Campfire Skit

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"Hey." Shiro said, popping his head into Star cabin. "Is Keith in here?"

Keith looked up from his phone and set it on the floor. "Yeah?"

You and Keith are doing the campfire skit tonight. 

"Why us?" Keith asked. "I'm not complaining but... why?"

Shiro smirked. "Because you two are funny."

"He may be my boyfriend but we argue a lot. I don't know if we can cooperate on a skit."

"It's ok." Shiro assured. "Pidge is on it."

"We got this." Pidge said. She was doing inverted curl-ups on the top of the only bunk bed in the cabin. She jumped down and smiled. "I have just the skit."


Pidge got Lance out of the room in the back of the cabin where he was reading a book. "Lance- we need you outside."

Lance got up. "Why?"

"You and Keith are doing the skit tonight."

The three of them and Hunk were outside in the common area the three cabins sat around. Hunk and Pidge were holding up a bed sheet and there were some items on the ground. A basketball, a tennis ball, a washcloth, a towel, a twig, a stick.

"What are we doing?" Lance asked.

"You'll see." Pidge said. "Keith, take a seat behind the curtain." 

Keith sat on the ground.

"Good." Pidge said. "So the skit is pretty easy. You throw the small items to Keith behind the sheet and then he throws the bigger items out the other side like it's 'magically' growing."

"That's it?" Lance asked. "That's easy."

"Yep." Pidge agreed.

The sun wasn't quite setting yet. Hunk started the campfire and the kids sat around on benches on one side. They sang songs out of song booklets and watched a couple of funny skits. Finally, Lance got up from his seat with the kids and joined Keith and Pidge. Hunk was setting up the sheet. Pidge took one end and held it up while Hunk took the other side.

"Behold!" Lance announced. "This machine magically makes things bigger! Just watch!"

Hunk winked at Keith. 

Pidge threw in a twig and a stick came out the other side and then a washcloth turned into a towel. A tennis ball became a basketball. Then Pidge grinned and threw a cup of water onto Keith and Keith stood up. Lance was still in front of the curtain. Keith lifted up a bucket and dumped it over Lance's head. Lance shrugged under the bucket of water. It was cold.

"What was that?!" Lance asked, waving a fist at Keith. Shiro was cracking up with Allura in the back. All of the kids were laughing and having a good time, watching the idiot show that was their counselors.

Lance sat back down with his group. He, too, was laughing now. The kids were still giggling during Hunk's campfire story about a bean and a potato. When the sun finally set, they faced the lake and sang their camp songs before being dismissed to their cabins to get ready for bed.

Coran came over and handed out bedtime meds at exactly 9, after the kids showered and were in pajamas. Lance was in his room with the door open. He reached into his suitcase and took out a cardboard box. He used the Wish app to buy a shit ton of glow sticks.

"Glow sticks!" He shouted. He threw one to each kid. They were ecstatic, waving them around and having a good time.

Keith came over when he heard the kids all the way from his cabin.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"We're having a rave!" One kid shouted.

"Yo little man- how do you know what that is?"

"I like dubstep." He shrugged.

"NERD!" another kid shouted. "I bet you play Fortnite."

"No." The kid retorted. "I play Minecraft, you sack of shit."

"Woah!" Keith said. "Language, children. You're not in middle school yet."

Keith walked back to Lance's room.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Just tired."

"Get ready for tomorrow." Keith said.

"What's tomorrow?"

"Another day of camp."  

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