Chapter 14

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Oikawa strolled into the gym to face a view he wasn't exactly prepared for.

"Wow, this actually works."
"Didn't expect that one."
"Hey Iwaizumi, do you like it?"
"If you fucking dare to stop I will punch you..." their fellow inu snarled halfheartedly under his breath, eyes closed to enjoy the physical contact. He had obviously tried to sound threatening, yet his fluttering ears mildly destroyed that. Hanamaki and Matsukawa exchanged a glance, grinning to themselves. This was pretty adorable, and a way to calm Iwaizumi down from his anger. Huh. Who could have known this was going to be so easy.

Oikawa watched with wide eyes, brain shutting off. A tiny pang of jealousy went through his heart, yet he couldn't bring himself to voice it because it was missing, he felt like his vocal chords were misfunctioning.

Because there was Iwaizumi, deeply engrossed into a petting session of Hanamaki and Matsukawa, who kept their hands running through his soft fur and over his scalp.
"Yoho~!" Oikawa announced himself, hand raising to his trademark peace sign, and Iwaizumi darted away from his two team members who bursted out giggling.
"Don't startle me like this!!"
Oikawa pushed up a pouty lip, elegantly ignoring this in favor of stretching both hands out to his best friend and crush, saying "I want to pet you too, Iwa-chan!" followed by a harsh "Shut up! Absolutely not!" from his ace. Oikawa's hands dropped and he let out a soft complaining whine, instead hooking onto Iwaizumi's arm.
"Come on Iwa-chan! You looked like you were enjoying it!"

Absolutely not, like hell will I let you do this, I've embarassed myself enough!

"Not a chance! And you are late! Where have you been?!" Iwaizumi shoved Oikawa softly, trying to look angry while hoping to distract from the view he had just witnessed, "Have you been flirting with girls again?! Practice is important and you know that."
Oikawa frowned and turned his head away, guiltily avoiding the piercing eyes of his disappointed crush.
"M-maybe. But it's so hard to escape from them! I'm not like you, Iwa-chan! Girls like me way too much!"
Iwaizumi could feel his eye twitching. Thanks a lot, Shittykawa.

It wasn't until the end of practice where the team was changing clothes inside the locker room, that Yahaba approached Iwaizumi and patted his shoulder to announce himself.
"Hey Iwaizumi-san."
Iwaizumi froze, paused, then grinned at his team mate and nodded towards him before focusing onto the task of taking on his shirt.
Yahaba stood quietly behind the ace and watched, unsure how to continue. Iwaizumi caught a whiff of his scent and sighed. Nervousity.

"What is it?" he asked, turning around to face him. Yahaba widened his eyes for a moment, sputtering, quickly trying to regain his composure. A soft glance going Oikawa's way to be completely sure he wasn't listening in was all he needed.
"Iwaizumi-san, you shouldn't beat yourself up about this so much." Said one opened his mouth to ask what the heck he was talking about but Yahaba interruped him, resuming his speech.
"Oikawa-san is popular, we all know it. But I'm sure if you'd talk to him and tell him how you feel," And finally accept his confessions, Yahaba added in his mind, "He would stop letting himself get caught up in all his fangirls. Though I can't understand what they all find about him..."

Iwaizumi stared at him for a moment, then snorted and grabbed his bag to swing it gently over his shoulder.
"Nice one."
Without letting Yahaba say another word, Iwaizumi marched out of the room and down the stairs. Yeah, this was not going to happen. Definitely not.

Yahaba approached Oikawa with an apologetic expression, sighing, eyes lasting on the door.
"Sorry. I've tried my best."
"Don't worry," Oikawa's smile faltered a little, yet it wasn't going to bother him more than usual, "You've tried."
He as well took his leave out of the locker room, wanting to think. Why was Iwaizumi so desperate of trying to friendzone him? Was he really that awful of a person?
Oikawa let out a deep sigh. He couldn't have been that annoying for Iwa-chan to deny all his confessions.

A sudden squeak caught his attention, the setter stilled and raised his head, thoughts going poof.

What was that?

Another squeak set his attention to a certain corner. A wonder he hadn't noticed Oikawa yet, perhaps he was in too deep thoughts, and said one immediately used that to his advantage and hurried behind the next corner, sneakily taking glance at Iwaizumi to see what he was doing there.
To the unknowing eye, it was a certainly weird view. Iwaizumi sat curled up in a shadowed area of the school, bag neatly placed next to him, easily overseeable for those who didn't pay attention to their surroundings.
Oikawa squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look, wondering what Iwaizumi was doing there. He was holding something close, but what?

His eyes opened wide when he finally realized what this object was that Iwaizumi cradled close to his body. It was the same second as another small squeak came from this thing.
Iwaizumi was quietly nosing at the squeaky ball Oikawa had bought for him the day prior.

Is he... playing with it...?

Iwaizumi squeezed the ball once again and another squeak came out. The ace's lips curled up into a half smile, before he took a cautious glance around the area and Oikawa, positively blushing, just managed to hide at the last second. Quieter squeaks came now from the ball, and the view was adorable as soon as he dared to look around the corner again.

Iwa-chan is chewing on a dog toy. Iwa-chan is chewing on a dog toy.

Oikawa had to restrain himself from awwing out loud and ruining the moment. Full attention lasting on his toy, Iwaizumi bit down into the soft rubber, eyes shining whenever he heard a small squeak as his reward.
Covering his mouth with his hand, Oikawa took the other to snap a quiet picture of his friend, smiling wider than usual. It was mildly hilarious to him that he had actually nailed the present this well, and a wave of smug pride overcame him.

He's actually cute like this. Not as cute as I am, obviously, but cute. Like a puppy.

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