Chapter 1

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Iwaizumi decided to leave Oikawa on the tree and ushered the Karasuno team to follow him.
Hajime had never expected Oikawa to get to know about his true self like that. In a breakdown, where he pinned Asahi to a wall and scared him so much he nearly passed out.

"Tell me!! TELL ME GODDAMMIT!!" Iwaizumi screamed at his friend Azumane who he had lured away from Kageyama and was now pinned by him against a brick wall without any way to escape.
"What are y-you talking about Iwaizumi?!" he hissed back with a faked confidence. Iwaizumi's nostrils flared. He smelled a lie.
"Iwa-chan stop it!! What has gotten into you?!" Oikawa yelled and tried to pull him away, but in his fury Iwaizumi blindly punched backwards and a pained scream of Oikawa told him, yes, he hadn't missed his target.

Iwaizumi shook his head, memories fresh and bloody in his mind. He wouldn't ever forget the scream of his best friend as he punched him. Oikawa had a blue eye as he finally took a look at him, however, that first happened as he calmed down.

Hinata, a winged child. He should have seen it coming but yet, Iwaizumi's stomach was doubling over with joy as the charm of Hinata crumbled in his hands and gigantic black wings became visible on the middle blockers back. Iwaizumi sat on Hinata's butt, victorious, overfilled with victory as his suspicions had been proven true.
Iwaizumi found another one, another special child, another one like him. With probably connections to others-
Iwaizumi would finally find a pack.

All he registrated of Oikawa's condition was the tiny sigh as he fainted. It was a shock, after all.
Iwaizumi sighed, he hadn't expected Azumane and Kageyama to rip off his jacket with the charm inside which hid his feral true self and made him look human.
This day, he found another two friends in Kageyama and Hinata... and despite his attack, his bond to Asahi deepened as well. Kageyama even offered him Karasuno as his pack.

Nishinoya knew he was an inu, thanks to Hinata, yet he didn't know wether the other members of the volleyball club grasped the actual situation.
"Uhm... Guys?" he finally said and the common chatter stopped. Wow, this was hard.
"I... I don't know if you even realized it... But I'm an inu."
Suga raised his eyebrows and patted his shoulder with a gentle smile.
"I know. Oikawa-san screaming Iwa-chan you are a werewolf gave quite a bit away."
"Uhm... Yes?" Daichi said with a confused expression like it was the most normal thing on earth.
"What's the problem?" Tanaka asked.

Iwaizumi was flabbergasted.
"Y-you... y-you just accept it?! Like it's nothing?!"
"Well, we have two winged children and met other people."
Asahi snickered softly and gave Iwaizumi a friendly slap onto his back.
"I told you nobody will judge you here. It was a shock when we saw Hinata and Nishinoya flying above our heads but it's fine."
He casted a glance back into the direction they left Oikawa in.
"Do you think... he'll calm down?"
Iwaizumi frowned and lowered his head. The male started to chew on his lip, a habit he always lifted out if nervous or worried.
"I... I honestly don't know. He saw me changing while I had Hinata down... and... I punched him. You've seen the blue eye, right?"
While Asahi nodded Daichi frowned and crossed his arms demandingly.
"What actually happened? I mean, you showed up with Oikawa-san fainted over your shoulder."

Iwaizumi averted his eyes. Asahi honestly doubted the inu would be doing any explaining soon and decided to step in, much to the surprise of everyone else.
"Inus prefer to live in packs. Iwaizumi never told anyone, not even his foster parents. He doesn't have one. And... he smells all the special boys on me. He blew a fuse, Oikawa received a punch, Hinata was scared to death-"
"You too, you were shaking like a leaf."
"I-Iwaizumi!! At least I didn't look like vomiting!"
"No, you looked like fainting."
Tanaka snorted and pushed Iwaizumi into the middle of the group where he was greeted with backslaps and encouraging comments.
"Don't mind! Leave Oikawa to the trash, you've got us. We'll be a great pack, dontcha worry," the bald head smirked and Tsukishima raised his hands.
"Please don't include me in that."
"Isn't that a great chance to study inus in packs? Aone-san's team doesn't know about him!" Yamaguchi threw in and Tsukki felt his last walls of denial crumble.
"Oh fuck it. Fine."
"Language, Tsukishima," Sugawara warned with a stern gaze.


Iwaizumi returned to his house after a long day with Karasuno. When somebody would have told him he would end up enjoying his time with them more than with his team in Seijoh, he would have punched them.
But it was true. Iwaizumi felt like he had, for the first time in his life, a family. It wasn't like he imagined it, he was still awkward with most of them, only Kageyama and Asahi could lead a real conversation without the uncomfortable silence. Nevertheless, it made him feel at ease to have found a group which accepted him how he was.

The amount of phone numbers he had received was shocking, it actually came close to the numbers Oikawa's fangirls threw at that trashbag.
To mention trash...

Iwaizumi opened his phone and scrolles through his chats to open Oikawa's and his.

Iwaizumi: Hey Crappykawa, can we talk
You have been blocked by user 'Oikawa'. Messages cannot be delivered.

Iwaizumi: Are you fucking serious?! Unblock me Trashykawa!!
You have been blocked by user 'Oikawa'. Messages cannot be delivered.

Iwaizumi bit down on his lower lip to suppress his frustrated scream. Oikawa blocked him. Why did Oikawa block him?!
Did he hate him so much?
"Oh, Hajime! How was your day? Did you go out with Tooru again?"
"Ah... Yeah. But... I think Tooru's busy. I'll be hanging out more with the Karasuno guys," he replied while walking into his room.
"Karasuno?!" he heard his mother faintly say but didn't answer anymore.

Oikawa blocked him.
Oikawa never blocked him.

Iwaizumi faceplanted his bed and groaned into the pillow. Just like his first foster parents... Oikawa had abandoned him.

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