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sasha made her way into the bar. plan in tow. she didn't care if anyone else's eyes were on her, all she was that seth was staring at her.

she smirked. it took everything in her not to kiss him right now. she slid into the booth thay had: seth, bayley, finn, kevin, roman, charlotte and dean.

"soooooo," bayley pauses as she sized sasha. "who you dressed up for, banks?"

"between y'all and me," sasha pauses lowering her voice to a whisper. "i'm trying to get laid."

everyone laughs as seth leans back with a smirk. he was confident it was going to be him. sasha laughed at the look on his face before her eyes wandered around the bar.

"oh, over there!" sasha pointed to a man at the bar. he was leaned agaisnt the bar as their eyes met. he winked sasha's way and she smiled.

seth's smirk dropped became a look of anger. he didn't want her to sleep with anyone else. she excused herself and headed over to the blue-eyed bar guy.

seth watched intently as she walked up to him and sweet talked her way into getting a drink. he seen the way she leaned into the guy and a smile appeared in his face.


"what?" he snapped at roman whose eyebrows furrowed. seth's whole demeanour was tense and roman wanted to know why.

"woah, who pissed in your cereal?"

"har har, what was the reason you called me?" seth said rudely as his eyes travelled back to sasha who now was twirling her finger around her hair.

"ah, i i was right?"

"right about what?" seth asks as his head sharply turned to face his best friend. "you and sasha, are together."

"no-" he pauses. "well we've been sleeping together, yeah."

"damn rollins, didn't think you had it in you."

"yeah well." he shrugged as he turned back to face sasha who was now standing with the man; ready to leave.

"excuse me."

seth quickly walked behind sasha and wrapped his arms around her waist. "hey babe."

sasha tried not to laugh at his jealousy. he pulled her close to him.

"oh, sorry man she never told me she had a boyfriend."

"it's alright, bye now." seth said as he turned sasha around to face him. she crossed her arms as he tightened his grip on her waist.

"you really think i was going to let you sleep with a groupie?"

"i do what i want."

seth's eyes flashed dark and he grabbed her, pulling her towards the elevator. it dinged and he pulled her inside.

sasha scoffed and pulled hand away from him. he rolled his eyes and pressed her against the wall. she smirked as he wrapped his hand around her neck.

"you're mine, got it?"

"not really."

"what do you mean, not really?"

his grip tightened on her neck and she felt a wave of desire flow through her body. he roughly connected their lips and pressed stop on the elevator button.

"mhm, baby." he moaned into her mouth and she then wanted more. she started to unbutton his shirt and slowly took it off of him. they pulled away for air and sasha's eyes darkened with lust. she was almost unable to remember her plan.

she pressed start back on the elevator. he looked at her in confusion. she pressed her floor and smirked at him.

"oh, i have a booty call, see ya around, babe." she winked and exited the elevator. she felt his eyes bore holes in the back of her neck as she made her way to her room.

seth growled as soon as the doors closed. he will not be played with like that. he went to his room and changed into sweats and a tight cotton t-shirt.

he ran down the stairs to sasha's room and picked the lock. he knew it was very stupid and he could've knocked. he realized she was in the shower and plopped down on her bed, scrolling through his phone.

sasha soon stepped out of the bathroom in a towel. she saw seth and screamed.

"well, baby, if you wanted me to make you scream..all you had to do was ask."

"how did you even get in here!"

"picked the lock."

he then looked around the room and chuckled. "what happened to the bootycall, banks?"

"i don't have to explain myself to you, got it?"

his eyebrows raised at her sudden attitude. he pushed her down on the bed as he hovered above her.

"listen, i didn't come to argue, i came to please tired of us bickering before getting to the part we love."


"yes, baby, love." he pauses. "admit it, you love the way we are together on this bed."

"we are stupid good."

"see, that's what i mean."

sasha looks around her room trying to avoid his gaze. he pulled it back when he attached their lips. he pulled away quickly though.

"why?" she groaned like a child.

"because i need you to know you're the only one."


"there hasn't been anyone else, banks."


"how about you?" seth asks even though he already knew the answer. she had. she had slept with other people.

"me either."


"all those guys, they were to make you jealous."



"well in that case." he kissed her deeply. it felt content knowing she was all his, even if it was for the time being. "make sure there is no one else."

she stays silent.

"don't sleep with anyone but me, please?"

her eyes soften at the sound of his pleasing voice.

"i don't want to anyways."

his heart skipped a beat. they weren't dating, but they were exclusively hooking up and he knew that was a big deal for sasha.

a/n hated that sorrry

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