Smug Foxes and Their Candy

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With eyes as wide as plates, Oikawa stared at the smug redhead in front of him, mouth twitching into a lopsided grin.
"What the heck..." He murmured, eyes following his outlines to examine him properly. Tendou Satori, an inu just like them? Hinata and Nishinoya had proudly presented him as Oikawa's solution for Iwaizumi's stubbornness concerning his confessions. The guy whose life essence was to mock opposite players whenever he could on the battlefield? Oikawa still remembered the last time he saw Tendou in front of him, cheering victoriously, rubbing their victory in Oikawa's emotionless face.

That guy was an inu?

"Yo," Tendou grinned, lifting a hand as a greeting. Oikawa responded with the usual peace sign he had taken months to perfect for his social accounts.
"So what's the plan?" Tendou proceeded to ask; and Oikawa sprang to life the moment those words snappee him back into concentration.
"Just act like you're into me. Not that it's difficult, I'm gorgeous after all," he hummed, raking a hand through his fluffy hair. Tendou's left eyebrow rose slightly higher while the middle blocker examined him from head to toe. Act flirty, huh? Simple enough.

"I'm just gonna assume we're eating ice cream. Boooring."
Oikawa flashed a glance back at the parlor with a look that asked if he was serious, why else would they drag him here? He felt his left eye twitching while he crossed his arms.
"What else would you prefer?"
Tendou leaned closer, undoubtedly raising a bit onto his toes to be able to tower much better over Aoba Johsai's setter.
"Staying here and looking at you seems more of a fun activity to me."

Oikawa sputtered and took a step back, surprised. Hell, he was used to girls hitting on him, but boys was a whole different level.
"Oh my god keep it down, will you? Iwa-chan isn't even here yet!"
"Oh forget spikey, important is that here and now, with you and me...~"
The last few words had had his tone dropped a few accents lower and Oikawa felt himself growing embarassed. This was nothing like being hit on by girls. Though right now he was more worrying about how convincing Tendou was-

Asahi stared at his watch, then over towards Oikawa and Tendou, former... was blushing? Tendou was scarily good at this if he even managed to smitten Oikawa. The ace rolled his eyes with a deep and painful sigh. Better not interrupt this.
A voice called out behind him and said one flinched, only to turn around and catch view of his friend Iwaizumi crossing roads to get towards him. Asahi exhaled softly, trying to get rid of the tension inside his body, before he quietly stepped forward and waved at the smiling inu.
"Good to see you, Iwaizumi. Ready to go?"
Iwaizumi opened his mouth to answer but, breath caught in his throat, he forgot how to speak for a solid minute. What was that? Iwaizumi sucked in a deep breath to filter out this smell and pinpoint where it came from. An inu? Not only that, a territorial inu. In his own domain? Brown eyes searched left and right before stopping on a certain redhead.

The view was something Iwaizumi hadn't ever dreamed to see. Why was that Tendou guy being so careless? A frown on his lips, Iwaizumi went up to intervene but stopped dead in his tracks as realization overcame him what Tendou was actually doing there.
Towering over the slightly smaller Oikawa, a smirk on his lips, a smooth and jealousy creating reddish and white tail wrapped around Oikawa's hibs, and soft ears perked up... no way.
"Y-yes...?" Asahi watched Iwaizumi with growing concern. It didn't help the situation that Tendou was confident enough to show his inu traits off on public like this, and had a quite blushy Oikawa backed against the wall of the very ice cream parlor those two had wanted to spend some time in. Trying to ignure the buldging vein on Iwaizumi's forehead, Asahi tried to send out some calm energy on his own to make Iwaizumi relax at least a bit, yet to no avail.
" it me... or is there an inu... flaunting pheromones in my territory... flirting with Shittykawa...?"
Gulping down his upcoming panic, Asahi tried to force a smile and stuttered out a "M-maybe i-it%s a misunderstanding, y-you can't know for sure!"

Oikawa was fascinated by what was happening. Iwaizumi's tail wasn't long enough nor fluffy enough to wrap comfy around his waist, and Tendou had a different yet oh so similar glim to his eyes like his crush had. He finally realized the reason for his way too spikey hairstyle- it was perfectly made to hide the reddish ears poking out of his head behind loads and loads of red hair- Oikawa didn't even want to know how long it took for Tendou to style it like that.
He tried to say something but no voice was coming out of his lips as he realized that Tendou was slowly leaning in, a soft flicker of his eyes to the right and a pink rough tongue wetting his lips in delight before suddenly, a harsh force pulled Oikawa out of his daydreaming.

Yelping in surprise, Oikawa came face to face with a furious looking Iwaizumi, vein on his forehead pumping, hands gripping Tendou's hoodie who began to grin into his face.
Asahi made himself as small as possible like ten meters away, embarassed to be seen as the company of the guy who interrupted a gay kiss. Was Tendou actually going to kiss Oikawa? Asahi wasn't quite sure but definitely knew he wasn't going to ask any further.
"Oya? Why so angry, spikey? Can't a guy enjoy a good flirt?"

Oikawa was watching in a mix of pure fascination and horror as Iwaizumi's red face slowly began to turn purple. With a highly surpressed voice he hissed back at the smug Tendou, "You can't just flaunt your ears and tail all over in public!"
"Relax. People know I'm weird, and it looks fake enough to go through as a cosplay. Little do they know...", his tail once again found its way around Oikawa's hib, pulling the latter with a soft squeak of embarassment and surprise closer again, "- it's very much real~"

Iwaizumi's wild eyes flickered back and forth between Oikawa and Tendou before he finally couldn't hold it anymore.
The smile on Tendou's lips grew wider, nearly razor alike, and Oikawa's face turned from pink to crimson.
"...I-Iwa-chan...? C-could you please repeat that last part...?"

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