Chapter 10

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"Iwa-chaaaan get off I am booored!"
Iwaizumi reopened his eyes to a loud and whiny Oikawa below him. The inu bit back a groan... that about a relaxed morning.
"Will you shut up already?!"
"But its-" a short glance to Iwaizumi's silent alarm clock "-already 10am!! How about we go training? Or have breakfast in a cafe?"
Iwaizumi sat up, straddeling his stomach with a deadpan expression.
"Training. On a saturday."
"Why not?"
"Dumbass!!" Iwaizumi hissed and smacked his head before he got out of the bed.
"You're already overworking yourself, you're not gonna train this weekend."
Oikawa sat up with a gasp and puffed his cheeks, his mouth opening for another protest.
"But Iwa-chan-"
"I said no. Look." Iwaizumi pinched the bridge of his nose and turned around to face his noisy friend, "You let me shower and I promise I'll make breakfast for you."
"Really? Awww so nice, Iwa-chan~! Sure, but hurry!! I'm hungryyy!"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and vanished out of the room. This was one of the days he was glad his parents had to work on saturdays, too. Why did he allow Oikawa to stay again?
Sometimes he felt more like Oikawa's babysitter than friend- screw that, he was Oikawa's babysitter. But Iwaizumi couldn't bring himself to care... he liked the genuine smiles his friend would shower him with whenever he did something like that for him. Oikawa sure was someone special... and that manipulative little shit knew that just as well.
Iwaizumi snickered, hands reaching for the handle to turn the shower on. That was just Oikawa. He didn't want him to change.

Oikawa on the other hand snuck back into his own house to dress and returned afterwards. Iwaizumi was too broad, he would swim inside his clothes. Not that he felt particular opposed to that but he liked to avoid that early morning punch from his crush because "WHY THE HECK ARE YOU WEARING MY CLOTHES ASSIKAWA YOU'VE GOT YOUR OWN". Because he liked them, mind you Iwaizumi.
The setter strolled out of the room and downstairs to set the table, afterwards he took out eggs and a pan. Oikawa had been over so often it almost became his second home, it was natural he knew where everything was.
Strong tanned arms wrapped around his stomach and Oikawa's breath hitched because he felt Iwaizumi's- directly on his neck.
"Dumbass, I promised to make breakfast for you."
"A-ah, you took so long, I-I was hungry and yeah... What's up with that hug, getting clingy Iwa-chan~?"
Iwaizumi tightened his hold and squished Oikawa until he gasped for air and pleaded for mercy which got answered after a minute of satisfaction. Out of breath, Oikawa glared back at the spiker with a large pout.
"Mean Iwa-chan! Be gentle got it? This body isn't meant to be squished!"
"What about punched?" Iwaizumi replied nonchalant and quirked an eyebrow, voice hinting a mildly entertained tone. That didn't quite fit with the way his fluffy ears perked up but Oikawa forced himself to ignore that.
"N-no of course not! Especially not that!"
Iwaizumi took over the pan and Oikawa sat down on one of the chairs, eyes secretly devouring Iwaizumi from head to toe.

"Iwa-chan... why aren't you wearing pants?"

"Don't act as if you don't see me every day in boxers. It's uncomfortable with the tail," he explained and almost as if to agree with that, his tail began to rock left and right. Oikawa liked this view; Iwaizumi's hair was still damp, his fur looked mildly wet and honestly, Oikawa wanted to kiss him.
Instead, a plate suddenly stood in front of his nose and the setter blinked twice, returning to reality again. Breakfast. Right.
"Iwa-chan," Oikawa asked with his mouth full and a cheery smile on his lips, "Why won't you be my wife?"
Iwaizumi froze with his chopsticks just before his mouth and sighed, lowering them again.
"We've already had this discussion. No."
Oikawa puffed his cheeks and sulked clearly visible. That was about as far as he could get with Iwaizumi. Why wouldn't he accept it? Why wouldn't he say yes and marry him? Jesus christ, this dense guy was so frustrating.
Iwaizumi's buzzing phone caught boths attention and former unlocked it to check his messages.

Azumane: Hey! Wanna go out with the team? We wanted to try out that new ice cream parlor.

Almost instantly, his tail started to wag and Iwaizumi grinned, eyes drifting upwards to a confused and curious Oikawa across the table.
"Wanna come check out that new ice cream parlor with the Karasuno guys?"
Oikawa made a face.
"You're asking me to visit a place with my stupid kouhai and his annoying brat?"
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and groaned out, typing his answer into the phone. It buzzed another time, signalizing Asahi had answered.
"Well, I'll go Shittykawa, come along or don't. Despite that, you can just ignore Kageyama if you hate him so much. Can't you just bury that stupid grudge? It's damn childish."
Oikawa's breath hitched and he let out a large and long drawn whine. No way in hell was he going to spend his saturday with that hellspawn Kageyama.
On the other hand, it was also time with Iwa-chan.
"Fiiine... I guess I'll have to prevent Karasuno from stealing you, after all..." he moaned after a dramatic pause and pulled an expression as if he had bitten into a lemon. Iwaizumi snickered and finished his last bit of food before he hurried to get upstairs and get dressed. What Iwaizumi liked so much at Karasuno, Oikawa didn't get it at all.
Perhaps spending time with them would make things a bit clearer.

As soon as Iwaizumi caught sight of the large group of casual dressed volleyball club members, a grin split his face in a half and he picked up his speed.
"Yohoo~!" Oikawa smirked at the group.
"Yo, what's up Iwaizumi?" Nishinoya grinned and fistbumped him, second was Tanaka who seemed just as happy to see him. Kageyama and Oikawa exchanged a murderous glare before the latter's attention focused onto Sugawara who greeted him with a warm and welcoming smile.
"Good morning Oikawa-san."
"Hi Refreshing-kun~"
Suga blinked twice and laughed afterwards, much to his surprise. Why did this overly cheerful guy laugh over that nickname? Shouldn't he be, like... embarassed? Angry? Whatever, but definitely not laughing.
"Hey Iwaizumi!" Asahi greeted with a wave and both exchanged a warm smile before Daichi cleared his throat.
"Is everyone here or did you invite more?"
"Nope that's everyone!" Hinata replied and Kageyama rolled his eyes at him; it was a riddle to him how Hinata still managed to be cheerful with Oikawa-san in near.

At least, Kageyama didn't have to talk to him.
Fully engulfed into their chatters, the group entered the parlor.

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