Chapter one Separate But Together

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𝒫𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝑜 𝒱𝑜𝓉𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉

Want to thank a few peoeple who gave some name suggestions

TrustSerenity and SiaHarleylouise1043


Jace woke that morning with a smile on his face, today was the day he was going to be in charge. His father and mother both having died a few years ago, and the family wanted to try something new. Everyone but Max and Lias family and Jace's family was going to leave making residents in new homes across the country. New land and better ideas. The family had grown large over the past 18 years. In two days Carter was going to be twenty, and Alex and Harlee were going to help him pick out a wife for Carter.

Alex had surprisingly grown tough, she had a better stomach then Harlee and was more willing to kill then her twin. Carter was malicious, he never hesitated to kill. He was well built, had a sharp jaw, and Jace was surprised that he was stronger then Harlee in every way. He didn't understand why Harlee was so runtish, or why he didn't enjoy the killing like the others did. Eventually Anika learned to live in this place, after 18 more years she no longer seemed to want to get away.

Max and Lia had seven kids between them. Lia and Blake had 3, Max and Nina had 3, and Nina and Blake had 1. Five boys and two girls. Lia and Blake's kids were all ranged from 15 to 12. Iris, Nico, and Shawn. Shawn and Nico were twins both twelve, and Iris 15. Max and Nina had Avery who was 14, at age 13 was Jack and 12 was Graham. Nina and Blake had a ten year old named Zayn. The four all lived in one house, and the kids lived with them.

The family got together to have their last breakfast as a collective force. The man who was going to be the last meal screamed into a gag as he was served, not long after the first four plates were served did he breath his last breath. The family talked and laughed. Anika had learned to cook the meat exceptionally well. She was one of the best cooks in the family. Harlee had also been given the gift of excellent cooking.

The others cars were packed and they were ready to go. Jace was ready to take over as the family's head. Anika stood beside him as they said goodbye to their family. She had tears in her eyes as they left, Jace only smiled ready to set up his new rules. Anika and Alex headed back to the house, Carter followed his mother, knowing he would be getting a women soon he wanted to clean up his room.

Harlee let out a small whine as he followed his father to the car. "Dad," he began, Jace turned back to look at him. "So uhm Alex, wanted to see if we could uhm..uh talk to you about her going with us to get Carter a wife."

"Yeah she is coming." He said. "Why ain't Alex asking me?"

"Well, okay I just wanted to know. I didn't actually talk to her about it." Jace stopped turning to look at him.

"You lying now, about your sister?"

"No, sir I just was worried." Jace asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why you worried? Your sister is more then capable of talking to me herself you know."

"Yeah I know. I just I am older then her by like two minutes." Jace chuckled and started working on the truck to make sure it could work. "Anyway should I go get her, so we can go?"

"She knows shes coming, she will be down when she is ready, you know how women are with their women things."

"Yeah dad I get it. So what new plans do you have for our family. I know you said you had a few."

"I do, you all will learn tomorrow. You need to help me get a few supplies, and then we will be able to set it all up."

"Set it up?"

"There are multiple things I am going to be changing. It will be more fun." He replied with a smirk. "Seriously, like fun." Harlee squinted but nodded, trying not to say anything about how confused he was. Jace smiled looking at Harlee. "You look confused."

"I just have to wait to understand right dad."

"Right." Jace replied back, he watched as Alex walked out. "Ready to go Alex?"

"Yeah lets go."

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