Chapter 5

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"Hey everyone!!" Hinata nervously exclaimed and once more, the entire Seijou gym dropped their current activity. Nishinoya jogged inside with a wide grin, satisfied about his plan.
"Alright, perfect timing Hinata! Oikawa is distracted and Iwaizumi is out with Asahi!"
"Are you sure we should do that?! Not even Iwaizumi trusts his team enough for that!!" the intimidated orange head hissed, fearful eyes never leaving the tall club members. Nishinoya sighed and slammed both his hands onto Hinata's shoulders, earning a quiet eep.
"Did Iwaizumi trust us at the beginning? And did we trust our team?"
Hinata gave a defeated whine and shook his head.

"Alright why are you Karasuno guys disturbing our practice and what is this all about?" one of the club members, Kunimi, asked in a monotone voice. Nishinoya stared bluntly into his eyes with a serious expression.
"We need to talk. You like Iwaizumi, right? And you don't want to loose him to Karasuno?"
Silent yet common nodding was the answer, even Kyoutani did his part. It didn't really surprise the team, Kyoutani followed Iwaizumi's orders like a pet.
"So... You would accept him, even when he is... different? Not the same race?"
"What the heck are you talking about?" a confused Kindaichi whined and Hanamaki crossed his arms, certainly curious but cautious about all those questions.
"Geez get to the point."

Hinata took all his bravery and cried out "Iwaizumi isn't human!!!"
Everyone flinched before the expressions softened and giggles filled the hall.
"If you just came here to fuck with us-"
"Nonono wait!! It's true! And we can prove it to you, cuz we aren't either," Nishinoya stated and Hinata nodded hastily. Yahaba pinched the bridge of his nose with a defeated sigh.
"You came all the way here, disturb our practice and tell us Iwaizumi is an alien?"
"Pfft no alien! That's stupid. Iwaizumi is an inu!"
A simultanous raise of eyebrows followed and Matsukawa turned away, picking up a volleyball.
"Alright, enough bullshit for today. Let's continue training."

Hinata dashed in a mad speed towards Matsukawa and jumped high to meet his face, the male shrieked and jumped a step backwards.
"You want proof?! Noya and I aren't human either, we are winged children!!"
Nishinoya was all busy searching for his charm but didn't mind to add "We can fucking fly and we're fucking proving it to you!!"
The Seijou volleyball team couldn't make a sense of that. Inus? Winged children? Those creatures were legends, nothing of that was true. But why did these two Karasuno boys come all the way here to lie?

"Look closely! Cuz that's how I really look!!" Hinata shouted and let his charm fall onto the ground. The moment it left his hands, those gigantic black wings became visible and Seijou gasped.
"O-okay okay, is that a joke?"
"Where is the camera?!"
Kyoutani, on the other hand, slowly inched closer and patted the feathery mass like a puppy.
"Warm..." he muttered with a blank face, spreading his fingers gently to catch more of their fluffyness. Nishinoya found his charm as well and presented his yellow and black wings proudly to the team.
"See?! We are winged children!"
"Seriously, where is that camera?" Watari exclaimed and looked left and right, trying to make out any sign they were just joking. Kindaichi jawdropped and slowly stretched his hand out towards Nishinoya, who backed away with a tiny gasp.
"I-if you want to touch, touch Hinata's. I'm horribly ticklish there."
Kindaichi stepped instead towards Hinata and Hanamaki followed suit, trying to find any hint his wings were fake.
"Wow! So fluffy!" the first year exclaimed and Kyoutani nodded in agreement.

"That's nice and all. But can you prove it's not fake?"
"You want proof? Aaaand... Up I go~!" Nishinoya smirked, opened his wings, crouched slightly down, only to kick himself off of the ground and dart high into the air. He flew a few circles above the team and watched with joy how all eyes were on him, admiration, fascination, disbelief and amazement written all over their faces. To add a little bit of extra show to his performance, Nishinoya aimed at Yahaba and scooped him up from the ground like he wasn't anything, soaring high above the team with him. Yahaba clawed into Nishinoya's shoulders and went pale, silent whimpers escaping his throat.
"Relax~! I carried Suga-san too~" Nishinoya smirked and returned the shaking pinch server to the ground.

Silence filled the gym for two minutes until a large storm of questions broke over the two winged children. Hinata, not at all opposed to pettings, stayed on the ground and relaxed with a blissful smile- it almost seemed like Kyoutani and Kindaichi weren't able to pry themselves away from his wings anymore.
Yahaba, after calming down, flashed a tiny smile at the Mad Dog. He did have a soft side.
"So Iwaizumi has wings too?!"
"Wow... Talk about fairytales... I have to-"
"NO!!" Hinata shrieked in horror and shook violently his head, "You can't tell anyone! Absolutely no one! We hide for a reason. There are still people outside who hunt us for a zoo or just for our feathers or fur. Iwaizumi never told anyone about himself, either."
"About Iwaizumi..." Nishinoya began and all eyes focused onto him, "Can you all promise to keep quiet about us? Our race? We could introduce you to more of our kind... even nekos."

Hesitant glances shot back and forth between the club members until Matsukawa nodded sternly, speaking for the whole team.
"Yes. We promise."
Both Hinata and Nishinoya exhaled in relief and the latter resumed with his talk.
"Iwaizumi doesn't have wings. He is an inu. The Grand King witnessed a rather... fucked up breakdown of him where he lost his charm to hide and changed into the beast he looks like."
"The Grand King thinks he's a werewolf and is horrified. You should have seen him, he climbed a tree to get distance between us. He kind of saw me there too..."

Yahaba swallowed and sat down on the ground, realizing this conversation would take longer.
"How about you tell us how everything started?"
"Hinata?" Nishinoya asked hopefully and the middle blocker nodded eagerly, settling down on the Seijou gym floor with a large smile.

"It all began with a match against Fukurodani... where my charm slipped out of my pocket and everyone saw my black wings."

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