Part. 4 New Years Eve !(part2) - Luke's POV!

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Me, Ash, Cal, Mikey, and Jessica were all walking out of the building to the van waiting to take us to the party at the park.

"Luke!" Jessica called.

"Yeah?!"  I called back.

"Help me get in!" He said lifting her arms

Is Jessica finaly forgiving me?

"Fine! God Jess your so lazy!" I joked.

"Am not! I just dont wanna ruin my outfit!" She said twirling around in her dress.

Damn! Jessica looked amazing! I walked over and picked her up bridal style and put her in the van.

"Why thank you Mr. Hemmings!" She smiled.

"Anything for you Ms. May!" I mocked her.

The two of laughed and were on our way to Jessica's birthday/New Years Eve party.


Once we got there we all kinda just walked around for a bit before I got the balls to talk to Jess.

"Jess. Hey." I said nervously.

"Hey Luke?" She said giving me a weird look.

"Can we talk?" I asked biting lip.

"Yeah! Sure!" She said turning away from the rest of the group.

We walked together to a bench that was placed under a tree. I was pretty nervouse. And I shouldn't be, we were best friends for our whole lives.

"So... what did you want talk about?" Jess asked.

"Uh... listen. Im really sorry about what happened between us before you moved. If I knew the truth about Lexi before. I never would have kissed her. Im so sorry Jess, I should have listened to you!" I said looking in her ocean blue eyes, that were tearing up.

"Im sorry for taking it out on you Luke! I shouldn't have. It was a mistake. And Im sorry. Forgive me?" Jess said starting to cry.

"Jess, hey. Dont cry! This isnt your fault!" I said scooting closer and rubbing her back.

"Yes it is! Im so sorry Luke! I ruined our friendship, and blamed you for it! Im sorry!" She cried harder.

"No its not Jessica! Its mine! I didnt believe you. And Im really sorry!" I said feeling a lump in my throat.

"Im sorry too. Forgive me?" She said smiling through her tears.

"Of course I do! Do you forgive me?" I said with a small smile

"Ill always forgive you Luke!! Friends?" She said with a hopefull smile.

"Best friends!" I corrected.

She laughed and leaned over and wraooed me in a tight hug! Im glad things are back to normal.

*Where's Luke and Jessica?* -Calum's POV-

"Hey guys wait a sec. Where's Luke and Jessica?!" I said looking around.

"LUKE?!?! ...... JESSICA!?!?!" Mikey yelled.

The 3 of us started looking for the 2 of them.

*Luke and Jessica* - Luke's POV-

Me and Jess just sat there talking for a few minutes, till her phone rang.

Calum Hood Calling:

C:" JESSICA!! Thank god! Where the hell are you?!"

J:" Cal... calm down! Im with Luke. We were just about to meet up with you guys.

C:" *sighs* alright. Where are you? Well meet up with the two of you."

J:" Kk. Were at a bench its about a minute away from where we all were when we first got here."

C:" Kk. See you soon."

Call Ended.

"Was that Calum?" I asked.

"Yup! He was freaking out cause we werent with them." She giggled.

"Typical Calum.." I joked.

"Haha yeah! Lets go meet them." She said getting up and fixing her dress.


After 5 minutes of walking we saw Calum, Ashton, and Michael walking over too us.

"Jess! Luke!" Cal yelled.

"Hey Cal." I said.

"What were you guys doing?" He asked giving us a look.

"We were just talking Cal. Its fine." Jess chimmed in.

"K. Lets go find a spot to watch the fireworks." Cal said.


"Here! Lets watch them here!" Ash said flopping on the ground.

"Agreed!" Me and Jess said together, flopping down beside him.

We sat there for a minute before Jess jumped up.

"Glow sticks!!" Jess yelled jumpping up pointing to a lady selling glow sticks and sparklers.

"Lukeee! Can we pleaaaseeeee?" She begged.

"Hell yeah!" I said jumping up next her.

I bought everyone a bunch of glow sticks and a few sparklers.

"Hey Jess?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" She whispered back.

"Uh.. will you be my first kiss of the new year?" I whispered so only she could here.

"Id love to!" She smiled.

We all sat and talked, and cracked our glow sticks. Its been a really great night!

"There only 20 seconds till midnight!!" Jess squealed.

"20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,..!" We all counted

"2... 1!!!!!!!" We screamed

When we said one, Jessica leand in close and we kissed. And just like in the movies, there were sparks and fireworks!

Aftrr we pulled away, we just staired into each other eyes.

- Jessica's POV-

'Oh my god!! Luke and I just kissed!!!!' I screamed in my head.

I wasnt sure what to do now. So I just scooted closer towards Luke, and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Happy birthday Jessica !" Luke whispered to me.

And it was. This was the perfect birthday!

Hope you liked this 2 parter! Vote and comment! Love yeah! --Hannah Bear

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