Chapter 2

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The next day, Iwaizumi made himself ready for school but once his house door fell shut, he took off into the opposite direction.
Just one train.
Just one train and he was with his new pack, far away from Seijou.

The day Kageyama's words fell, offering him Karasuno as his pack, it was the happiest and worst day of his life. It was the day he found a family but lost Oikawa.
Iwaizumi snorted as he sat down in the train and fumbled with the ticket. Yeah, what did he expect? Perhaps because Karasuno gave him such a warm welcome he thought Oikawa would do the same. But other than Karasuno, Oikawa wasn't used to inus, nekos and winged children.
Now that he thought about it, Azumane still didn't spill who the other inu was. Iwaizumi nodded as if he had just won an argument against himself.
"Gotta ask him today..."

A few minutes later he stood in front of the Karasuno ground, sticking out with his bright uniform like a sore thumb against the black ones around him. Iwaizumi closed his eyes and inhaled the peaceful atmosphere around him.
"I-Iwaizumi-san?!" he heard a voice behind him and the ace whirled around. Hinata and Kageyama, first one with a bike. Where did he even live, Iwaizumi wondered.
"O-oh, hey, how are you?" he awkwardly asked. While Hinata chatted about his morning and complained about his dumbass of a setter (not without getting a slap on the back of his head), Iwaizumi recognized himself smiling. His nostrils flared as he sucked in Kageyama's and Hinata's smell in front of him, memorizing and filing them away for later.
"Good morning Iwaizumi-san!" Suga chirped and Daichi greeted him with a handshake. Azumane, however, looked slightly disturbed.
"Oi Iwaizumi don't you have school?"

"I have the two first hours off, a teacher is sick," he shamelessly lied and Azumane finally smiled at him.
"Great. How about you join us?"
"Join you?" Iwaizumi repeated with a confused tone. Join him? Did Karasuno actually allow that?
"Yes! That's an awesome idea!" Nishinoya shouted suddenly next to him and Iwaizumi jumped a step. How he always managed to sneak up on him, he had no idea.
"You can join our class 4," Daichi suggested with a smile and Sugawara nodded approving.
"Yeah. We still have seats left and Karasuno is never opposed to a bit publicity~ Let's go announce you to the teacher."

Daichi and Suga grabbed his hands left and right, and started to drag him into their school. Iwaizumi was unsure but actually looked forward to it. In company of his pack, two more hours? It was awesome.
"By the way, Sawamura-san, I still don't know who the other inu is you've met-" Iwaizumi exclaimed while being pushed through the floors and Daichi chuckled.
"Who could have guessed it, it's Aone. He's a Siberian husky."
"A-AONE?!" Iwaizumi spluttered and now the rest of the others who didn't notice someone entering in full Seijou uniform locked their attention onto him.
"Shh not so loud!" Suga whined and finally pushed him into the secretary.
"We'd like to have him take part in our class as a guest for today," Daichi smiled after greeting the woman behind the desk. She eyed the uncomfortable Iwaizumi through her glasses, then nodded silently and scribbled something down onto her notebook.
"Please go to the headmaster, he will hand you a temporary school uniform. Return it within a week."

Iwaizumi stared at himself in the mirror, completely stunned. That was him? He never expected to see himself one day in the Karasuno uniform but damn, it suited him, actually, even better than the Seijou one.
"That's... wow. It looks good," he smiled geniunely at the two third years who whistled in approval.
"Perfect. Now let's get going, class starts in five minutes."
"Five minutes?!" Daichi gasped and the three ran off. Well, Iwaizumi rather followed these two like a lost puppy.

"Go sit over there, next to Daichi," Suga ordered and without much resistance he sat down, curiously inspecting the classroom and letting all the new smells sink in. A Karasuno uniform, a Karasuno class, a Karasuno pack.
Iwaizumi was confused and felt satisfied at the same time. He felt home. Iwaizumi didn't have to pretend to be someone he wasn't with the Karasuno volleyball club, he could act open and honest with his race.
His phone buzzed but Hajime ignored it and turned it on silent. No, he wasn't going to let anything disturb him today.
"Who cares about two hours...? I'll stay the whole school day. Perhaps I can even join volleyball practice," he thought out loud and Daichi next to him raised his eyebrows.
"Skipping school? That's unlike you, Iwaizumi-san. And yes, if you want you can join volleyball practice."
Iwaizumi flinched and opened his mouth to reply as the teacher stepped in and he automatically silenced, gaze focused forward like a predator fixated his prey.

"You lied, you're skipping school today. Why?" Suga said, not very happy, but softness was audible in his voice. He really was the perfect team mom.
"I..." he muttered, not sure how to begin. His eyes darted over to the clock, well, eight minutes of the break were left.
"It's okay. Nobody is mad. We just want to know why."
"It's... you're my pack. I want to stay. I want to be with you. You accepted me and I want to stay," he finally blurted out and Daichi blinked, surprised at this statement.
"But Iwaizumi-san, that can't be all. It's not like we don't spend the afternoon together."
Iwaizumi snarled and grittened his teeth.
"I know!! I know okay?! But... It's all damned Trashykawa's fault!!" he bellowed and Suga raised his eyebrows, concern evident on his face.
"He didn't calm down?"
"He fucking blocked me. He doesn't answer my calls. He just straight up pretends I don't exist. I... I-I can't face him now. I don't want to. And I can't stay home either, mom would kill me. So..."
"...we are your last resort," Daichi finished with a thoughtful expression and sighed deeply afterwards. A difficult situation.

"That has to be hard... I wouldn't know what to do if Daichi ignores me," Suga admitted with a weak smile and Daichi chuckled.
"As if this ever happens."
"So... it's okay when I stay?"
Both simultanously nodded and rested left and right a hand on Hajime's shoulders.
"As long as your grades in Seijou don't drop."

Relief flooded his veins and Iwaizumi returned to his class. The other club members were surprised to see Iwaizumi present even after the third lesson but after a short explanation, they fully understood and supported him. A great pack.
Yet the Seijou ace knew, he couldn't continue this like that.

Should he, perhaps... transfer to Karasuno?

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