Chapter 9

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Oikawa entered his room and sat down on the bed, unsure what to do now. Iwaizumi never accepted his love confessions. It was nothing special, Oikawa wasn't the person to go spread rose petals over Iwaizumi or blair a love song in front of his room (though he wouldn't be opposed if Iwaizumi did that to him). Oikawa wasn't a man to talk in every single detail about his feelings, he said it straight and clear.

"I like you, Iwa-chan."

"You're beautiful, Iwa-chan."

"Be mine, Iwa-chan."

But Iwaizumi blindly believed Oikawa was just fooling around, because he fucking was! Oikawa even admitted it, he flirted and goofed around with girls every day, spoke out countless 'I like you's, accepted phone number after phone number, presents over presents, because that was Oikawa Tooru.
He said it too often. No one believed him when he meant it. This time, he did mean it. Whenever he told Iwaizumi, he meant it. Oikawa always was serious... but Iwaizumi couldn't see behind this carefree smile, couldn't decipher deceit from truth considering this. Often enough, Oikawa was flabbergasted how well Iwaizumi could read him. But there, he remained oblivious.

Oikawa flashed a glance over towards Iwaizumi's room, dark. He hadn't returned yet.
They used to sneak into each other's rooms as children, both kept a single board hidden in their rooms in case any of them wanted to climb over. It wasn't long but their houses weren't too apart either, about two meters were to cross before a little Oikawa would fall with a tiny squeak into little Iwaizumi's room and got yelled at by him because "why on earth can't you be quiet you're gonna wake up the entire house", proceeding to wake up his entire house on his own and soon his mother's steps were audible who headed into the room, saw the closet door shutting in the same second and discovered a frightened Oikawa hiding in Iwaizumi's wardrobe.
She would scold her children, send Oikawa back into his own house through the door and within a minute, Iwaizumi opened his window and Oikawa would crawl back in.

Oikawa chuckled, eyes drifting over to the tiny board which end poked out from below the bed frame. Perhaps this was a good idea.
The teenager opened his window and slid the board out until he knew it was safe to crawl over it. Oikawa almost knocked at the window but then snickered and just searched with his hands for that tiny hole which could fit a finger to prop the window open. He slid without a noise into the dark room, shut the window and exhaled.

Iwa-chan's room.

Oikawa sucked in a deep breath and found it smelled just like home. It was good, really good, and the cozy atmosphere was just too apalling to not fall for it.
Oikawa strolled over towards the bed and smiled. They used to sleep together almost every day. Without hesitation, he lifted the blanket and curled up under the covers.
"...smells like Iwa-chan..." Oikawa mumbled, nose burried into the sheets, eyelids slowly fluttering close. All that stress and exhaustion was getting to him... he didn't even notice how he drifted into sleep.

Iwaizumi sighed, eyes fixated onto the bed and the oversized cat occupying it.
Iwaizumi's lips curled up into a smile, soft and genuine as he shed his shirt, pants and leather wristband and crawled next to Oikawa into the bed.
"...I hate you..." he growled softly into his ear and the sleeping Oikawa nuzzled closer, head tucked under Iwaizumi's chin even though the setter was taller than him. It was cute and it pissed Iwaizumi off because he couldn't deal with it; his heart fluttered and warmth pooled into his stomach with how he could smell Oikawa's almond shampoo... it was so weird but at the same time, addicting and great.
Iwaizumi closed his eyes, one arm lazily draped over the sleeping setter, and succumbed to his own tiredness.

The next morning, Oikawa woke up to something heavy pressing him into the sheets. Blurry eyes tried to focus, Oikawa's hazy mind tried to progress the view of a naked shoulder in front of him. It took him a few seconds but that was enough to let his cheeks flame up scarlet.
"Iwa-chan...?!" he mouthed shocked against the tanned skin and felt something twitching close to his head. Brown eyes wandered right and low and behold, a large fluffy ear was right next to him. Iwaizumi looked extremly comfortable, all draped over Oikawa and that without his charm.
The setter snickered. He liked it. Waking up to the smell and view of Iwa-chan, feelings his entire weight pinning him into the bed and forcing all chances to escape away from him... Oikawa felt warm, almost protected like this. He didn't mind to close his eyes and carefully wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi's broad back, hugging him like a giant stuffy.

A large and cheeky grin split his face in a half.
"Iwa-chan...~" he cooed under his breath, "I tamed a big bad wolf...~"
"Shut up Assikawa..." came the muffled reply and the smirk vanished as fast as it came, only to return triple as wide. Iwaizumi let out a yawn next to him and his ears fluttered a little during the motion- absolutely cute in Oikawa's opinion, mind you- and shifted a moment before settling down again.
"But I did. You're a wolf and you're spooning with me."
Iwaizumi snarled something and raised himself onto all fours, gone was Oikawa's cheeky grin as those beasty glimming eyes threatened to pierce through his soul.
"I told you I'm no wolf. You can't even move from the bed, how did you get the idea you tamed me? I've just caught prey and will tear it apart when I'm hungry, and until that I'll keep it prisoner."
Oikawa folded his arms under his head and looked up into that shit-eating grin of the inu, his cheeks puffed into a small pout.
"Iwa-chan, don't be so mean! I'm trying to be romantic here and you just think of food."
"Romantic? You? You're a cheesy dumbass, that's what you are."
"B-but we're the beauty and the beast!! I'm the beauty, obviously."
"Shittykawa I swear-!"
"Aww come on Iwa-chan~! You love me too, dontcha?"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and allowed his arms to give in. He landed with a thud on the setter who groaned out loud and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Urgh...! Y-you're heavy Iwa-chan!"
"Don't care, dumbass. Be glad I didn't kick you out yesterday night."
Oikawa whined and clumsily wrapped his arms back around Iwaizumi, his nose burried into his shoulder.
"You didn't kick me out cuz you love me! Right? Riiiight~?"
"Yea yea now shut your annoying mouth, I wanna sleep..."
Iwaizumi grumbled something and burried his face into the pillow next to Oikawa's head and the setter had no other choice than to comply... Saturday, a good day to sleep in.

Oikawa closed his eyes with a smile. He was pretty sure he did tame Iwaizumi.

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