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It didn't take long to find a quint little coffee shop just two blocks from the park you had all left. A quick game of rock-paper-scissors decided Taehyung would be the one to go inside and fetch the coffee, while Jimin and yourself found a table outside on the deck area attached to the building for you all to claim. You figured, sitting outside you might get less 'looks' from other people should anyone hear Jimin and Taehyung addressing a third party person who wasn't actually there. 

You slipped into the wooden chair and stretched out your arms as you relaxed your muscles. Jimin took the seat across from you, leaving the seat to your right open for Taehyung. Raising your arms above your head you offered up a quite little yawn as you felt mildly tired, nothing the coffee couldn't fix though. 

"Don't tell me you're ready to tap out." Jimin leaned against back in his seat, the setting sun just beyond the tree behind him, nearly making you blind as you met his gaze. 

"Not a chance." You waved your hand before flopping your palms back into your lap. "Plus, yawning doesn't mean you're tired. It's a lack of oxygen to the brain." A soft 'I think...' trailed soon after that statement, you weren't sure if that was something you read somewhere or something maybe your mother just told you growing up. 

Jimin held up his hands in surrender, puckering his lips as he wobbled his head as if to taunt you as he silently said 'eXcUsE mE...' Which made you both laugh softly to yourselves. Holding your hands on the table you leaned forward, tilting your head just slightly as you used a shaded spot to try and clear your vision from the blinding sun behind him. 

"So..." You nipped at your lower lip as a question rolled across your mind. "I'm not trying to stir up a bad past but, I am curious about something..." You took in a breath, hoping the question wouldn't cause Jimin's mood to run sour but the idea of asking Taehyung himself just didn't seem pleasing and you felt you needed to know.  

"What is it?" Jimin's face distorted slightly, showing both his concern and curiosity to your sudden outburst. Never the less, he offered you up his attention. 

"The night Taehyung died... was he the only casualty in the crash?" You hesitated on your words but exactly how did you go about asking a question like that normally? You were sure asking Taehyung yourself would likely upset him, more so if the answer turned out to be yes. 

"...No." Jimin hesitated too, taking in a breath before finally answering your question. In unison, both of your eyes averted down. 

You remembered Taehyung saying he was with friends the night he died, that it was a crash and the driver didn't see the black ice. Come to think of it, that question might not have been easy for Jimin to answer either. They were best friends, Jimin and Taehyung, so it was logical to assume they had a shared group of friends, at least to some extent. As soon as you realised this, your mouth opened-- 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean t--" 

Jimin raised his hand, signaling for you to stop. He shook his head as his black hair shimmied about and tickled at his lashes, his eyes bright and large with the absence of a smile. "It's okay." He put his hand down and rested it back into his lap as he took in another breath. 

"There were four people the car, two were badly injured and two... didn't make it." Jimin's gaze averted to the shop window you both sat beside, seeing Taehyung just beyond the glass as he paid the woman for their drinks and waited calmly beside the counter. 

"I'm sorry." You hung your head, a sense of remorse and guilt for digging up the past forming a ball in the pit of your stomach as you shallowed your empty throat. 

"It's okay." Jimin's eyes finally met your frame again. "I'm okay." He added, forcing a sweet smile as he tried to calm your nerves. "I think I'm capable of handling the idea of death a lot better then Taehyung is. Then again, I had many years to prepare for my own, so that's probably why." 

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