Chapter 6

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Oikawa strolled without an actual goal through the streets. Over and over he kept repeating the scene in his mind, the scene as he saw Iwaizumi's true form for the first time. The common chatter of people all around him didn't reach him anymore, Oikawa even ignored the girls who gave him interested glances.
The cloudy sky fits perfectly to my mood, Oikawa thought as he looked up. Only a tiny brighter stain on the clouds gave away a hint where the sun was hidden. Can Chibi-chan fly high enough to see the sun?, he wondered. Those black wings, intimidating and large, why was Chibi-chan able to soar so much higher than Oikawa himself with something so dark stuck to him?

Do good beasts exist?

"Iwa-chan..." he murmured barely audible, his voice was suffocated by the other noises all around him.
Oikawa flinched and whirled around to see a furious and buff man storming towards him. Much to his surprise, his face was halfway hidden by a hood but the voice gave away everything. Iwaizumi. His eyes grew wide, Oikawa immediately turned to take flight, every little cell inside him screamed at him to run for his life.
Oikawa felt a shiver running down his spine. His given name. Iwaizumi never used his given name But why did he scream? Iwaizumi screamed often, right?

Why was there so much fear in his voice?

The next thing he knew was that he faceplanted the asphalt and heard a dogalike whimper above him. Noises of a car coming screeching to a halt filled his ears and Oikawa froze.
A car?
Wait. The street?
Oikawa looked hastily left and right and saw passengers stopping to stare at him, both concerned yet distant. He was in middle of a crossover, a car just centimetes away from him.
"Are you okay?" one of them asked, inching closer, but all of a sudden a hand slammed down next to Tooru and a deep voice barked right next to his ear in a threatening and protective tone.
Oikawa couldn't move, Iwaizumi had draped himself over him, both shielding him and keeping him on the ground.
Is that what I am to you? Your possession? Yours?

Iwaizumi raised himself and scooped Oikawa up, limping away with him in his arms. Tooru didn't dare to say a word, unwilling to upset him in this condition. In fact, he didn't even meet his gaze but continued to stare stubbornly onto the asphalt below them. Oikawa swallowed dryly as he recognized Iwaizumi's big hand holding him around his upper arm, draped across his chest.
Thick claws drilled slightly into his jersey; his hand barely looked human. It was a little cliché how much it reminded him of a werewolf but what surprised him even more was the fact that Iwaizumi obviously didn't hide his true self by magic right now.

Slowly, hesitant, his eyes drifted upwards the hoodie and to his chin. Dark features met his gaze, glowing and beasty brown eyes was all he could make up above his lips, sternly focused onto the street. All of a sudden those eyes lowered onto him and Tooru gasped quietly, averting his gaze.
His heartbeat quickened, it was so loud he was afraid Iwaizumi could hear it. Tooru felt the warmth of his friend seeping into him, recognized the tiny scent of deo and shampoo.
His face started to become hot.

Iwaizumi walked the entire way towards Oikawa's home like this, not letting him a single second go. First in front of his porch his grip lessened and Oikawa felt the ground back below his feet.
Without another word, Iwaizumi turned and walked towards his own house.
"I-Iwa-chan! Wait!"
Iwaizumi froze, back faced towards him, and Tooru forgot why he actually called out to him. What did he even want from him?
Don't leave Iwa-chan.
Don't leave me behind, Iwa-chan.

"...what are you?"
Tooru's voice was weak, bitter, and it shocked him how much Iwaizumi was affecting him.
"...come inside, Tooru. Please."
Oikawa noticed his feet were moving automatical, following Iwaizumi into his house. His parents weren't home, so he immediately pulled down his hood and allowed his dark brown tail to slip out of the back of his hoodie.
"I'm not human and I guess not even you are dumb enough to oversee that."
Oikawa didn't answer like he would have usual done, he just kept staring at his best friend.
"I'm an inu. We are a race that is half dog. My breed is a rottweiler. I'm not a werewolf. But that is exactly why I never told you, because I knew you would react like that."

Tooru sighed and his lips curled up into a bitter grin.
"I guess you made the right choice. But... why did you attack Azumane? And Hinata? Why did you loose it like this? I mean... you obviously can control yourself in this form."
Iwaizumi beckoned Oikawa to follow him into the kitchen and offered him a coke which he took with a grateful smile.
"The thing about inus are... we live in packs. Usually we have our family as a pack, but I've been adopted and never had that. I smelled an inu on Azumane. Nekos. Winged children. He met all those races which I searched for countless years. It had me fuming."
A weak snicker broke his serious mask and his tail began to wag slightly.
"You passed out and kind of missed it, but... the reason I've been spending so much time with Karasuno was Kageyama. He offered me Karasuno as my pack. And I accepted. They all knew about Hinata's and Nishinoya's secret. Now they share mine, too."

Iwaizumi chuckled again and his ears twitched slightly in joy. Oikawa found it adorable.
"Training with Karasuno is awesome in that way. Since the incident with Nekoma they lock the gym from the inside and we train without our charms. We hide ourselves with a magic word on any kind of material. We just leave them on the bench and train like that- you should see Nishinoya's diving receive in his real form."
Oikawa raised his hand to stop his rambling and chuckled. The atmosphere actually eased around them.
"Okay okay I get it, Karasuno is awesome and Aoba Johsai shit."
"Not like that dumbass!! They just accepted me the way I am."
Both laughed and Oikawa shook his head in disbelief.
"I thought you are a werewolf and couldn't control yourself."
"I figured. Next time just ask, Assikawa."
"Hopefully there isn't a next time. Iwa-chan, what do you say about convincing our team? You can't keep training with Karasuno forever... Let's just give it a try!"

Iwaizumi frowned and his smile dropped a little.
" you think they will accept it?"
"You act like it's the worst thing in the world!"
"You avoided me fucking two weeks Shittykawa!! You thought I am a monster!!"

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