannah♥

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