Chapter Nine: Bad Dreams and Blood Bath

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Was watching the video while writing the chapter <3

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(((Long Chapter Warning)))
  Shout out to TrustSerenity and Blackblade3172

 It helps the book and the first one get recognized! I would love to see more of your comments and thoughts! I also appreciate ideas and suggestions it helps me out! (((Long Chapter Warning)))  Shout out to TrustSerenity and Blackblade3172

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All she could do that night was cry and have nightmares

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All she could do that night was cry and have nightmares. She woke up at least four times just to use the bathroom, she had to vomit, it wasn't going well for her, the idea of eating another person was getting to her. Carter woke up with her each time, and lovingly rocked her back to bed.

"Darling dearest." He finally said the fourth time she woke. "All you have to do is sleep baby girl."

"How can I sleep when the thought of eating someone is messing with my head? Have we..we eaten my..boy- ex boyfriend." She caught herself.

"No we gave him to Max and Lia's family. I knew you would be upset once you learned. My mother had to eat her original family and she still has nightmares about it." Valery felt her stomach turn again at the thought. He pulled her closer to himself. "Its three in the morning, so we can go back to sleep or I can distract you in my own way."

"What..what is that way?"

"I think you know." He said seductively, his voice lowering an active. She flicked her eyes to his hand, which was trailing up her leg. She gulped and she lowered her eyes, trying not to look at him. She bit her lip and turned around so she could face him. "Is that something you would be okay with doing?"

She thought for a moment, she needed to get it off her mind, she needed to do something, anything. She finally replied, first she nodded, than she decided to keep him off her trail, she wanted to run, but if she did this than he wouldn't suspect anything. She swung her leg over him so she was on top of him. His boxers were tight, she began to roll her hips along him. He smiled as she ran her hands up his bare chest, her nails leaving a tingling sensation against his skin. He reached his hand up to grab her hair, he balled it in a fist holding her hair in his hand. He smiled and pulled her face closer to his, their noses touching, he smirked, one of his teeth were sharper than the rest it shined in the dim light of the moon.

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