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seth woke up and immediately called dean and roman.

"hey guys."



his friends knew him so well. he got ready and headed down to the hotel café. seth spotted dean, renee and roman.

"hey, y'all order?"

"yeah, um, xavier saw us and invited other people to come. so that talk will have to wait until later. okay?" roman explained and seth nodded sadly. 

bayley, sasha, charlotte, kevin and xavier come with their plates of breakfast. sasha avoids eye contact with seth as everyone chooses their seats.

"so, what's today's plan? we only have four more free days." xavier asks as he starts to eat his food.

"yeah, i am definetly staying in my hotel room today with ro." charlotte smiles. "well, like always, i'm going on a hike." bayley added.

"me and renee are going out to town." dean says before pulling renee closer to him. "and i am staying in and watching movies alone." kevin teases knowing everyone knows he's going day drinking with sami.

"i'm staying in my hotel room as well." seth shrugs. everyone was waiting on sasha's reply, but she was so caught up in eating her food she failed to notice. in all honesty, she wanted the ground to separate and swallow her.

"what about you, sash." bayley nudges her to grasp her attention. "oh, nothing i guess." she replies before quickly looking back down to finish her food.

everyone noticed the change in sasha's behavior and no one really knew why; expect kevin and bayley. every one started to properly eat while sasha had already finished.

she sat back quietly picking at her nails. every one engaged in conversation; laughing and planning while she still focused on her hands down in her lap.

"i am gonna head up now. so, i'll see you guys..whenever, i guess." sasha says with a forced smile and exited the café.

"i wonder what's happening to her." charlotte whispers to bayley. she sighs before linking their arms and pulling her away from the table.

"i'm gonna go get ready, see you all later." renee smiles and pecks dean's lips. she awkwardly left.

xavier got called by e and kofi eventually and decided to head out; leaving kevin, dean and roman.

"so, we can have that talk now, what is it?"

"well, yesterday sasha came by like she was supposed to. she said she wanted to tell me something, but i didn't wanna hear it."

"what? why?" kevin snapped. sasha had probably talked herself out of coming to talk to him and he didn't even hear her out. kevin was pissed.

"well, if she was going to break my heart, she could have at least done it over text!" seth snaps back. he was tired of people being on his ass about things that he couldn't change.

"she wasn't going to break your heart!" kevin pinches his nose bridge. "she was going to confess her feelings, god you're an idiot!"

"woah." dean whispered to roman. roman shrugged; not knowing what to say. seth could be so stubborn for no reasons, reasons that could benefit him most of the time.

"what do you mean?"

"can't you tell she's in love with you?" kevin asks suddenly calmer.

"ha," he laughs sarcastically. "quite funny, because her sleeping with random dudes definetly shows how much she loves me."

"oh boo-hoo, don't act like you didn't know how sasha coped with these types of things." dean adds. every one knew sasha liked to sabotage herself.

"yeah well-"

"swallow your pride, don't you like her too."

"well yeah, but-"

"no buts," roman interjects. "don't make it harder than it has to be. if you like her, then just tell her. stop making her turn into this quite, shy, insecure person that she is becoming. don't be selfish!"

"wow, nice to know someone's on my side." seth sarcastically says before crossing his arms and sits back.

"do you hear yourself? you sound like a five year old. if you really like her, you would be knocking on her door right now and telling her how much you do. not sitting here trying to prove why your approach was right in the first place!"

"screw all of you!" seth rolls his eyes. "for crying out loud, this is her fault too! all she had do was answer the question."

"well, do you forgive her or not?" kevin asks as he sits forward. seth nods making kevin's shoulders untense a bit. "then go to her. right now! but i swear to god if your break her heart, i will make sure that your precious little nose is too because for her to open up is a lot. got it?"

"yeah, i'm going." seth says and stands up; dusting off his pants. he looks down at his friends and smiles a bit. "thanks."

all three nod before seth heads up. he wasn't going to break her heart. he didn't even knew she liked him, much less love him.

his chest tightened and he couldn't help, but feel weak in the knees. he shut his eyes tightly before lifting his hand to knock on her door.

it opened slowly and his mouth instantly went dry. sasha managed to make sweats and a sports bra, breath taking.



a/n hehe good night <3 (well good morning i guess because its 3 am) 💀

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