Chapter 19 - Asher

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This chapter is dedicated to my patron TrustSerenity it it also a birthday chapter, because I wrote this and uploaded it on Patreon yesterday!

So I know its a day late but go and give her some birthday wishes, and with her Patron status she got to name and design a character special for this chapter and the rest of the book! <3
So happy birthday! 


Kayla and Valery kept Alex from going crazy while she was on rest, however she was healing, and didn't seem to need to keep herself sitting. Her stomach wounds were healing, it would defiantly leave a scar. Alex was kept away from the boy, she didn't even know he was there. Carter took her into town to find her a nice dress, she thought it was for her getting better but it was after all something for her to look nice for her new husband. They wanted to surprise her.

When the boy finally woke Anika smiled, he jumped back seeing her, but let out a groan at the pain that seemed to wave through his body. He let out a surprised yelp. "Where..where am I?"

"My daughter found you, you were stumbling in the woods we thought you might be lost, possibly dyeing." She said handing him a water. He quickly drank it. "Now through that door is a bathroom, feel free to take a shower and then we can get everything else figured out."

He nodded thankful to her. She took notice of his hazel eyes, they were sparkling despite the fear and confusion he was going through. He took about an hour in the shower allowing as much water to run over him as he could. He stretched, his hair no longer caked in dirt, was a dark brown. He was 5' 10" and he had a medium build. His light tan skin was finally visible after becoming clean.

He walked from the bathroom and on the bed was a new set of clothes, he smiled as he began to dress. They fit him exactly. He went to leave the room only to find it locked. He panicked, but Anika soon returned, he walked out of the room and on the table was a plate of steaming food. He licked his lips and began to eat as quickly as he could, she grinned seeing he didn't even question the food. Alex was going to arrive home soon, and Anika wanted to make sure he was ready for her.

"I hope you think about staying here for a while, you defiantly aren't in any condition to leave."

He nodded to her as he took another bite of meat, the flavor danced in his mouth. He was thankful to her, and felt he was also in debt to her, without this family he probably would have died. He had heat exhaustion, he was starving, he hadn't been able to drink water that was clean, he had completely stumbled around the lake nearby, He was covered in bruises and scratches from tripping and falling.

"I think.. I think I should. Do you have a phone, I am sure my friends are looking for me." He replied.

"No phone here, no landlines, but we can take you into town once you are feeling better." Anika said as she watched him pile more food on his plate. "My name is Anika by the way."

"Oh, mine is Asher." He smiled thankful to her.

"Asher what a wonderful name, my daughter Alex will be happy to meet you. Oh and I should call Kayla and Harlee down since they found you." Soon the rest of the kids piled down, however with Valery's bad behavior she had her ankle chained to the bed of her and Carter's room. He didn't trust her to not tell him to run.

"Hi, my name is Harlee, this is my fiance Kayla. She and I found you."

He held his hand out to shake, Harlee smiled and took it gladly. Kayla smiled to him. She was surprised he was so willing to accept them. However she was unsure if he knew anything about them. "Thank you for saving me."

"What were you doing all the way out here?"

"I was with a hiking group, I have been lost for two days.. Maybe three? I think I got really far. I lost my phone my Id... the dog is with the others. I am really far away. We even drove seven states for this, I am no where near home."

"We will gladly have you as our family."

He looked to her, but it didn't seem off. It just seemed like something a kind women would say. "I would gladly stay here until I can't."

"No worries, everything will be okay. We are here for you now, we will always be here for you." Anika smiled, that was when the front door opened and Jace walked in the door. "Oh this is my husband. Jace, this is Asher."

Jace smiled. "Hello."

He smiled back when they could hear the sound of a truck.

"Oh that is Alex now!" She said. Alex came in and was dressed in a beautiful white dress with purple lace. She looked to her mother in question and then to the man. The two came inside and Carter closed the door and stood in front of the door. "Honey, come meet Asher, he is going to be your husband."

That was when the boy stood up quickly, Jace pushed him back in his chair and Alex smiled wide. "You are so handsome Asher." She smiled and walked towards him. He looked at them all in concern.

"No, what are you talking about? Why am I.. no please."

Alex sat in his lap, his hands soon tied to the chair. "Oh, my sweet husband, I am so happy! Thank you mom, dad."

"Thank Kayla and Harlee, they found him."

Alex jumped from her seat on his lap and hugged Kayla quickly, the Harlee. "Thank you thank you!" Kayla smiled, she was finally understanding this family fully, and was proud to be a part of it. Alex went back to the man, he was struggling in his chair angrily.

"I don't understand you! Please! Stop!" He was kicking his feet as she kissed him.

"My dear husband please stop, calm down now. Asher, I said stop." She slapped him across the face. He sat up quickly panicking.

He tried to get her off of him. "Please stop this isn't right!"

Alex shook her head. "Nonsense, calm down love."

"No please stop!" He screamed. Alex shook her head, that was when Jace stabbed his neck with a needle, he fought as he was injected with a medication. He soon was silent, and unmoving. Alex smiled. "Can someone help me get him to my room?"

"Of course honey." Jace said as he tossed the boy over his shoulder and dragging him up to her room. 

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