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sasha woke up bright and early. she didn't know wether or not she should buy him breakfast. she didn't want to talk to him in a public restaurant.

she wanted to talk to him alone, so he could kiss her freely after what she was going to tell him.

sasha: morning
sasha: what's your room number
seth: 504

sasha smiled once she realized it was the one next to her. they would have to stay in these rooms for the rest of the week.

she slipped on her slides and headed out to buy him food. she remembered that he loved waffles, so she got him some. she made her way back to the hotel; straight to his room.

sasha knocked and seth opened almost immediately. she smiled shyly and seth didn't quite know what happened to the confident sasha.

sasha had never been one to blush or bow her head when she was told 'no'. she was persistent and he couldn't help but wonder if he had something to do with her sudden change.

"brought you waffles." she said raising them to his view. he nodded down at her before opening his door wider; letting her enter.

she sighed. she wanted the old seth back, not this cold one.


"you wanted to talk."

"i messed up. i was in the wrong and i realize that now. i don't know why i couldn't just say how i felt."


"oh?" sasha asked. she was trying; really trying. the least he could do was show a little effort. "look, i want us to go back to the way we were."


"are you mad?" it was a foolish question, but she really needed to know. she rather him be mad than be like this.

"no, who said i was mad?"


"stop what?"

"stop this! stop acting like you don't care!" she didn't care if she was acting selfish. she just wanted him to tell her what was going on in that mind of his.

"maybe i don't." he shrugged still not looking her in the eyes.

"bullshit!" she screamed. "you can't even look me in the eyes! just-"

"want me to look you in the eyes?" he snapped finally meeting her eyes. his eyes were as cold as a winter's night. he showed no emotion, for once she was scared; scared that what she was going to say still wouldn't be enough to fix what was going on. "well you've got it. happy now?"

"can't you just yell at me like a normal person, let out your anger."

"but i'm still not mad. there's nothing to be mad about. are you mad?"

"no, b-"

"me either. no one is mad, so what's still the problem?"

"tell me what's on your mind, just please tell me so i can fix it."

"how about you do what you actually want for once?" he said calmly which scared her a bit.


"how about you make ypur decisions before your backed up against a wall? how about you stop letting everyone around you get in your head? how about you stop letting your past get in the way of your future? how about you just stop." he stated still calmly.

this is what she wanted. right? she asked herself if she really wanted to hear all of that.

"see, now i know you're angry. so yell at me!"

"like i said, i am not angry. why are you still pushing this?"

"i want seth back!"

"he's standing right here infront of you." sasha took the time to look him up and down. this wasn't the seth she used to spend her days with. this wasn't the seth she was about to confess her feelings to. this wasn't the seth she wanted to kiss.

this wasn't the seth she loved.

"no, he's not." sasha sighed in defeat. she grabbed her purse and walked out of his suite. he plopped down on the couch with his head in his hands.

he should be happy.

he didn't give her a chance to break his heart, but he couldn't help and think that she came to do something else.

it was over now.

there was no more him and sasha.

he would just have to learn to live with that.

a/n this was basically my take on 'the gilmore girls' episode. it was my favorite episode; when lorelai went to apologize to luke, but he didn't care enough to fight. love you all <3 next update will be either later today or tomorrow

also this chapter has this books FIRST swear word 💀😭

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