Chapter 24: Star

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Carter was frustrated he knew that there was nothing he could to do change what had happened, rather he had to forget, he needed to go out, and get new people for the family during the winter to come. He finished up the crib, setting it beside their bed, and made his way towards the car, he realized if she woke up she would want to know where he was so he turned back around, leaving the back door of his car open.

He wrote his whereabouts on a small card, he kissed her sleeping frame, and her stomach, and then returned back to the car. He wanted to make sure she was safe, and protected, wanted to ensure she would be able to live a happy safe life. Finding food would make sure of that. The back would easily hold two large men, and a women if he was ambitious enough. They needed that food, and he knew it, cows only lasted so long, and they needed the milk for the babies just incase anything happened, he hoped to hell nothing would happen to her, but just incase.

He began to drive, taking as many odd end turns as he could and hunting for a camp ground, that was all he needed, a camp ground. He ran his hands through his hair, it was getting long, it was in his eyes a lot of the time, and he wasn't ever to concerned with its length. It was easy to move out of his face if he wanted to, he understood it could make people look at him differently but he didn't expect to be loved by those who he was going to kill eventually. He wanted to cause fear in those he was going to kill, but he didn't want to kill and leave the rest of the family hungry. He made his way towards the nearest camping sites when he stopped the car abruptly nearly swearing off the road. Blankets in the back moved.

He tensed, slowly reaching for his knife Carter grabbed the blankets hem. He began to lift it up as he raised his knife over whatever, or whoever was there. As he pulled the blankets back a child no older than four raised his hands quickly. Carter froze, he set the weapon down abruptly. "What are you doing in my truck?" Carter asked concern washed over him, what was a four year old doing near their home. The town was a few miles away, and the only time his truck was open was when he walked from the car to the house.

The child shivered, looking at Carter with panic. He was petrified, and Carter was concerned for its wellbeing. He knew it was a young girl, she looked scared, her pink dress was muddy, and her pigtails were frayed, mud and dirt caked her skin.

"Mommy said be right back, mommy drove away, mommy never came back." She replied, her words were not said easily, only mommy and back. Carter frowned, concerned.

"When was this?"


Carters eyes grew wide, today was Wednesday, she needed water, food. He turned the car around, that could wait, she needed to be taken care of first. He drove home, as he opened the door the young girl evaded his hands and began to run, run as fast as she could towards the barn. "No stop wait!" He yelled running after her, she needed safety, and this wouldn't provide it. He grabbed her just before she could enter the barn, blood inches from her bare feet. Dirty and in need of a bath the little girl clawed at him. "Why are you fighting me?" He asked confused, she kept kicking.

"Mommy said strangers are bad." She cried out as he carried her shaking frame back to the house. As he entered the house Anika instantly noticed the child, she realized that carter was struggling.

"Carter, who is that?"

Carter was struggling to get the girl to stop struggling. "I don't.. I don't know mom, she just isn't..isn't calming down.. she ... she was in my car.. ouch!" He yelped and nearly dropped the girl, she had kicked him in the chest. Anika made her way towards them slowly, a cookie in her hand.

"Are you hungry sweetheart?"

The girl stopped struggling, she reached for the cookie and Anika. Anika took the girl in her arms quickly, she smiled and kissed her forehead. "You are dirty darling, you need a home don't you?"

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