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sasha sat quietly in catering at a table by herself

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sasha sat quietly in catering at a table by herself. never had sasha ever been alone in a public place. she picked at her nails, concentrating on nothing else.

she felt a presence beside her and she prayed it was seth; she missed him. he acted as if she didn't exist anymore. it would so much easier if he just yelled at her. she excitedly looked up, but her face dropped once she realized who it was.

"well, that's not the reaction i wanted."

"what do you want, bay?"

"what happened?" bayley asked

"you happened! i was enjoying my time with seth and you ruined it!"

"what how?"

"your dumb comment sparked up questions from him that i couldn't answer."


"no! shut up! this is all your fault!"

"i can't believe you're actually blaming me for this! it is not my fault jeff left you broken!" 

sasha bowed her head. she sat silently back to picking her nails. bayley felt bad; not about what she said, but how she said it.

"sasha i didn't mean it like  that."

"please just go."

bayley nodded. the softness in sasha's voice almost made her cry. she walked away from the purple haired girl and exited catering. that's when sasha put her head down crying. she as heartbroken. she didn't know why it was so hard for her to tell seth she liked him, but t was. if she admitted her feelings to him; he could easily break her heart which wasn't something she could handle.


sasha had tried to keep her min off of seth the last couple of weeks. she was sleeping with a new man every night, but it was no use. she compared them to seth every time. even jey. so here she sat at the hotel watching seth laugh and drink with roman and dean.

dean nudged him and pointed to sasha. their eyes met for a second before sasha cowardly looked away. she sipped her drink and looked everywhere, bu him,. it pained her to look into those hazel brown eyes all because she felt a ping in her heart every single time and she didn't know how to make it stop.

"hey sasha"

"kevin." she sighed before wrapping him into a hug. she missed him. he had gone back to canada for his children, but she couldn't help and wish he was here in her time of need.

"i heard everything that happened. are you sure you just don't want to talk to him, because i think you have a lot to say."

"that's just it! i don't deserve him listening to me because of all i'e done to him. i made a promise not to sleep with other guys and i broke it. i told him i'd be honest, but i wasn't."

"you're too hard on yourself. seth has always been reasonable, he'll understand."

"i don't know kev."

"stop whining and just try it. stop blaming other ;people when you're just to scared to try yourself. just stop with the excuses. he's right there. now go!"

sasha groaned before standing up and walking over to seth's booth. she tapped his shoulder shyly and waited until he turned around. their eyes met and she wanted to kiss him and make it all better.

"seth, i really need to tell you something."

"can it wait til tomorrow? i'm having a good night and i don't really want my heart broken today."

"uh, yeah, tomorrow for breakfast?"

"yeah, breakfast sounds good, bye banks."

she nodded shyly and walked away slowly. she felt small. very small. she didn't want to wait until tomorrow. she wanted to hold him in her arms tonight. she wanted to kiss him tonight. she wanted to tell tonight. she just wanted tonight.

"what do you think she'll say?"

"that she doesn't want a relationship." 

"is that you want?"

"more than anything, ro."

they sat in silence and continued to drink their beers. sasha finally made back to kevin and gulped down her drink.

"tomorrow, kev, tomorrow." 

a/n sorry its so short :( but im finally writing from a computer akakakaka 

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