Girls and Collars- Iwaizumi's NOT so good day

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A late birthday update! I'm sorry, I wanted to upload a new chapter on my birthday 9 days ago but didn't have ideas... The motivation was there but the damned ideas... Uff. Well, now it's here, so enjoy!

Raising eyebrows, Hanamaki watched the ace slowly sneak after Oikawa, interest written all over his face. Huh. This was going to be entertaining.
The male turned to beckon Matsukawa to follow him before they snuck after Iwaizumi, grinning, hoping to catch some personal entertainment. It was like watching animals inside their own habitats; Iwaizumi and Oikawa were close to famous for their amusing arguments.

Iwaizumi had to do his best to suppress a possessive and guttural snarl as he witnessed what he had already forecasted-
A girl was waiting for his best friend, cheeks pinkishly flustered and playing with her hair. She was nervous, it didn't take a genius to figure it out; and Iwaizumi knew exactly why.

"I'm sorry Hana-chan, but I don't feel the same. I hope you are not too upset?"
The girl, Hana, was shaking just the tiniest bit. Iwaizumi breathed out an exasperated sigh as he saw Oikawa rejecting yet another confession. This guy was going to be the death of him someday.
With his racing heart slowly calming down, Iwaizumi untensed and shook his head to get rid of some rather unpleasant thoughts. Sometimes his inu self was setting off instincts inside him he would love to keep under control. Right now, it was the disturbing urge to yell at Oikawa.

Iwaizumi turned, only to run straight into Hanamaki and Matsukawa. For a moment, he dumbly stared at them, then narrowed his eyebrows and just pushed past them back into the gym. He wasn't in the mood to deal with them.
Oikawa followed shortly after, surprised to find Hanamaki and Matsukawa so close to him.
"What are you doing? Curious~?"
The two players exchanged a glance, then snickered.
"But you gotta do something about that."
"It's getting boring."
Raising an eyebrow, Oikawa looked back and forth between them.

Iwaizumi was behaving weirdly the rest of the day. Oikawa didn't know why, and it was mildly frustrating to say the least. For the matter of fact, Iwaizumi was content ignoring his setter as well as he could, and no amount of chanting "Iwa-chan!" was going to change that.
Oikawa breathed out a deep and desperate sigh, eying his fellow inu through the corner of his eyes. Maybe there was something he could gain his attention with. Maybe...
Oikawa's lips curled up into a mad grin. This was going to be hilarious and awfully cute. If it was going to work.

As soon as school was over, the setter excused himself hastily and headed off into the opposite direction Iwaizumi and him usually went, former watching him with a slowly raising eyebrow.

What the heck is Trashykawa plotting this time? I swear to god if he is meeting up with a girl...

After contemplating his decision, Iwaizumi finally groaned and turned on his heel, following Oikawa's sweet scent. Sometimes it was good to have the nose of a dog.

Oikawa was as merry as he could be, constantly praising himself for this idea. He opened the door to a local pet shop and soon enough stood in front of collars and leashes, instinctively grabbing one with a shit eating grin.

He's going to kill me but this will be worth it.

Without much further do, Oikawa felt through each leash and collar, finally choosing the best and softest ones he could find. He was already on his way to the register as another idea crossed his mind and he turned to face the dog toys they had.
"I've gone mad..." Oikawa muttered to himself while reaching for a squeaking ball, only to squeeze a noise out of it before staring at it with the brightest grin he could muster up.

Oikawa marched confidently towards the cashier and paid, only to open the door directly into Iwaizumi's face who jumped back and let out a noise akin to a dog-whine. Almost instantly his cheeks turned a soft pink and he scoffed, eying Oikawa up.
"What are you plotting this time, Crappykawa?"
"Iwa-chan!! So mean!! And that after I bought you a present!"
"You bought me a- what?!"
Oikawa pressed the bag into his hand and took a few steps back, grinning, adrenaline pumping high. Oh god this was going to hurt.

Iwaizumi narrowed his eyebrows and opened the bag, only to stare at its content, brain shutting off for a moment. It lasted mere seconds until he slowly turned red, then purple. Wild eyes shooting up towards Oikawa, the latter let out a small "Eep" and backed another step away.
"T-this-!! OIKAWA!!"
Iwaizumi let out a scream of bloody murder and began to chase his best friend, yelling profanities as best as he could.
Oikawa was running ahead, now scared for his life, but unable to stop laughing.

Oh my god I will end up in hospital-

Oikawa, much to his satisfaction, wasn't being ignored anymore and could have his fun with Iwaizumi again, even if only for short moment and in exchange for lots of blue marks.
A few minutes later, Oikawa was faceplanting the ground with a proud and angry Iwaizumi kneeling on his back, knees digging into his spine.
"O-ow ow ow... I-Iwa-chan get up! It hurts!"
"What the fuck were you thinking?!"
Iwaizumi was even madder than before. First the girl confession and now Oikawa pulled this? He was not a fucking dog! He was an inu!
Oikawa couldn't help but stifle the small grin on his lips.
"I thought it would look cute on you~"
Short shifting, and Iwaizumi's knees were drilling even deeper into his back. Oikawa whinced and whined, flailing under his friend to get away from below him.
"OUCH! I-Iwa-chan!! Okay okay! Y-you were behaving so weird and ignoring me after practice... I thought I could ease the mood a little...!"

Iwaizumi froze, then sighed and slowly rose from Oikawa's back, earning a sigh of relief from him.
"Hey! W-won't you tell me what's wrong?"
Iwaizumi sighed and turned around while Oikawa scrambled to get up, wrinkling his nose at the condition of his clothes. His white school jacket was now covered in dust.
"Ew. Now I gotta wash iiit... Well?"
Iwaizumi shook his hands, already on his way to leave with Oikawa waddling after him.
"Just a weird mood. Don't bother, Crappykawa."

As soon as he arrived home, Iwaizumi closed the doors behind himself and sighed, eyes turning towards his phone. He wanted to hang out with his pack but doubted they had the time, as tests were coming soon. His mother was cooking inside the kitchen, his father was still at work... Maybe Iwaizumi could take a shower.
"Yeah... a shower..."

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