Your Own Pet Inu

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Iwaizumi didn't hear anything around him anymore, blind rage had him only focused onto those smug eyes and the razorsharp grin which was directly sent towards him. What the heck was that bastard on to?! Flirting with Oikawa in front of him, flaunting his pheromones everywhere- all he could think of was this territorial fox trying to weasle his way into Iwaizumi's pack. Oh hell no.

Tendou, bless his instincts, saw the fist to his face coming before Iwaizumi was even thinking about it. As quick as during his blocks, Tendou ducked out of his grip, chuckling.
"Oi oi, relax~ Why the hostility? As far as I know, you and Oikawa don't have anything going on."
Iwaizumi froze, eyes flickering back and forth between the crimson Oikawa and the smug fox in front of him.
Tendou took a good whiff of Iwaizumi's smell and felt only more satisfaction than before. Fullblown jealousy and anger. God, it couldn't have worked out better. This was actually kind of fun. He should do that more often.

Tendou whinced, fluffy ears sinking back down to press against his head. That guy was far too loud. Wakatoshi-kun wouldn't like him the slightest bit.
Slowly, Oikawa's lips curled up into the widest grin ever possible. He hadn't ever dared to dream this plan would go so well.

Tendou pushed past Iwaizumi and raised Oikawa's chin with his index finger, mischievous eyes sparkling in delight.
"Relax, spikey. Oikawa deserves a real inu, doesn't he? You've never even defended him from other potential mates and instead sulked like a puppy around the next corner. Leave us be... It's only for your own good."
Oikawa could see in those glimming and beasty eyes how much Tendou enjoyed playing with Iwaizumi, how much he adored to see the anger flaring up inside his favorite inu, to watch control and reason flying out of the window and suddenly, everything went way too fast. Tendou leaned in to kiss Oikawa, yet a mere inch before his lips, a brutal force pulled him away once again and Oikawa squeezed his eyes shut with a yelp, expecting the worst... only to feel a pair of chapped lips on his own, moving aggressively, yet slowly turning ever so hesitant and shy as fury began to die down.

Oikawa reopened his eyes, surprised to find not Tendou but in fact, Iwaizumi's lips on his own. Hazel eyes blown wide in shock, his surroundings were forgotten and his brain went to mush. It was not long before Oikawa found himself returning the favor, arms found their way around Iwaizumi's neck to pull him closer and for a moment, Oikawa swore he heard angels singing while the butterflies inside his stomach had a meltdown...

Tendou walked up to Asahi and leaned grinning against him, wrapping his arm and tail overly friendly around the Karasuno ace.
"That was hilarious. Any more plans you are dragging me into?"
Asahi flinched but let it happen, he wasn't sensing any malicious intent from Tendou but the wild look his eyes had sent the tiny hairs on his nape up.
"I was dragged into this as much as you've been, Tendou-san."
"Uh-huh. Can say that worked just perfect."
Asahi flashed a glance at the couple and back at the smug fox next to him, trying to see through his pokerface.
"Were you going to kiss Oikawa-san for real?"
A short smirk hushed over his lips as Tendou broke into a fit of giggles, much to Asahi's surprise.
"Oh hell no. I've got my own date lined up and waiting for me. Oikawa-san's too selfabsorbed."
"Y-you're quite one actor, Tendou-san... I was absolutely sure you meant every word while hardcore hitting on him."
"Yeah well," Tendou hummed, eyes flickering towards Asahi, "I'm just a great actor~ Now if you excuse me... I'll disappear before that insane spikehead over there decides he still wants to pick a fight."
Arm and tail slinking off of Asahi, Tendou threw a wink at him and trotted off, fiddling with something inside his pocket before his tail slowly vanished into nothing.

Iwaizumi was the one to part from Oikawa's lips even though he would have loved to keep going. His heart was hammering inside his chest, his hands were drenched in sweat... and he still was one hell of angry.
"Where is that bastard...?!" he hissed, wild eyes flashing left and right to make out the long disappeared Tendou, yet to no avail. Oikawa still had only eyes for Iwaizumi, unable to say a single word. His lips tingled from the first kiss Iwa-chan had ever given him, and he couldn't refrain from raising his hand to his own lips to brush gently over them, the memory of Iwaizumi on them burning itself into his mind.
It was blatantly obvious how much Iwaizumi was avoiding his eyes in a desperate attempt to disguise it as searching for Tendou, thus Oikawa wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him close to rest his forehead on his, forcing the startled inu to eye contact. Promptly turning red, Oikawa had no trouble imagining his fluffy ears pressing down onto his head and the nervous tail stuck between his legs.


"Iwa-chan, be my wife. Say yes. You already kissed me. Say yes."
Iwaizumi swallowed his upcoming panic down and tried to look everywhere but Oikawa's eyes what became close to impossible with how close they were.
"I'm not gonna be your wife, Assikawa!"
Oikawa gasped, cheeks puffed, already about to complain as he noticed the cheeks of his inu turning a shade darker while his voice went quiet, barely audible to him.
"Though... I'd settle on being lovers..."
A grin as wide and excited as it had never been before threatened to take over Oikawa's entire face; overcome by joy he turned and yelled out towards Asahi a few meters further

"I-it worked!! It worked!! The plan worked!! I-I'm a genius~!"

Eyebrows narrowed themselves, Iwaizumi stared holes into the back of Oikawa's head. Asahi was already busy imitating a panicking seal with his silent gasps of fear and arms wagging to tell Oikawa to shut up. Why the hell would an inu he obviously couldn't stand near his pack actively seek out Oikawa as potential mate? Gears rotated inside his brain and Iwaizumi found he didn't like the answer at all.

Asahi nearly fainted while trying to explain his own situation without a voice; all he managed to get out were some kind of wheezed gasps. Like it was a reflex Oikawa had started running for his dear life, past Asahi while grabbing his hand, shouting "DON'T JUST STAND THERE, RUN!!" accompanied by Iwaizumi's scream of bloody murder behind them.


Exhausted from a long chase after his mate and good for nothing best friend, Iwaizumi fell into his bed with a loud groan of displeasure, relaxing almost instantly.

It's official... Shittykawa is my mate now... Oh god...

Trying to smother his blushing face with his pillow, Iwaizumi let out another groan, discarding his leather wristband with his charm written on top of it. God he felt so tired... His eyelids became heavy, and a very tired inu succumbed to his sleep.

"Hajime...?" a female voice asked quietly through the door before peeking through a tiny slit onto her son who had spread out like a starfish on the bed. Iwaizumi-san blinked twice, surprised, then let out a quiet chuckle and snuck into the room to grab her son's charm, putting it onto his nightdesk before kissing one of his furry ears.
"Oh Hajime, I wonder when you're going to tell us what you really are... But your Otou-san and I can wait..."
Her voice dropped lower as she smiled upon her son.
"Sleep well... I love you, Hajime. With or without furry ears."

[The End]

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