Chapter 8

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Oikawa tossed towards his ace and Iwaizumi slammed the ball so hard down that Hinata yelped in pain once it crashed against his hand, bounced off and Nishinoya dived to receive it properly.
"That's mine!"
Kageyama stormed over to the volleyball and glared at it the same way he always did once concentrated. To who should he toss?
His eyes lingered for a moment on Hinata who jumped high above the court, Hanamaki and Kindaichi followed his gaze and rushed to build a wall in front of the orange sunshine. Iwaizumi gritted his teeth as he watched Kageyama, trembling all over his body in adrenaline. His instinct told him clearly he wouldn't toss towards Hinata and god, he was right, as Tanaka broke through the team mates, jumped high and smacked the ball down on the opposite side of the net. With a beasty growl Iwaizumi dived after it and received it in the last second, guiding it towards Oikawa.
"Got it!"

Kindaichi stared at his senpai with admiration. He had been more than sure Kageyama wanted to toss towards Hinata; no one had been able to properly stop Hinata anymore since he could use his wings to his advantage. But they had Iwaizumi... with a beast bonus.
Instinct overpowered eyes.
Kindaichi couldn't deny Iwaizumi was able to compare himself to Tendou, the Guess-monster.
"Kindaichi!! Pay attention!!"
Asahi's spike slammed directly into Kindaichi's face and the first year was sent flying onto the ground. Within seconds, Asahi was on the other side of the court and loomed over the boy with the heavy nosebleed, making a face as if he had just murdered Kindaichi's entire family.
"Oh my god I-I'm so sorry oh god oh god are you okay- Oh my god you are bleeding, S-Suga-san fetch tissues!"
Seijou was surprised by the taller ones antics yet Iwaizumi couldn't be surprised by that. Asahi was quite sensitive, and would blame himself forever for such things.
"Don't take it too hard!" Nishinoya grinned and slammed his hand against Asahi's back with a wide smile, "It wasn't your fault!"
"Nishinoya I-"
"Nope! Not your fault. Things happen, Asahi-san. It's a game."

Sugawara and Yahaba returned with tissues and Kunimi helped Kindaichi back onto his feet.
"Stop daydreaming dumbass!" Iwaizumi barked and Kindaichi grinned sheepishly.
"S-sorry! I'm so sorry!"
"I have to be sorry!" Asahi exclaimed again, only to be shushed down by Nishinoya again who started to lecture him once more.
"...continue?" Kyoutani quietly suggested, only to receive a punch of-

Not Iwaizumi. Oikawa.
Oikawa had smacked his head with his palm and barked a "Kindaichi is injured bastard!! No way in hell am I continuing!!"
Everyone stared at Oikawa as if he had just announced he was going to become Karasuno's setter. Oikawa punched somebody?!
"Who are you and what have you done to Oikawa?" Yahaba finally spluttered and Hanamaki slapped his hand onto Oikawa's forehead to feel for fever, him smacking it away again.
"I'm fine! Geesh. Let's take a break~! Just until Kindaichi can play better again~"
Protests echoed through both Seijou and Karasuno but they knew without Oikawa there wouldn't be half the fun.

While everyone settled down with drinks and towels, Asahi sneaked closer to the setter to the point where Oikawa noticed the stare and flashed a glance at him.
"It's not about Kindaichi, is it?" Asahi mouthed into his direction and Oikawa stiffened for a moment. How had he noticed? However, this was enough for Asahi and his eyes darted over Seijou to make out a possible reason for Oikawa to stop in midgame. They came to a halt on the person he knew was most important to Oikawa.


Before he could ask, Oikawa was suddenly very close and motioned him to shut up.
"...leg is injured..." he muttered and Asahi nodded slowly, eyes never leaving the Seijou ace who chatted away with a surprisingly talkative Kageyama and Sugawara.

After a break, where Kindaichi managed to control his nosebleed, Seijou and Karasuno settled back in on the court for the game. Oikawa eyed Iwaizumi out of the corner of his eyes and sighed playfully. How could Iwaizumi keep playing with his leg this bruised? Or did he really worry too much and Iwaizumi was fine? Oikawa didn't know but honestly wasn't in the mood to risk it.


"That was great," Iwaizumi stated, bag hanging lazily over his shoulder. Oikawa and he were on their way home, enjoying each others presence even when Iwaizumi wouldn't ever admit that. Warm sunrays danced over his skin, a fresh breeze blew around his head, the air smelled like curry buns from a local stand and the ace knew, in this moment he couldn't have been happier.
Seijou accepted him, Oikawa waddled after him 24/7 and chimed 'Iwa-chan' like a broken record. Everything was perfect.

Oikawa caught a glympse of Iwa-chan's expression and his breath hitched ever so slightly, his heart skipped a tiny beat and his face grew warm.
He looks so happy...
Iwaizumi had one of the most beautiful and astonishing smiles and Oikawa would fight anyone on that. But now, now he combined every little bit of his beauty to this wonderful expression. God, he loved him so much.
Iwaizumi's phone cut him off midsentence and the ace gasped.
"Ahh! Shoot! Azumane said he found my trikot! I'll run and fetch it, see you on monday Trashykawa!"
Iwaizumi turned on his heel and dashed off into the crowd, leaving Oikawa at the porch.

"Love you!!" he shouted after him and Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, keeping up his speed and yelling, "Yeah yeah I know!!"
Oikawa opened his porch with a bitter smile and nodded to himself.
"Yeah... I don't think so."

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