Chapter 22: New Information

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Asher cried himself to sleep that night, everything about the situation was horrific. He wanted to die, he wanted to leave this place, or even die. But Valery, that girl was pregnant, she wouldn't be able to run on her own if he died. He shivered in his spot, he was going to fight it, until he couldn't fight it any longer.

He continued to shiver as he watched people walk in and out of the house, he was sitting on the couch, the family was unusually large, and there were children. That was what bothered Asher the most, children grew up in this situation. They didn't know anything else. Alex and Harlee were talking, she was wondering if she should tell him that the meat was human. She figured he would learn eventually but it wasn't exactly something easy to explain.

The shirt on his back hurt, it stuck to the scars, he hated it, it hurt, the scars on his back would remind him forever that he had gone through this situation. Valery came and sat beside him, he smiled to her, seeing her stomach move with the each kick. "Do you know what it is? Asher finally asked breaking the silence.

"No, I just know I am pretty far along."

"Wow, how long have you been here?"

"It feels like forever. Just remember the secret to survival is lying."


"Make them think you love being here Asher, I know it's hard, but you need to."

"Okay," he went to speak again when Carter walked in, he was intimidating to them both.

Carter cocked his head towards them. "What are you two talking about?" Carter asked sitting on a chair across from them both. He set his feet on a table made of bone.

"Just telling Carter about our kiddo, and how wonderful this family is." Valery said, it was so easy for her to speak, it seemed that she really thought this way.

"I am really excited about our kid." Carter said smiling as he sat back. He noticed how uncomfortable Asher looked. "You okay?"

"My back hurts."

"Alex did a number on you didn't she?"

"You want to see?"

Carter smiled and nodded trotting over to him, and roughly pulling his shirt off, he yelped at the fast tug. "Oh, she marked you, what a silly girl." Valery let out a whine, she understood the feelings. He put his shirt back on and sat back down. "Let me see, you told her she was crazy or that this wasn't legal?"

He gulped. "How did you know?"

"It isn't hard. Your screams are loud by the way." Carter commented. His face grew red, he was embarrassed to hear that.

"This is just new," Asher said trying to follow what Valery said. "So, did your mom or dad sit in my position?" He asked curious.

"My mom," Carter replied. "But dad showed her how wonderful this family could really be, Valery seems to understand too. So I cannot wait to raise my little family. I am sure Alex is excited to be able to have you too, she and Harlee got you guys early. "

He squeaked, there was an age for this? "Early?"

"Supposed to be twenty."

"Oh, why early?"

"Kayla came early, she seems to be very happy to be a part of this family, but then you came around, and what else were we supposed to do, kill you?" Carter asked, Valery gave Carter a look.

"Alex needs to explain that to him love." Valery replied.

"Oh? She hasn't yet?"

"Explained what?" Asher asked.

"No, I can't. It isn't my turn to tell." He frowned, Asher looked to Valery concerned. Another few kicks to her stomach were seen. Asher couldn't help but smile at the kicks. "Val, come on, mom needs help in the kitchen. You aren't bedridden yet."

Asher was surprised, Valery was so close to popping that she shouldn't be doing that. "I..I can help instead." Asher tried to offer.

"No, Val wants to." Carter replied. Asher frowned and saw Val smile slightly sweet. He nodded understanding that she was just going to do it, he didn't want her to get hurt, but he understood nonetheless. Carter took her to the kitchen and went to find Alex.

Anika and Valery worked on cooking, she hated working with the meat. It made her sick, she watched Anika work and prepare. "Anika, didn't you have diaries?" Valery asked.

Anika nodded. "Yes, why do you ask?" She was rolling out some dough.

"I thought it would be.. good for me to read them. Understand the history of this place, and how you became a part of the family."

"That is a good idea." Anika smiled. "After dinner I can go and find it."


"Yes of course, you are my daughter. I want to make sure you are happy here."

"Thank you." Valery said with a fake smile. If she found some clues she could maybe get the two of them out of the house. Her, the baby, and even Asher. "Anika, is there anything about Carter's birth I should know, to help me with this one?"

Anika grew white, she looked her over. "I nearly died." Anika said, no one knew Carter wasn't her own. Only the older people in the family.

"Oh. That is a..thing to worry about."

"First kids are always a struggle." She replied.

"Okay.. thank you." Valery said, worried about the situation. She wanted to read the diary for the pregnancy as well.


Asher was running, he had slipped passed Alex, and began to run out the door. Cannibals, they were cannibals. Alex and the other kids were running after him. He just kept on running, he had to leave, he knew Valery would be pissed if she knew he wasn't coming back. He would send the police that is all. He kept going, that was when he felt something wrap around his leg, he screamed as he began to tumble. He rolled down the hill.

He looked down to his legs, rope connected to bones wrapped around his ankles. He began to crawl, he had to crawl. Alex began to call out to him. "Dear, you need to come here."

" please." Asher whined. Max's kids began to tackle Asher. He whined and felt them drag him towards Alex. "Why why are you doing this. You all are insane. Eating people isn..isn't legal. You have to know that! Please."

"Oh shush, you know that this isn't crazy. I love you, I love you more than anything, and we are here to protect you. But if you run away, we cannot keep you safe."

"Safe? How are you keeping me safe?" He asked as she dragged him back home. That was when his eyes grew wide. "I ate human didn't I?" He cried, he was gagging vile began threaten to come up.

"You did yes, and we protect you."

" please... no please. Oh god I ate people. I ate..I ate a person.." He was crying. He began to gag again, and he couldn't keep it down again.

Alex stepped back quickly. "Oh you vomited on my shoes..." Alex frowned. Carter came out, gave her a needle. "Sleep tight love." She whispered as she stabbed him with the needle. He struggled until everything began to grow dark. 

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