Chapter 7

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Iwaizumi was pretty good in hiding his feelings, however, with a visible tail stuck on his behind which wagged whenever he was happy, it became pretty difficult. He felt Oikawa's gaze on him the entire time he prepared food for them and couldn't help but enjoy the unlimited attention his friend showered him with.
His tail showed his feelings crystal clear.
Oikawa was amused.

"Ah, Iwa-chan..." he broke the comfortable silence, eyes dropping onto Iwaizumi's left leg, "What about your leg? Does it hurt? You should sit down again."
Iwaizumi dismissed it with a cheeky grin and waved the cooking spoon in front of Oikawa's nose.
"Other than certain humans, I don't get hurt easy. A car bumped it, and? I'm feeling great."
"You're limping Iwa-chan. Let me take a look."
"Leave it Shittykawa, I told you-"

There was something in Oikawa's blank voice which forced Iwaizumi to quiet down. Sighing defeated, he turned the stove heat down and sat down on the couch in the living room to get rid of his pants. Blue and purple bruises greeted those two all over his lower leg and Oikawa was gone so fast Iwaizumi didn't even see him. Returning with salve and bandages, Oikawa kneeled down and began to treat Iwaizumi's leg with rare tenderness and carefulness; Iwaizumi's piercing eyes never leaving him.
"You shouldn't play injuries down Iwa-chan," Oikawa sighed into his work and Iwaizumi huffed.
"Says you."
Lifting his head, Oikawa pressed a last kiss onto his knee and grinned at his patient.
"Don't worry Iwa-chan, Dr. Oikawa-sama got it all done!"
Iwaizumi slammed his hand onto Oikawa's head and squished it; whining and moaning in pain, Oikawa struggled and squirmed like a ten year old trying to get rid of it.
"Itaitaitaitaitai I-Iwa-chaaaaaan stop stop stop!! I'm sorry I'm sorry!"
"Geez you're a dumbass. Hurry up, dinner should be ready soon."
Getting up again, Iwaizumi stepped over the pouting setter and retreated into the kitchen, Oikawa waddling behind him like a lost puppy.

"Aren't your parents gonna come soon? Wouldn't it be bothersome for them to catch you like this?" Oikawa chimed after a tiny glance at the clock and with a gasp Iwaizumi let his spoon fall and dashed out of the kitchen. Tooru heard his fast and heavy steps on the staircase and honestly wondered how he was able to speed like this with his bruised leg.
"It's not even sprained... I checked... but for fucks sake, he almost got run over by a car," he muttered angrily and got up to stir in the sukiyaki Iwaizumi had been preparing until now. The large cooking spoon in his hand felt warm... Like Iwaizumi...


"Ah, the married couple made up again."
"Looks like one lovers' quarrel is over."
Oikawa and Iwaizumi were greeted by smirks full of mischief and curiosity as they entered the gym together. Iwaizumi's tiny nape hairs slowly raised themselves. Something was incredibly wrong in here-
Fight or flight?
"Hello Iwaizumi-san!"
Two pairs of eyes darted over to the tiny orange head in middle of the Seijou volleyball club. Blinking twice, Oikawa tried to hide his surprise and nervousity but Iwaizumi smelled it.
"Hinata? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you practice with Karasuno?"
Hinata stepped out of the tiny crowd and fistbumped Iwaizumi with a wide grin.
"That's what Imma be doing. And you too. Cuz we have a practice match. Now."

"Wait wait wait stop. Practice match? Why don't I know about this? Assikawa?!"
"I-I have no idea! Seriously!" Oikawa squeaked higher than intended and Matsukawa took it upon himself to relieve the two other third years.
"We organized it. 'Twas a surprise."
"Surprise~!" Kindaichi exclaimed joyfully and in that second the rest of Karasuno entered the gym, pumped and ready to fight.
"Is everyone here?!" Hanamaki called out and Kunimi silently counted before nodding at Yahaba, who locked the hall from the inside. Oikawa didn't like this at all. What was happening? Why was Karasuno suddenly eager for a practice match? Why didn't he know about this?

"Hey Iwaizumi! Good afternoon Oikawa-san!" Asahi greeted them and Oikawa made automatically a peace sign with his signature pose.
"Yoohoo Asa-chan~!"
"Why don't you leave yours off, too?" Asahi continued and Iwaizumi turned confused. Asahi was hinting at something but what could it be? His inner instinct told him to run for his life right away. Chuckling, the Karasuno ace nodded towards Hinata and Nishinoya who highfived each other at the benches, wings-


Nishinoya and Hinata didn't hide their wings.

Iwaizumi's breath hitched, he backed a step away into Oikawa who gasped and wrapped one arm around Iwaizumi instinctively.
"I have a feeling what's going on here..." Tooru snickered, eyes proving him right as Kindaichi nodded exitedly.
"Take it off Iwaizumi-senpai! We want to train with you the way you are."
"Take it off Iwaizumi."
Tsukishima took his position at the net, eyes piercing through Iwaizumi with an emotion inside he had rarely seen in the blond.
"Could we start before I waste more of my life time surrounded by idiots? Hurry and take it off Iwaizumi-san, I want more records of you in battle."
Iwaizumi was at loss for words but after a hesitating glance at the two stretching and flexing winged children he slowly took out his leather wristband and rested it in Oikawa's hand.
"Keep it for me, this time," was the last thing he asked for before his touch left it and he turned into his feral outlook.

Gasps of surprise, admiration and disbelief were audible inbetween his team mates and Hinata crossed proudly his arms before flying towards his position.
"And?! Did I promise ya too much?! He's awesome!"
Much to his bewilderment, nobody in his team was disgusted or showed the slightest form of disapprovement. In fact, Iwaizumi took his position and smirked at Kageyama and Hinata on the other side of the net.

"Let's see if you can beat me like this."

Hinata gasped outraged and glared at Iwaizumi with so much burning passion the ace almost felt a little intimidated, however, it increased the adrenaline pumping through his veins only more.
"Kageyama and I will beat you! We've trained so much like this and I'll show you our results with joy~!"
Iwaizumi snickered and shook his head.
"It's true you trained with Kageyama in this form and I didn't with Shittykawa... But that won't stop me."
Electricity flooded the gym, everyone was on the edge as Daichi was about to serve. One thought ran through all the players, one goal and one will.

No rules in this game...

Hinata was going to fly as high as possible, as high as Kageyama could toss to spike.
Nishinoya was going to fly horizontal over the court to receive everything aimed at them.
Iwaizumi was going to show them the true personality of an inu, defensive of his territory and offensive towards opponents... and he was going to let them feel it.

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