Chapter 4

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Short before the end of the training, the gym door opened and Hinata and Kageyama strolled inside.
"Hey!! Iwaizumi-san~!" the orange head chirped and Oikawa dropped the ball he was going to toss in horror. All eyes darted over to the strangers within the Aoba Johsai domain and nobody said a word.
"Good afternoon Iwaizumi-senpai," Kageyama greeted with a bow and behind him Nishinoya and Asahi entered the hall.
"Wow! That's the Seijou gym?! Looks not much different from ours. Yo Iwaizumi!"
"Hello Iwaizumi! Good to see you."

Iwaizumi, after digesting his friends' arrival, snickered and dropped the ball he was holding to highfive Nishinoya, pat Azumane's shoulder, ruffle Hinata's hair (the boy complained) and do a handshake with Kageyama.
"How are you? Training's over?" he curiously asked and Asahi grinned.
"Yeah. We immediately came here. Thought... we could go visit Aone with you?"
"Kageyama and I are just about to perfect our Back Minus!" Hinata shouted and Iwaizumi shot a competetive grin at him.
"Just wait, we'll still crush you."
"Try to Iwaizumi-senpai!" Kageyama threw in and the five of them started to chuckle.

Finally, Kindaichi found his voice again.
"I.. I-Iwaizumi-senpai?! Since w-when are you so good with Karasuno?!"
Iwaizumi turned around, a sheepish smirk crossing his lips.
"Oh, not long. But I got Azumane's number after the last match."
Distrusting eyes drilled into Kageyama and Hinata, as adorable as it was, tried to cover the setter from his former team's eyes.
"Stop staring at my Kageyama!!"
"Your Kageyama?" Matsukawa spluttered amused and both boys blushed a faint shade of pink.
"Hey stop teasing them," Iwaizumi scolded and boxed Kageyama gently.
"Let's get going. I still have to return my Karasuno uniform."


This was the first time Oikawa had spoken to him since two days and Iwaizumi flinched so bad it had him take a step back. His face darkened, a grim expression took over his features.
"Yes, my Karasuno uniform. I'm thinking about transferring, by the way. It's not like I wouldn't be smart enough for that."
Oikawa glared at him in a way which promised death and horror but Iwaizumi reflected the same. Kageyama tilted his head, adorably confused.
"So you didn't join Suga-san and Daichi-san just for one day?"
"Wow!! That means you'll become my senpai!!" Hinata squealed with joy and highfived an exited Nishinoya.
"YOU WERE AT KARASUNO YESTERDAY?!" Yahaba freaked out. This wasn't like Iwaizumi at all.
"Why yes, I was at Karasuno. I attended the Karasuno school and joined the volleyball club practice. If you want to know why, please ask our Trashykawa. Because without his fucking discrimination, I wouldn't have gone so far."

Having spat this, Iwaizumi turned to leave and the Karasunos followed him like lost puppies. Oikawa watched him leave, hurt and fighting his tears. Iwa-chan wasn't coming back to him. But Oikawa couldn't help it, he was scared. In front of his eyes, his best friend and crush had turned into a beast, a werewolf.
And Chibi-chan was a fucking angel! Do angels actually have black wings?
"Yo Oikawa!! What the fuck did you do?!"
"Oikawa-senpai! What did Iwaizumi-senpai mean?!"

Without loosing a word, Oikawa packed up and left. He needed peace to think.
"I can't.... I don't want to loose Iwa-chan... But I'm so scared that he kills me during this... phase..." Tooru muttered under his breath. How was he going to solve this? He didn't want Iwa-chan to get killed by people who hunted werewolfes and vampires and god what else, that was the reason he kept it secret.
There was something else which actually spiked his interest.
"After that attack... after all what Iwa-chan did to Asa-chan and Hina-chan... why are they so close?"
Did it actually happen or was that just a hallucination?

Perhaps it all was just a misunderstanding.

Perhaps everything was just a dream.

But no, Iwa-chan had accused him of discrimination, so it must have happened. It was true, in a way. Tooru had blocked any contact to his childhood friend and honestly, it killed him inside to be unable to stay close to him.
Oikawa couldn't find a sense in Karasuno's behavior and it pissed him off. Why did they become so close with his Iwa-chan? Why weren't they afraid? Scared of what Iwa-chan might do to them when he changes.
"He doesn't have control over himself... does he? H-he punched me and had this wild expression..." Oikawa murmured and looked up into the sky. Clouds started to form above him and soon after, the first drops hit the ground. Oikawa tsked and pushed his collar up to nuzzle his chin into the jacket.

The setter arrived home soaking wet and without answering his parents' questions, he entered his bathroom to take a long shower. With a towel wrapped around his waist, Oikawa locked himself into his room and stood a little helpless in its center, eyes glancing out of his window.
From his room's window he was able to look into Iwaizumi's and saw it empty, dark and left. Iwa-chan was with his enemies... with Karasuno.

Oikawa dried himself off and slipped into a pair of clean boxers before he sat down on his bed. He was scared, yes, but... Iwaizumi looked good, in a way. It suited him... this look. Those ears, this tail, his long claws and those fangs.
If he was gentle, Oikawa wouldn't mind a few bite marks. Or hickeys. Or any else marks Iwaizumi could leave on him.
A shiver went up his spine and he covered his burning cheeks with a whine. Ravished by a beast-Iwaizumi.
"F-focus Tooru, wrong thoughts...!"
Oikawa couldn't bear it anymore, he needed Iwaizumi in his life.

Rain poured down onto the world outside, the gentle drumming onto his roof and against his window lulled Oikawa into a deep sleep.
Perhaps in his dreams he would find the courage to talk to Iwaizumi again.

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